thresholds in random csps

Thresholds in random CSPs Nike Sun (Berkeley) Counting complexity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Thresholds in random CSPs Nike Sun (Berkeley) Counting complexity and phase transitions Simons Institute, Berkeley 28 January 2016 Plan for the talk Introduction: random k -SAT model Threshold conjecture, Friedguts theorem Statistical

  1. Friedgut’s theorem Friedgut (’99) proved there is a threshold sequence α sat p n q : sharp threshold α sat independent of n increasing α o k p 1 q gap lim inf n α sat p n q ă lim sup n α sat p n q best prior bounds: Coja-Oghlan– Kirousis–Kranakis– –Panagiotou ’14 –Krizanc–Stamatiou ’96 Threshold conjecture: Friedgut’s theorem (8/28)

  2. Friedgut’s theorem Friedgut (’99) proved there is a threshold sequence α sat p n q : this talk: sharp threshold MMZ ’06, DSS ’14 sharp threshold α sat independent of n increasing α (earlier rigorous lower bounds) o k p 1 q gap algorithmic: Frieze–Suen ’96, Coja-Oghlan ’10 Achlioptas–Moore ’02 Achlioptas–Peres ’03 best prior bounds: Coja-Oghlan– Kirousis–Kranakis– –Panagiotou ’14 –Krizanc–Stamatiou ’96 Threshold conjecture: Friedgut’s theorem (8/28)

  3. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  4. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  5. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  6. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . ! ´ ¯) E Z “ 2 n p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n α “ exp ln 2 ` α ln p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n . Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  7. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . ! ´ ¯) E Z “ 2 n p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n α “ exp ln 2 ` α ln p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n . Exponent zero at α 1 . “ 2 k ln 2. Above α 1 , E Z ≪ 1. Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  8. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . ! ´ ¯) E Z “ 2 n p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n α “ exp ln 2 ` α ln p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n . Exponent zero at α 1 . “ 2 k ln 2. Above α 1 , E Z ≪ 1. P p Z ‰ 0 q ď E Z , so Z “ 0 whp. So if α sat exists, it is ď α 1 . Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  9. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . ! ´ ¯) E Z “ 2 n p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n α “ exp ln 2 ` α ln p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n . Exponent zero at α 1 . “ 2 k ln 2. Above α 1 , E Z ≪ 1. P p Z ‰ 0 q ď E Z , so Z “ 0 whp. So if α sat exists, it is ď α 1 . The bound isn’t tight: there is a non-trivial interval p α sat , α 1 q where E Z ≫ 1 even though Z “ 0 with high probability. Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  10. First moment Let Z p G q ” | SOL p G q| ” #satisfying assignments of G . Denote Z ” Z p G q where G is a random k -SAT formula with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses. Assume m “ n α . ! ´ ¯) E Z “ 2 n p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n α “ exp ln 2 ` α ln p 1 ´ 1 { 2 k q n . Exponent zero at α 1 . “ 2 k ln 2. Above α 1 , E Z ≪ 1. P p Z ‰ 0 q ď E Z , so Z “ 0 whp. So if α sat exists, it is ď α 1 . The bound isn’t tight: there is a non-trivial interval p α sat , α 1 q where E Z ≫ 1 even though Z “ 0 with high probability. Thus E Z is dominated by a rare event where Z is extremely large. Threshold conjecture: First moment (9/28)

  11. Statistical physics of random CSPs

  12. Statistical physics of random CSPs A major challenge has been to understand the complicated geometry of the solution space SOL for random CSPs. Statistical physics: Statistical physics of random CSPs (10/28)

  13. Statistical physics of random CSPs A major challenge has been to understand the complicated geometry of the solution space SOL for random CSPs. Statistical physicists made major advances on this front by showing how to adapt heuristics from the study of spin glasses (disordered magnets) to explain the CSP solution space. M´ ezard–Parisi ’85, ’86, ’87; Fu–Anderson ’86 Statistical physics: Statistical physics of random CSPs (10/28)

  14. Statistical physics of random CSPs A major challenge has been to understand the complicated geometry of the solution space SOL for random CSPs. Statistical physicists made major advances on this front by showing how to adapt heuristics from the study of spin glasses (disordered magnets) to explain the CSP solution space. M´ ezard–Parisi ’85, ’86, ’87; Fu–Anderson ’86 Some remarkable physics conjectures for spin glasses & CSPs on dense graphs have been rigorously proved: Aldous ’00, Guerra ’03, Talagrand ’06, Panchenko ’11, W¨ astlund ’10 (for conjectures of Parisi, M´ ezard, Krauth in ’70s and ’80s) Statistical physics: Statistical physics of random CSPs (10/28)

  15. Statistical physics of random CSPs A major challenge has been to understand the complicated geometry of the solution space SOL for random CSPs. Statistical physicists made major advances on this front by showing how to adapt heuristics from the study of spin glasses (disordered magnets) to explain the CSP solution space. M´ ezard–Parisi ’85, ’86, ’87; Fu–Anderson ’86 Some remarkable physics conjectures for spin glasses & CSPs on dense graphs have been rigorously proved: Aldous ’00, Guerra ’03, Talagrand ’06, Panchenko ’11, W¨ astlund ’10 (for conjectures of Parisi, M´ ezard, Krauth in ’70s and ’80s) Less is understood for sparse models like random k -SAT. Statistical physics: Statistical physics of random CSPs (10/28)

  16. A ‘universality class’ of sparse random CSPs Extensive physics literature proposes a class of sparse random CSPs exhibiting the same qualitative behavior — ‘1RSB’. Krz¸ aka� la–Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian–Zdeborov´ a ’07, Zdeborov´ a–Krz¸ aka� la ’07, Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian ’08 Statistical physics: A ‘universality class’ of sparse CSPs (11/28)

  17. A ‘universality class’ of sparse random CSPs Extensive physics literature proposes a class of sparse random CSPs exhibiting the same qualitative behavior — ‘1RSB’. Krz¸ aka� la–Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian–Zdeborov´ a ’07, Zdeborov´ a–Krz¸ aka� la ’07, Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian ’08 Such models are believed to exhibit a complex phase diagram: solution space SOL exhibits several distinct behaviors. KMRSZ ’07 Statistical physics: A ‘universality class’ of sparse CSPs (11/28)

  18. A ‘universality class’ of sparse random CSPs Extensive physics literature proposes a class of sparse random CSPs exhibiting the same qualitative behavior — ‘1RSB’. Krz¸ aka� la–Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian–Zdeborov´ a ’07, Zdeborov´ a–Krz¸ aka� la ’07, Montanari–Ricci-Tersenghi–Semerjian ’08 Such models are believed to exhibit a complex phase diagram: solution space SOL exhibits several distinct behaviors. KMRSZ ’07 Structural phenomena have been linked to algorithmic barriers. e.g. Achlioptas–Coja-Oghlan ’08, Sly ’10, Gamarnik–Sudan ’13, Rahman–Virag ’14 Statistical physics: A ‘universality class’ of sparse CSPs (11/28)

  19. The 1RSB threshold increasing α UNSAT The 1RSB models are predicted to exhibit a very specific clustering structure in the regime of α preceding α sat . (more on this later) Statistical physics: The 1RSB threshold (12/28)

  20. The 1RSB threshold increasing α UNSAT The 1RSB models are predicted to exhibit a very specific clustering structure in the regime of α preceding α sat . (more on this later) On the basis of this structural assumption , one can derive an explicit conjecture α sat “ α ‹ . This is the 1RSB threshold formula . Similar formulas can be derived in other models. derivation for random k -SAT: Mertens–M´ ezard–Zecchina ’06 Statistical physics: The 1RSB threshold (12/28)

  21. Moment method and 1RSB In prior literature, best bounds on α sat are by moment method on Z (number of solutions), with increasingly sophisticated truncation/conditioning to handle the non-concentration of Z . Kirousis–Kranakis–Krizanc–Stamatiou ’96 Achlioptas–Moore ’02, Achlioptas–Peres ’03, Coja-Oghlan–Panagiotou ’14 Statistical physics: Moment method and 1RSB (13/28)

  22. Moment method and 1RSB In prior literature, best bounds on α sat are by moment method on Z (number of solutions), with increasingly sophisticated truncation/conditioning to handle the non-concentration of Z . Kirousis–Kranakis–Krizanc–Stamatiou ’96 Achlioptas–Moore ’02, Achlioptas–Peres ’03, Coja-Oghlan–Panagiotou ’14 The physics explains the source of non-concentration (‘RSB’) — strongly suggests moment method on Z cannot detect α sat . The 1RSB hypothesis indicates a better path to the threshold. Statistical physics: Moment method and 1RSB (13/28)

  23. Moment method and 1RSB In prior literature, best bounds on α sat are by moment method on Z (number of solutions), with increasingly sophisticated truncation/conditioning to handle the non-concentration of Z . Kirousis–Kranakis–Krizanc–Stamatiou ’96 Achlioptas–Moore ’02, Achlioptas–Peres ’03, Coja-Oghlan–Panagiotou ’14 The physics explains the source of non-concentration (‘RSB’) — strongly suggests moment method on Z cannot detect α sat . The 1RSB hypothesis indicates a better path to the threshold. The predicted threshold value α ‹ is a complicated function — makes it (highly) unlikely that a rigorous determination of α sat can be made without relying on the physics insight. Statistical physics: Moment method and 1RSB (13/28)

  24. Replica symmetry breaking

  25. SAT as graphical model We can adopt another perspective on the random k -SAT solution space SOL Ď t + , - u n , by defining ν ” uniform probability measure over SOL . RSB: SAT as graphical model (14/28)

  26. SAT as graphical model We can adopt another perspective on the random k -SAT solution space SOL Ď t + , - u n , by defining ν ” uniform probability measure over SOL . Fix the k -SAT instance, thereby fixing ν , and consider X „ ν : a t + , - u -valued stochastic process indexed by the variables. RSB: SAT as graphical model (14/28)

  27. SAT as graphical model We can adopt another perspective on the random k -SAT solution space SOL Ď t + , - u n , by defining ν ” uniform probability measure over SOL . Fix the k -SAT instance, thereby fixing ν , and consider X „ ν : a t + , - u -valued stochastic process indexed by the variables. Asking about the geometric structure of SOL can be recast as asking about the behavior of typical samples X „ ν . RSB: SAT as graphical model (14/28)

  28. SAT as graphical model We can adopt another perspective on the random k -SAT solution space SOL Ď t + , - u n , by defining ν ” uniform probability measure over SOL . Fix the k -SAT instance, thereby fixing ν , and consider X „ ν : a t + , - u -valued stochastic process indexed by the variables. Asking about the geometric structure of SOL can be recast as asking about the behavior of typical samples X „ ν . The (random) measure ν is an example of a graphical model (or factor model/Gibbs measure/Markov random field ). RSB: SAT as graphical model (14/28)

  29. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  30. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . We say ν is RS if faraway variables are ‘nearly independent’ (correlation decay) . RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  31. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . We say ν is RS if faraway variables are ‘nearly independent’ iid (correlation decay) . In particular, if X 1 , X 2 „ ν ( replicas ), RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  32. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . We say ν is RS if faraway variables are ‘nearly independent’ iid (correlation decay) . In particular, if X 1 , X 2 „ ν ( replicas ), then ÿ n overlap p X 1 , X 2 q ” 1 X 1 i X 2 i n i “ 1 RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  33. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . We say ν is RS if faraway variables are ‘nearly independent’ iid (correlation decay) . In particular, if X 1 , X 2 „ ν ( replicas ), then ÿ n overlap p X 1 , X 2 q ” 1 X 1 i X 2 is concentrated (LLN). i n i “ 1 RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  34. RS(B) in graphical models Physicists classify graphical models ν as replica symmetric or replica symmetry breaking ( RS/RSB ) as follows. For simplicity, assume variables X i take values in t + , - u for all 1 ď i ď n . We say ν is RS if faraway variables are ‘nearly independent’ iid (correlation decay) . In particular, if X 1 , X 2 „ ν ( replicas ), then ÿ n overlap p X 1 , X 2 q ” 1 X 1 i X 2 is concentrated (LLN). i n i “ 1 Otherwise, ν has long-range dependencies and it is RSB. In this case overlap p X 1 , X 2 q has a non-trivial distribution. failure of correlation decay is a key source of difficulty in the analysis RSB: RS(B) in graphical models (15/28)

  35. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. Replicas X 1 , X 2 iid „ ν are in different clusters with high probability, and are nearly orthogonal (clusters are far apart). Thus overlap p X 1 , X 2 q is whp near zero. This is the RS regime. RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  36. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  37. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. Replicas X 1 , X 2 iid „ ν are in different clusters with high probability, and are nearly orthogonal (clusters are far apart). RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  38. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. Replicas X 1 , X 2 iid „ ν are in different clusters with high probability, and are nearly orthogonal (clusters are far apart). Thus overlap p X 1 , X 2 q is whp near zero. RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  39. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. Replicas X 1 , X 2 iid „ ν are in different clusters with high probability, and are nearly orthogonal (clusters are far apart). Thus overlap p X 1 , X 2 q is whp near zero. This is the RS regime. RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  40. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α In one regime, SOL has exponentially many clusters, each carrying an exponentially small fraction of the total mass. Replicas X 1 , X 2 iid „ ν are in different clusters with high probability, and are nearly orthogonal (clusters are far apart). Thus overlap p X 1 , X 2 q is whp near zero. This is the RS regime. RSB: RS in SAT context (16/28)

  41. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α Nearer to α sat , almost all mass in bounded number of clusters. RSB: RSB in SAT context (17/28)

  42. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α Nearer to α sat , almost all mass in bounded number of clusters. iid Replicas X 1 , X 2 „ ν are either in different clusters with overlap . “ 0, or in the same cluster with overlap . “ 1. RSB: RSB in SAT context (17/28)

  43. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α Nearer to α sat , almost all mass in bounded number of clusters. iid Replicas X 1 , X 2 „ ν are either in different clusters with overlap . “ 0, or in the same cluster with overlap . “ 1. Both events occur with non-neglible probability, so overlap distribution is non-trivial. RSB: RSB in SAT context (17/28)

  44. RS(B) in SAT context Random k -SAT exhibits both RS and RSB regimes: increasing α Nearer to α sat , almost all mass in bounded number of clusters. iid Replicas X 1 , X 2 „ ν are either in different clusters with overlap . “ 0, or in the same cluster with overlap . “ 1. Both events occur with non-neglible probability, so overlap distribution is non-trivial. This is the RSB regime. RSB: RSB in SAT context (17/28)

  45. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  46. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  47. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  48. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. A typical x P SOL thus has ě n π free variables . RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  49. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. A typical x P SOL thus has ě n π free variables . By sparsity, extract n π 1 free variables with no shared clauses. RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  50. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. A typical x P SOL thus has ě n π free variables . By sparsity, extract n π 1 free variables with no shared clauses. Flipping any subset of these variables gives another r x P SOL : RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  51. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. A typical x P SOL thus has ě n π free variables . By sparsity, extract n π 1 free variables with no shared clauses. Flipping any subset of these variables gives another r x P SOL : x P cluster Ď SOL with | cluster | ě 2 n π 1 . RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  52. Clusters of solutions Why does the solution space SOL exhibit clustering? increasing α The random SAT graph is sparse — each variable participates in bounded number of clauses. Each clause has some freedom. A typical x P SOL thus has ě n π free variables . By sparsity, extract n π 1 free variables with no shared clauses. Flipping any subset of these variables gives another r x P SOL : x P cluster Ď SOL with | cluster | ě 2 n π 1 . Such clustering is a generic feature of sparse random CSPs. RSB: Clusters of solutions (18/28)

  53. Condensation, 1RSB, and cluster encodings

  54. Where are we? Random k -SAT with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses: 1RSB: Review (19/28)

  55. Where are we? Random k -SAT with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses: So far, we’ve tried to give a tour of the phase diagram — the (conjectural) geometry of SOL Ď t + , - u n , as α varies. geometry Ø correlation decay properties 1RSB: Review (19/28)

  56. Where are we? Random k -SAT with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses: So far, we’ve tried to give a tour of the phase diagram — the (conjectural) geometry of SOL Ď t + , - u n , as α varies. geometry Ø correlation decay properties How did physicists actually come up with such a picture (complete with exact numerical predictions)? 1RSB: Review (19/28)

  57. Where are we? Random k -SAT with n variables, m „ Poisson p n α q clauses: So far, we’ve tried to give a tour of the phase diagram — the (conjectural) geometry of SOL Ď t + , - u n , as α varies. geometry Ø correlation decay properties How did physicists actually come up with such a picture (complete with exact numerical predictions)? What are the implications for the rigorous approaches to α sat ? For example, how does all this relate back to E Z ? 1RSB: Review (19/28)

  58. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  59. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) expected #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ exp t n Σ p s q ` o p n qu 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  60. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) expected #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ exp t n Σ p s q ` o p n qu for explicit Σ p s q , the so-called ‘cluster complexity function.’ (Implicitly, Σ p s q “ Σ p s ; α q .) 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  61. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) expected #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ exp t n Σ p s q ` o p n qu for explicit Σ p s q , the so-called ‘cluster complexity function.’ (Implicitly, Σ p s q “ Σ p s ; α q .) Then Z “ | SOL | has expectation ÿ E Z “ exp t n r s ` Σ p s qsu . 0 ď s ď ln 2 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  62. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) expected #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ exp t n Σ p s q ` o p n qu for explicit Σ p s q , the so-called ‘cluster complexity function.’ (Implicitly, Σ p s q “ Σ p s ; α q .) Then Z “ | SOL | has expectation ÿ E Z “ exp t n r s ` Σ p s qsu . 0 ď s ď ln 2 Dominated by s “ s ‹ where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  63. Cluster complexity function Under an additional set of assumptions (1RSB) (more later) expected #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns ` o p n qu . “ exp t n Σ p s q ` o p n qu for explicit Σ p s q , the so-called ‘cluster complexity function.’ (Implicitly, Σ p s q “ Σ p s ; α q .) Then Z “ | SOL | has expectation ÿ E Z “ exp t n r s ` Σ p s qsu . 0 ď s ď ln 2 Dominated by s “ s ‹ where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. Since we know Σ, we can see how max s r s ` Σ p s qs changes with α . 1RSB: Cluster complexity function (20/28)

  64. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  65. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  66. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  67. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  68. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  69. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB UNSAT Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  70. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB UNSAT Σ p s q s 0 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  71. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB UNSAT Σ p s q s 0 typical picture is dominated by O p 1 q clusters of this size (the condensation phenomenon) 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  72. RS to RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition) E Z . “ exp t n r s ‹ ` Σ p s ‹ qsu where Σ 1 p s ‹ q “ ´ 1. As α increases: RS RSB UNSAT Σ p s q s 0 typical picture is dominated by O p 1 q clusters of this size (the condensation phenomenon) Upon onset of RSB (condensation/Kauzmann transition), E Z becomes dominated by atypically large clusters. Z ≪ E Z whp. 1RSB: Condensation (21/28)

  73. Definition of 1RSB The detailed phase diagram is derived with the assumption expected #clusters of size exp t ns u . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns u 1RSB: Definition of 1RSB (22/28)

  74. Definition of 1RSB The detailed phase diagram is derived with the assumption expected #clusters of size exp t ns u . “ typical #clusters of size exp t ns u — from this, non-concentration of Z ô RSB in SOL . 1RSB: Definition of 1RSB (22/28)


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