this week we are looking at spellings with the prefix

This week, we are looking at spellings with the prefix anti- meaning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

This week, we are looking at spellings with the prefix anti- meaning against . Do you know what they all mean? Use a dictionary (or ask someone, or look it up online) to find the definitions. Work in groups. You have 10 minutes. antiseptic

  1. This week, we are looking at spellings with the prefix anti- meaning against . Do you know what they all mean? Use a dictionary (or ask someone, or look it up online) to find the definitions. Work in groups. You have 10 minutes. antiseptic anticlockwise antisocial antidote antibiotic antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant Start antigravity

  2. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic Luckily, Mr Jonas had anticlockwise antisocial an _________ cream in antidote his first aid kit to help antibiotic antivenom treat Adam’s arm. anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  3. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic After the snake bite, the anticlockwise __________ was antisocial antidote administered and the antibiotic traveller quickly recovered. antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  4. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic My mum always says a anticlockwise good ________ for antisocial antidote boredom is reading a antibiotic book! antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  5. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic The astronauts’ anticlockwise __________ clothing antisocial antidote helped them to achieve a antibiotic successful space walk. antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  6. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic Although the advert anticlockwise claimed that the new antisocial antidote ____________ worked all antibiotic day, the rugby player antivenom anti-ageing found it not to be true. antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  7. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. Learning about _________ antiseptic anticlockwise behaviour, such as littering antisocial and graffiti, has really antidote helped the children in Class antibiotic antivenom 4 care for their school and anti-ageing local community more. antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  8. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic Maxwell, a scientist from anticlockwise a skin research centre, antisocial antidote was quite certain that he antibiotic had created a cream with antivenom anti-ageing ____________ effects. antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  9. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. “ __________ is selling out antiseptic anticlockwise fast at garages and shops antisocial due to the freezing antidote antibiotic conditions,” the article in antivenom the local newspaper warned. anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  10. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic Doc yelled over, “Marty, anticlockwise look! The hands on the antisocial antidote town clock are going antibiotic _____________ ” . antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  11. Choose an anti- spelling word to finish each sentence. antiseptic When Derek was ill, he had anticlockwise to take some _________ antisocial antidote medicine. antibiotic antivenom anti-ageing antifreeze antiperspirant antigravity

  12. Here are your spelling words for this week. Work hard to practise these anti- spellings.


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