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This webinar is NOT designed to go through your individual results, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tutoring Matters Webinar Series We hope that colleagues were able to access the link and complete the online Resilience + questionnaire. This webinar is NOT designed to go through your individual results, but to introduce MTQ48 to those who are

  1. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series We hope that colleagues were able to access the link and complete the online Resilience + questionnaire. This webinar is NOT designed to go through your individual results, but to introduce MTQ48 to those who are unfamiliar with it and to demonstrate the value of the tool when working with students. Please use either the QR code or this Link to access the test: Tutoring Matters is sponsored by Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  2. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series Building student resilience in a complex environment Hugh Mannerings Associate Director, Retinent Tutoring Matters is sponsored by Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  3. Webinar Presenters Hugh Mannerings Andrew Pye Host Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  4. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  5. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  6. A brief introduction to Retinent Ltd • What is Retinent Ltd? • Who are Retinent Ltd? • What does Retinent offer? • Why are we interested in this area? Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  7. 1 Origins and foundations of the study of resilience 2 Retinent Ltd – Resilience + (MTQ48) 3 The Reports Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  8. construct of resilience Evolution of the Source: Tusaie & Dyer(2004) Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  9. Origins of resilience • Resilience theory has its roots in the study of adversity and an interest in how adverse life experiences impact harmfully on people. • Early researchers include Garmezy (1971), Rutter and Madge (1976) and Antonovsky (1979) • More recently Masten (2011) and Van Breda (2017) • Differences in definitions – the tension between resilience as process and as outcome. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  10. Researcher definitions theory Rutter (2006) An interactive concept that is Brief exposure to risks can act as ‘steeling events’ concerned with the combination of serious risk experiences Garmezy (1991) Resilience is not impervious to stress. Focus on development It is designed to reflect the capacity for Focus on positive recovery Werner (1982) Capacity to cope effectively with the Identified factors that affected resilient internal stresses of their vulnerabilities at individual, family and community and external stresses level Luthar (2000) A dynamic process encompassing Resilience is multidimensional positive adaptation within the context of significant adversity. Masten (2014) Children who have good outcomes in Factors exist at child, family and spite of serious threats to adaptation community level of development Ungar (2004) Outcome of negotiations between 7 tensions of resilience individuals and their environments Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  11. Source: Van Breda (2018) Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  12. Redefining resilience (Van Breda 2018) • Proposes to incorporate all three components and focus on the mediating process. Van Breda proposes ‘The multilevel processes that systems engage in to obtain better - than- expected outcomes in the face or wake of adversity’ • Multilevel means that the resilience processes occur across multiple domains or levels of the social ecology or person-in- environment, rather than only in the individual. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  13. Language/terminology/acronyms/tools • MBTI • Grit (Duckworth) • NLP • Resilience + • Hardiness (Kobasa) • CBT (MTQ48) • Self confidence • Coaching • Self efficacy (Bandura) Counselling • • Mental toughness • Mindfulness • Commitment • Strength Mindset (Dweck) • (growth/fixed) • EQ Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  14. What we must understand about resilience • Resilience is not static i.e. it’s not fixed, it can change • It is concerned with how we react to pressure, stress and challenge and as such how we adapt to any given situation (coping strategies). Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  15. Applications • Elite sport • Business, recruitment, staff, leadership and team development, wellbeing • Education (all age groups) • US Army (large study to help combat PTSD) Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  16. Some questions • How important is developing resilience among students? • How do you do it? • How do you measure it? • Why are we concerned about resilience? • What are the consequences? • What tools are there? Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  17. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  18. Understanding resilience • Resilience is the degree to which individuals bounce back from adversity and stress and is generally seen as an asset that benefits the individual as well as the place they study and/or work. ‘ RESILIENCE is often defined, in broad terms, as the ability to recover – to bounce back – from misfortune and to adjust easily to change.’ McIntosh and Shaw (Unite Students, May 2017:4) Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  19. Why is resilience needed? • We all need some degree of resilience in any environment we encounter. Stressors such as deadlines, volume of work, or organizational change all trigger coping mechanisms of some kind. • How does this apply to your student populations: Transition into HE • First few weeks of HE • Assessment (submission & feedback) • The hidden curriculum • Social interactions • Cooking, washing, time management, sleep hygiene, • financial management. (see Making It at Uni) Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  20. Positive case for resilience (according to McIntosh and Shaw) • Student mental Health & Wellbeing • Resilience is tangible • Life Satisfaction • Resilience can be developed • Greater Understanding is required • Cultural Exclusion • Peer support Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  21. Recommendations… 1. A clear definition of resilience 2. Implement practical steps a. Embedding resilience into programmes. b. National toolkit for resilience (see AMOSSHE). c. Connect with secondary schools and primary schools to develop resilience earlier. d. Consider all touch points. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  22. Understanding resilience in the context of student life Making friends Feeling homesick • • Fitting in (belonging) Specific learning needs • • Looking after self Student profile (gender, age etc) • • 1 st generation into HE • Eating, £, managing time • 1 st assessment • Hidden curriculum • 1 st grade • General physical health • Assessment feedback • General wellbeing • Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  23. 2 How does Resilience + (MTQ48) work? Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  24. Case Study #1 Project – Culture Change • What is it? • Small HE provider, looking to innovate, meet Student population government metrics and introduce whole scale Under 21 69% change • Mature 31% What happened? White 94% • Staff development, new values, invest in BME 4% infrastructure (Resilience + ) Other 2% • Outputs Male 40% • Realignment of staffing and roles, improvement Female 60% in systems, policies, procedures, institutional Disability 19% focus on retention, assessment/feedback, Entry High 8% employability and personal tutoring (using medium 25% Resilience + ). Low 37% • Non-tarriff 30% Non-continuation rate 12.8% • Benchmark 10.1% Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  25. Case Study #2 Project – Student Retention • What is it? • School of Health & Wellbeing had an attrition Student population rate of 50%, withdrawal patterns varied across Under 21 59% the year, patterns of disengagement Mature 31% White 78% • BME 18% Solution Approach Other 7% • Use Resilience + with the programme to better Male 42% understand student needs Female 58% Disability 11% • Entry High 10% Outputs medium 25% • Improved student retention, reduction in Low 21% early withdrawal, improved student Non-tarriff 44% satisfaction and engagement Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  26. How does Resilience + work? • Takes between 5-8 minutes to complete the online questionnaire • Reports are generated upon completion • Individual receives their own ‘ development report ’ • Tutors receive the ‘ development report ’ and a ‘ coaching report ’ so they can begin working with the student • Group report is sent to the University to show whole cohort data. • Distance travelled reports are generated later in the academic year after the student has undertaken the test for a 2 nd time. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

  27. What is Mental Toughness / Resilience + ? “The quality which determines … how people deal with challenge, stressors and pressure .... irrespective of prevailing circumstances” Studies have shown the measure to be robust and repeatable – it is not subject to day-to-day fluctuations. It will however respond to major life events. It is measured by a 48- question questionnaire and gives an individual’s perception of their own performance and behaviour. The concept is related to some others such as ‘resilience’, ‘grit’, ‘mindset’ and others. It differs in being a broader measure than these. Tutoring Matters Webinar Series

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