wisconsin dot experience steven w krebs p e

Wisconsin DOT Experience Steven W. Krebs, P.E. As-Designed - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Wisconsin DOT Experience Steven W. Krebs, P.E. As-Designed Performance Models As-Constructed Designed Pavement Age Constructed M&R Plan As-Designed Pay Factors= f( LCC) As-Constructed Rational Contractor Pay Adjustments 2

  1. Wisconsin DOT Experience Steven W. Krebs, P.E.

  2. As-Designed Performance Models As-Constructed Designed Pavement Age Constructed M&R Plan As-Designed Pay Factors= f(  LCC) As-Constructed Rational Contractor Pay Adjustments 2

  3. Traffic Define Project Conditions Subgrade Climate Lot Define Sampling Plan Pav. Structure Sublot Partial lot Initial Smoothness Define acceptable Sampling Frequency Slab Thickness Testing Methods levels PCC Strength Air Content Predict Future IRI Transverse Cracking Performance Faulting Spalling Rehab Apply M&R and Maintenance Compute LCC User Cost (optional) Compute PF 3

  4.  AQC Target – Acceptance Quality Characteristic Target: target average and standard deviation levels.  RQL – Rejectable Quality Levels: AQC levels requiring correction or replacement.  MQL – Maximum Quality Levels: AQC levels requiring no additional pay incentive.  PF – Pay Adjustment Factor: Adjustment to contract payment based on the ratio of the as- built pavement LCC to the as-designed LCC. 4

  5. Air Initial Project ID Description Strength Thickness Content Profile 1160-00-73, IH 39, Stevens Point to 1160-03- Mosinee – CAPE 61,62,63 IH 39, USH 51 to North 1161-00-73 County Line (Portage) – PCC USH 151, Belmont to 1209-02-73 Platteville – CAPE USH 10, STH 10 to USH 45 - 1517-04-81 STREU 1420-09- USH 151, Madison to Fond 70/72 du Lac Rd) - STREU 5

  6.  IH 39/90/94 Lake Delton-Madison Rd (NCL – CTH V), Dane County  Project ID 1011-01-88  6 lane divided with 8-in tied PCC shoulder  4.25 centerline miles  12.5 in PCC/6 in crushed stone base  18 ft joint spacing, 1.5 in dowels  Project constructed in 2006 6

  7.  Strength (Lot = 1 day’s paving)  Sublot ~ 500 ft in 2 lanes; 1,000 ft in 1 lane  500 cu yd PCC  Air Content (Lot = 1 day’s paving)  Sublot ~ 500 ft in 2 lanes; 1,000 ft in 1 lane  500 cu yd PCC  Thickness (Segment = 250 ft, 1 lane)  Smoothness (Segment = 0.1 mi, 1 lane) 8

  8. Standard WisDOT PCC Sampling Plan Smoothness (Segment = 0.1 mi, one lane) Thickness (Segment = 250 ft, one lane) Strength (Lot = 1 day’s paving) Air content (Lot = 1 day’s paving) (Sublot ~ 500 ft in 2 lanes) (Sublot ~ 500 ft in 2 lanes) (Sublot ~ 1,000 ft in 1 lane) (Sublot ~ 1,000 ft in 1 lane) Example: paving 2 lanes 500 cu yd PCC ~ 500 ft 9

  9.  1-lane sublot – 0.2 mi (1,056 ft)  2-lane sublot – 0.1 mi (528 ft)  Total = 0.2 lane-mi  Approx. 490 cu yd of concrete (for 12.5 in slab)  AQC’s measured within each sublot boundary Current Specifications: 500 cu yd strength sublot 10

  10.  28-day compressive strength – cylinders  AASHTO T 141*, T 23*, T 22  Average of 2 cylinders per sublot = 1 strength measurement per sublot (n = 1) ⇒ No changes from current specifications * As modified by Department in Construction & Materials Manual 11

  11.  Air pressure meters  AASHTO T 152*  1 air content measurement per sublot (n = 1) ⇒ No changes from current specifications * As modified by Department in Construction & Materials Manual 12

  12.  Probes  AASHTO T 148, T 24, C & M manual 13.20.9  8 thickness measurements per sublot (n = 8)  4 random longitudinal locations every 0.05 lane-mi (264 ft)  2 readings per location ⇒ Minor change from current specifications 13

  13.  California Profilograph – zero blanking band  4 PI measurements per sublot (n = 4)  2-lane sublot (0.1 mi) – inner and outer wheel path for each lane  1-lane sublot (0.2 mi) – inner and outer wheel path for each lane per 0.1 mi ⇒ No change from current specifications 14

  14. PRS Sampling Plan (2 lanes) Smoothness (2 wheelpaths per lane) Thickness (2 per lane per 0.05 mi) Strength (Average of 2 cylinders) Air content (1 per sublot) Sublot = 0.1 mi, Lot = 1 day’s paving, minimum 4 sublots 0.1 mi (528 ft) 0.05 mi (264 ft) 0.05 mi (264 ft) 15

  15. Strength Number of Average Standard Lots Number of Sublots Paver Strength Deviation Project ID 1420-09-70/72 9 56 PCC CONSTRUCTION 4,976 280 1161-00-73,74,75,76, 1166-01-74 7 40 PCC CONSTRUCTION 3,923 210 1517-04-81 9 60 STREU CONSTRUCTION 4,893 261 1209-02-73 18 141 CAPE 4,928 452 1160-00-73, 1160-03- 61,62,63 7 85 JAMES CAPE AND SONS 5,308 505 Total 50 382 Mean: 4,806 402 Median: 4,928 Weighted SD 16

  16.  Target Mean ⇒ 4,500 psi  Target SD ⇒ 500 psi  RQL ⇒ 3,250 psi  MQL ⇒ 5,500 psi 17

  17. Number of Number of Average Air Air Content Project ID Lots Sublots Paver Content Standard Deviation 1420-09-70/72 10 63 PCC CONSTRUCTION 6.66 0.33 1161-00-73,74,75,76, 1166-01-74 8 43 PCC CONSTRUCTION 6.67 0.51 1517-04-81 16 112 STREU CONSTRUCTION 6.90 0.50 1209-02-73 19 149 CAPE 6.53 0.74 1160-00-73, 1160-03- 61,62,63 7 83 JAMES CAPE AND SONS 6.54 0.64 Total 60 450 Mean: 6.66 0.60 Median: 6.66 Weighted SD 18

  18.  Target Mean ⇒ 7.0%  Target SD ⇒ 0.6%  RQL ⇒ 5.5%  MQL ⇒ 8.5% 19

  19. Number of 500 ft Average Thickness Project ID 2 lane segments Paver Thickness Target Deviation SD 1209-02-73 23 CAPE 9.37 9.50 -0.13 0.198 1209-02-73 81 CAPE 9.43 9.50 -0.07 0.264 1160-00-73, 1160- 03-61,62,63 63 JAMES CAPE AND SONS 10.90 11.00 -0.10 0.216 1160-00-73, 1160- 03-61,62,63 20 JAMES CAPE AND SONS 10.84 11.00 -0.16 0.191 74 ?? - Highway 12, Saulk City 81 9.14 9.00 0.14 0.217 Highway 10, Amherst ??? 80 9.91 10.00 -0.09 0.187 1161-00-73 ?? - I- 39, Portage 101 11.07 11.00 0.07 0.184 6290-07-72 ?? - I- 151, Waupau 95 10.09 10.00 0.09 0.174 2 locations/lane per 250 linear ft Mean: -0.03 0.207 Median: -0.08 Weighted SD 20

  20.  Target Mean ⇒ 12.5 in  Target SD ⇒ 0.2 in  RQL ⇒ 11.5 in  MQL ⇒ 13.0 in 21

  21. Number of 528 ft Average Project ID segments Paver PI PI SE PI SD 1209-02-73 158 CAPE 21.50 4.17 4.85 1209-02-73 162 CAPE 23.74 4.31 5.03 1160-00-73, 1160- 03-61,62,63 178 JAMES CAPE AND SONS 29.41 10.24 13.27 74 ?? - Highway 12, Saulk City 134 26.52 6.26 6.56 Highway 10, Amherst ??? 136 22.88 4.22 4.60 1161-00-73 ?? - I- 39, Portage 142 26.29 4.53 4.83 6290-07-72 ?? - I- 151, Waupau 194 23.63 5.37 5.94 Mean: 24.85 7.27 Median: 23.74 Weighted SD 22

  22.  Target Mean ⇒ 25.0  Target SD ⇒ 7.0  RQL ⇒ 50.0  MQL ⇒ 10.0 23

  23. 2.0% $30/sq. yd. 1.0% 0.0% -1.0% -2.0% Current Strength Pay Factors, SD = 550 psi -3.0% SD = 0 psi SD = 500 psi -4.0% SD = 1,000 psi -5.0% 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 5,500 25

  24. 1.0% $30/sq. yd. 0.5% 0.0% -0.5% No current pay factor for air content If air content outside control limits, -1.0% strength bonus = 0. SD = 0 percent -1.5% SD = 0.6 percent -2.0% SD = 1.2 percent -2.5% 5.5 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 26

  25. 10.0% $30/sq. yd. Terminal IRI = 175 in/mi PI = 67 in/mi 5.0% 0.0% -5.0% -10.0% Current Smoothness Pay Factors -15.0% SD = 2 in/mi -20.0% SD = 7 in/mi SD = 12 in/mi -25.0% 10 20 30 40 50 60 27

  26. 5.0% $30/sq. yd. 0.0% -5.0% -10.0% -15.0% SD = 0 in -20.0% SD = 0.2 in SD = 0.4 in -25.0% Current Thickness Pay Factors -30.0% 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0 28

  27.   PF  PF   PF   PF  = ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ PF  str   air   thk   smth  100 lot  100   100   100   100  Maximum Composite PF: 110% ?? Minimum Composite PF: 90 % ?? 29

  28.  Pavement Condition Index  Average of 97-98  Range of 94-100  100 = a new pavement


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