Thinking Globally, Thinking Globally, Acting Locally Acting Locally The Chicago Experience with a The Chicago Experience with a Universal Fare Card Universal Fare Card Michael Bolton Deputy Executive Director, Strategic Service Pace
Existing Systems and Fare Coordination CTA rail and bus systems support a flat- -fare structure. Cash, fare structure. Cash, CTA rail and bus systems support a flat magnetic cards and smart cards are accepted on both bus and magnetic cards and smart cards are accepted on both bus and rapid rail rapid rail CTA Rail Fare Payment Process Turnstile accepts cash, Rider completes Turnstile accepts cash, Rider completes Rider inserts cash, Rider inserts cash, deducts fare from, or deducts fare from, or Rider enters through journey and exits Rider enters through journey and exits pre-paid magnetic pre-paid magnetic validates ticket stored on validates ticket stored on turnstile system through turnstile system through ticket or taps Chicago magnetic card or Chicago ticket or taps Chicago magnetic card or Chicago turnstile turnstile Card/Plus Card/Plus at turnstile Card/Plus Card/Plus at turnstile CTA Bus Fare Payment Process Farebox accepts cash, Farebox accepts cash, Rider inserts cash, Rider inserts cash, deducts fare from, or deducts fare from, or pre-paid magnetic pre-paid magnetic Rider completes Rider completes validates tickets stored validates tickets stored ticket or taps Chicago ticket or taps Chicago journey journey on magnetic card or on magnetic card or Card/Plus at on-board Card/Plus at on-board Chicago Card/Plus Chicago Card/Plus farebox farebox Pace also supports a flat- -fare structure and accepts CTA fare structure and accepts CTA- - issued issued Pace also supports a flat Transit Cards, CTA passes, Chicago Card/ Plus and cash for fare Transit Cards, CTA passes, Chicago Card/ Plus and cash for fare payment payment Pace Bus Fare Payment Process Farebox accepts cash, Farebox accepts cash, Rider inserts cash, pre- Rider inserts cash, pre- deducts fare from, or deducts fare from, or paid magnetic ticket, or paid magnetic ticket, or validates ticket stored on Rider completes journey validates ticket stored on Rider completes journey taps Chicago Card/Plus taps Chicago Card/Plus magnetic card or magnetic card or at on-board farebox at on-board farebox Chicago Card/Plus Chicago Card/Plus
Existing Systems and Fare Coordination Existing Systems and Fare Coordination Metra’s fares are based on a zone system, and visual Metra’s fares are based on a zone system, and visual inspection of fares is completed on- -board by conductors board by conductors inspection of fares is completed on Metra Fare Payment Process Rider purchases ticket Rider purchases ticket by mail, internet or at Conductor inspects Rider completes by mail, internet or at Conductor inspects Rider completes staffed window (or on- ticket to assure validity journey staffed window (or on- ticket to assure validity journey board from conductor) board from conductor) Key Characteristics - Commuter Rail Challenges - Smart Card Implementation � Physically gating the system is impractical � Physically gating the system is impractical � Operates in a non-gated environment � Operates in a non-gated environment due to station design and cost due to station design and cost � Checks of smart cards using electronic � Checks of smart cards using electronic � Uses visual on-board fare inspection � Uses visual on-board fare inspection devices may slow down inspection times devices may slow down inspection times and require renegotiation of union and require renegotiation of union contracts contracts � Operates over a large geographic area � Operates over a large geographic area � New equipment installations (e.g., ticket � New equipment installations (e.g., ticket vending machines) will result in increased vending machines) will result in increased labor costs associated with maintenance labor costs associated with maintenance and ticket re-stocking and ticket re-stocking � Uses either zone or distance-based fare � Uses either zone or distance-based fare � Need a cost effective and practical solution � Need a cost effective and practical solution structures structures to check a complex array of origin- to check a complex array of origin- destination pairs destination pairs � Limited fare collection hardware currently � Limited fare collection hardware currently � High capital cost for new equipment (as � High capital cost for new equipment (as installed, such as ticket vending machines installed, such as ticket vending machines opposed to upgrade or replacement) to opposed to upgrade or replacement) to support a new automated fare collection support a new automated fare collection system system
Existing Systems and Fare Coordination I t makes good business sense to help customers move I t makes good business sense to help customers move across the region easily and this region has developed fare across the region easily and this region has developed fare products to meet these customer needs products to meet these customer needs 25,000 – 32,000 weekday transfers 20,000 – 25,000 weekday transfers Integrated ticketing on Link-Up sticker or magnetic stripe Transit magnetic ticket with Cards and transfer Metra Monthly Pass cards, multiple day passes, and Chicago Card/Chicago Card Plus Link-Up or Plus Bus sticker, or magnetic ticket with Metra Monthly Pass 10,000 – 13,000 weekday transfers
The Uncertain System of the Future The Uncertain System of the Future A Universal Fare Card (UFC) is a single card that can be used to A Universal Fare Card (UFC) is a single card that can be used to pay pay fares on all bus, rapid transit, commuter rail, and paratransit services services fares on all bus, rapid transit, commuter rail, and paratransit under the jurisdiction of the RTA under the jurisdiction of the RTA A UFC does not mean there is one single fare to ride all the services. Each Service Board will continue to have its own fare policies A “smart card” solution is considered the best technology � Builds on existing fare collection infrastructure at CTA and Pace � Provides increased convenience for customers � Builds on CTA’s and Pace’s current smart card experiences � Supports fare payment of paratransit services through the use of a magnetic stripe on cards issued to paratransit customers � Reflects national and international trends in current technology for regional electronic fare payment systems � Smart card technology is flexible and can support all current fare policies and products, and most that are found in other transit systems (peak pricing, distance-based, reverse commute, etc.) � Provides potential new opportunities for transit-related partnerships, such as use on taxis, in parking and other uses
A number of different functions are required to A number of different functions are required to manage a smart card system manage a smart card system Description Possible Management Approach Back-Office Function Description Possible Management Approach Back-Office Function � Card Base Management Issuing and managing cards Centralized, outsourced � Card Base Management Issuing and managing cards Centralized, outsourced � Customer Services Answering customer and third- Centralized, outsourced � Customer Services Answering customer and third- Centralized, outsourced party questions regarding UFC party questions regarding UFC • Distribution of cards – Centralized � Distribution Management Includes signing merchants to • Distribution of cards – Centralized � Distribution Management Includes signing merchants to outsourced agreements for card and value outsourced agreements for card and value distribution distribution • Relationship management with third-party • Relationship management with third-party merchants – Decentralized, in-house merchants – Decentralized, in-house • Management of funds settlement – � Financial Management Clearing and settling funds • Management of funds settlement – � Financial Management Clearing and settling funds Centralized, outsourced across agencies, and Centralized, outsourced across agencies, and accounting and auditing • Funds pool – decentralized, in-house accounting and auditing • Funds pool – decentralized, in-house functions functions � Security Management Systems and personal data Centralized, outsourced � Security Management Systems and personal data Centralized, outsourced security security � • Software updates, configuration control Infrastructure Systems Management of some aspects of � • Software updates, configuration control Infrastructure Systems Management of some aspects of and disaster recovery – Centralized, and Operations regional technology, including and disaster recovery – Centralized, and Operations regional technology, including outsourced Management interfaces outsourced Management interfaces • System monitoring – Decentralized, in- • System monitoring – Decentralized, in- house house � Centralized, in-house Program Management Brand/program management � Centralized, in-house Program Management Brand/program management
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