thesis presentations department of computer science

Thesis presentations Department of Computer science, Electrical and - PDF document

Thesis presentations Department of Computer science, Electrical and Space Engineering June 3-4, 2020 We will use Zoom for the presentations this time. Room 1: Room 2:

  1. Thesis presentations Department of Computer science, Electrical and Space Engineering June 3-4, 2020 We will use Zoom for the presentations this time. Room 1: Room 2: Wednesday, June 3 Language 08:00 – 08:50 Room 1: Swedish Underwater probe for deep sea exploration Presented by: Kim Nykvist Supervisor: Torbjörn Löfqvist Opponent: Jesper Nilsson Discipline: Computer Science/Electrical Engineering _______________________________________________________________________________________ 09:00 – 09:50 Room 1: English Towards Robust Localization – Deep Feature Extraction with Convolutional Neural Networks Presented by: Erik Carlbaum Ekholm Supervisor: George Nikolakopolous Opponent: Kim Nykvist Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering _______________________________________________________________________________________ 10:00 – 10:50 Room 1: Swedish Interactive SysML diagrams using a Web Browser Presented by: Jesper Nilsson Supervisor: Jan van Deventer Opponent: Erik Carlbaum Ekholm Discipline: Computer Science _______________________________________________________________________________________ 11:00 – 11:50 Room 2: English Autonomous Aerial Void Exploaration Presented by: Emil Vidmark Supervisor: Christoforos Kanellakis/George Nikolakopolous Opponent: Emelie Åkerström Discipline: Computer Science

  2. English 13:00 – 13:50 Room 2: Weather Influence of LiDAR Signals using the Transient Radiative Transfer- and LiDAR-Equation Presented by: Marcus Hedlund Supervisor: Mikael Sjödal Opponent: Martin Mörtsell Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering ______________________________________________________________________________________ Swedish 14:00 – 14:50 Room 1: Unsupervised Anomaly- and Outlier Detection in Network Metrics Presented by: August Eriksson Supervisor: Olov Schelén Opponent: Emil Vidmark Discipline: Computer Science ____________________________________________________________________________________ English 15:00 – 15:50 Room 1: Real-time Outlier Detection using Unbounded Data Streaming and Machine Learning Presented by: Emelie Åkerström Supervisor: Olov Schelén Opponent: August Eriksson Discipline: Computer Science ____________________________________________________________________________________ English 16:00 – 16:50 Room 2: Adaptive Decoupling using Extrem Seeking Presented by: Martin Mörtsell Supervisor: Wolfgang Birk/Khalid Attah För torsdagens presentationer se nästa si Opponent: Anna Vestin Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering

  3. Thursday, June 4 Swedish 08:00 – 08:50 Room 1: Modeling and Compensation of Nonlinear Distortion in High Efficient Electrodynamic Loudspeakers Presented by: Caroline Holmström Supervisor: Johan Carlson Opponent: Marcus Hedlund Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering _______________________________________________________________ Swedish 09:00 – 09:50 Room 2: Sustainable and scalable testing strategy in multilayered service based architecture Presented by: Louise Olofsson Supervisor: Josef Hallberg Opponent: Rebecka Mattsson Discipline: Computer Science __________________________________________________________________________________ English 10:00 – 10:50 Room 2: Predicting Container- Level Power Consumption in Data Centers using Machine Learning Approaches Presented by: Rasmus Bergström Supervisor: Marcus Liwicki Opponent: Louise Olofsson Discipline: Computer Science _______________________________________________________________ Swedish 11:00 – 11:50 Room 1: Decrease radiated emission from high frequency links Presented by: Anna Vestin Supervisor: Jonas Ekman Opponent: Viktor Kasimir Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering

  4. Engelska 16:00 – 16:50 A2527 English 13:00 – 13:50 Room 2 Anomaly Detection in Industrial Networks using a Resource-Constrained Edge Device Presentatör: Anton Eliasson Intelligent gateway for LoRaWAN coverage Handledare: Sergio Martin Del Campo Barraza Opponent: Henrik Nilsson Harnet Presented by: Robert Olsson Ämnesområde: Datateknik Supervisor: Jaap van de Beek Opponent: Caroline Holmström Svenska 16:00 – 16:50 A3583 Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering Virtual Commissioning of an industrial wood cutter machine _______________________________________________________________ Presentatör: Edgar Alexander Montero Vera Handledare: Peter Jeppsson English 14:00 – 14:50 Room 1: Opponent: Olov Sehlin Ämnesområde: Teknisk fysik och elektroteknik Keystroke dynamics for student authentication in online examinations __________________________________________________________________________________ Presented by: Rebecka Mattsson Supervisor: Foteini Liwicki Opponent: Rasmus Bergström Discipline: Computer Science __________________________________________________________________________________ English 15:00 – 15:50 Room 2: Frequency SImulation at Island Grid Operation of a SGT-800 Gas Turbine Presented by: Viktor Kasimir Supervisor: Khalid Atta Opponent: Robert Olsson Discipline: Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering _______________________________________________________________


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