Theory of programming languages ● Programming languages provide us with a way of expressing solutions to problems ● The nature and features of the language shape the kinds of solutions we can express, and how easily ● Learning and using very different styles of language helps us spot solutions to problems using vastly different approaches ● Understanding a problem and a variety of languages lets us assess which languages are most suitable for specific problems ● Even if our current language doesn’t directly implement features of some other language, knowledge of those features might still allow us to build a solution using the same styles/techniques
Programming paradigms ● Programming paradigms: different styles/approaches to programming ● We tend to associate specific languages with specific paradigms, but most languages support multiple paradigms ● Ask 5 academics and you’ll get 7 answers on what the core paradigms are – we’ll discuss four in some detail ● Well group the paradigms into imperative and declarative ● Imperative: solutions exlplicitly control the specific order/sequence of instructions/steps to be taken ● Declarative: describe operations and the conditions under which they are run, specific sequencing not provided
Imperative paradigms ● Procedural: describe step-by-step the exact sequence of actions to perform, program state explicitly controlled through assignment of values to variables and memory ● Pure procedural: assembly language, C, bash, etc ● Object oriented: encapsulate operations and data associated with objects, typically the operations being expressed in a procedural form ● Pure OO: everything is always an object (e.g. smalltalk) ● Hybrids: most “OO” languages (C++, Java, C#, etc etc)
Declarative paradigms: ● Logic programming: describe the universe by set of facts and rules, then make queries about the universe, which logic engine tries to answer by combining facts/rules ● Logic programming languages: prolog ● Functional programming: everything is either a function call or data, programs consist of compositions of functions, no explicit use of stored state (variables), no side effects (no pass-by-reference) ● Pure functional languages: haskell ● Hybrid languages: common lisp, scheme, erlang, etc
Language implementation ● The actual implementation of a language has a huge impact on how effectively the language can be used in different situations ● Impacts runtime behaviour/limitations, speed, memory use, reliability, security, ease/difficulty of tool development (debuggers, profilers, compilers, interpretters, etc) ● Developers need to be aware of implementation decisions made for their language, platform, compiler version so they are aware of the implications ● Knowing how features can be implemented also lets dev mimic a feature in languages that don’t otherwise support it
Explore programming languages ● Incredible diversity of programming languages and styles out there ● Huge library of programming languages (802) many with code examples for each of many (1070) different tasks: ● ●
C example, stack/push #include <stdlib.h> struct Node { // define nodes for our stack int data; struct Node* next; }; struct Node* push(struct Node* S, int d) { // push function struct Node*n; n = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node)); If (!n) return S; n->data = d; n->next = S; return n; } // define an empty stack then call push and update the stack struct Node *mystack = NULL; mystack = push(mystack, 10);
C++ STL example, stack/push #include <stack> ... // use the STL to create a stack of ints stack<int> mystack; // use the stack’s push method to push 10 mystack.push(10);
Lisp example, stack/push ; define a push onto an existing stack (defun push (S i) (cons i S)) ; define a new stack creationg (defun newStack ( ) ‘()) ; push 10 onto a newly created stack (push (newstack) 10)
Prolog example, stack/push stack([]). % fact for an empty stack stack([_|S]) :- stack(S). % fact for non-empty stack push(E, [E|S], S) :- stack(S). % rule for a push % issue query to push 10 on a new empty stack stack(S), push(10, Result, S).
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