the walking for health sheffield agm

The Walking for Health Sheffield AGM Charlene Simon- Walking for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Walking for Health Sheffield AGM Charlene Simon- Walking for Health Development Manager Walking for Health Vision everyone has access to a short, free, friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become

  1. The Walking for Health – Sheffield AGM Charlene Simon- Walking for Health Development Manager

  2. Walking for Health Vision everyone has access to a short, free, friendly health walk within easy reach of where they live, to help them become and stay active.

  3. National Programme Team Training & Development Intelligence & Comms and Quality Research Marketing - New schemes Assurance - Database - Resources - Targeted - Training - Evidence (high-vis activity - Volunteer for funding etc) - Sustainability support - Evalution - Website Partnership s - - Quality - Photos assurance Scheme support

  4. Why is monitoring information important? For schemes National programme • • Insurance purposes National participation data • and comparisons. Evidence for reporting • • Reporting to funders Support recruitment of • volunteers and walkers Evidence of national • programme reach and gaps Understand which walks are • working well, and less well Understanding of target group participation • To support partnership work • National examples of best • Evidence for funding bids and practice infuencing • Influencing local and national • Share information with steering decision makers committee, leaders and walkers

  5. Helping everyone find their feet : Walking For Health looking forward

  6. How does Sheffield compare to other Walking for Health schemes ? Strong Largest partnership volunteer links led scheme Coordinator 25 + walks role spilt across County-wide committee schemes: Multiple Buckinghamshire funding Hertfordshire sources. East Sussex Large volunteer base

  7. Walking for Health: looking forwards • Existing funding partnership ends in March 2018. New funders are being sought. • Relationship with Sport England – discussions around inactive bid. • Continuing to support schemes understanding and use data to demonstrate local impact and funding • Healthcare professional pilot and RCGP conference in October • Development of guidance and support materials for schemes developing short walks, GP Practice links , new schemes and sustainability • Scheme support – face to face, remote and webinars.

  8. Thank You


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