The value of Male- and Fem ale-lines
Is there DNA present that is passed unchanged by the Male- or Female-line?
Structure of a typical anim al cell
Chrom osom es of a m an ( nucleus)
Structure of a typical anim al cell
DNA of a Male cell divided in four types 62 auto-some chromosomes Mitochondrial DNA (nucleus) (egg) 1 1 X-chromosome Y-chromosome (nucleus) (nucleus)
DNA of a Fem ale cell divided in four types 62 auto-some chromosomes Mitochondrial DNA (nucleus) (egg) 2 0 X-chromosomes Y-chromosomes (nucleus) (nucleus)
What is the relevance to measure the value of the Male- or Female-line?
Darco Lux Z 15 th generation 17 th generation W halebone xx 100% Y-chromosome of Darley Arabian (Male-line)
3 active Male-lines 1) Byerley Turk Ramiro Z and Zeus Cortes C, Okidoki (born 1680) and The Sixt Sense 2) Darley Arabian Almé Z, Cor de la Bryère, Cornet d’Amour, (born 1700) Argentinus, Capitol I, Baloubet du Rouet, Darco, Grannus, Sandro Z, Cardento, Lux Z, Landgraf I, Mr. Blue, Hickstead, Simon Nimmerdor and Clover Hill and Shutterfly 3) Godolphin A. For Pleasure, Kannan, Pilot, Nino des Buissonnets (born 1724) Polydor and Fortunus Z Opium and Barron
Carthago Z Cöster 8 th generation 8 th generation Nelke 100% Mitochondrial DNA of Holsteiner dam-line 162 (Female-line)
3 .0 0 0 active Fem ale-lines
Conclusion There is no relevance to focus on the Male-line because the 3 remaining lines have all proven they can produce excellent jumpers It is important to focus on the Female-line because there are over 3.000 active lines which show a large difference in quality
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