the upper rheinvalley

The Upper-Rheinvalley 0 50 50 100 km Frankfurt Speyer - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Upper-Rheinvalley 0 50 50 100 km Frankfurt Speyer Strasbourg Electricity generation from Enhanced Geothermal systems Rekuperator Turbine und Kondensation Generator Fernwrme Injektionspumpe Filtration M M Temperatures

  1. The Upper-Rheinvalley 0 50 50 100 km Frankfurt Speyer Strasbourg

  2. Electricity generation from Enhanced Geothermal systems Rekuperator Turbine und Kondensation Generator Fernwärme Injektionspumpe Filtration M M Temperatures (160-220°C) Förderbrunnen Injektions- Massflow of the water mit Pumpe brunnen Chemistry of the water Cooling conditions Outlet temperature

  3. Recovered Energy Generation Recovered Energy Generation Geothermal Power Plants Gas Compressors on Pipelines Cement Plants Recovered Energy Generation Remote Power Units from Industrial Processes

  4. 7,5 MWel REG PROJECTS IN OPPERATION Transcanadian pipeline, 1999



  7. Geothermal CHP Project Hotel & SPA Rogner, Bad-Blumau, AUSTRI A

  8. Geothermal CHP Project; Bad - Blumau , AUSTRI A Technical Data : Gross output at Generator Terminals: 250 kWel Number of OEC´ s: 1 Cooling-media: air Thermal-fluid: hot brine from a geothermal well Geothermal-water flow: 30 l/ s Temperature of thermal-fluid: 108 °C Start of operation: Juli 2001 I nstallation time on site: 5 days Recorded yearly Maintenance cost: < 0,001$/ kWh


  10. Bad Blumau Generated power 200 kW October 2001- December 2002 140,000 120,000 100,000 kWhr 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D

  11. Waste-heat power generating plant using the ORC-Process for utilizing residual clinker-cooller exhaust air

  12. Powergeneration from Waste - heat Lengfurt , Germany Technical Data : Gross output at Generator Terminals: 1.320 kWel Net. Output Generator: 1,13–1,22 MWel Number of OEC´ s: 1 Cooling-media: air Thermal-fluid: thermal oil Waste-heat-flow (Oil): 7 – 9 MWth Temperature of thermal-fluid: 230 °C Start of operation: June 1999 I nstallation time on site: 3 Weeks Recorded yearly Maintenance cost: < 0,003$/ kWh

  13. 1511

  14. Temperature[C] 1528 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 CLINKER COOLER AIR TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATION 11:33:45 12:41:45 13:49:45 14:57:45 16:05:45 17:13:45 18:21:45 19:29:45 20:37:45 21:45:45 22:53:45 00:01:45 01:09:45 02:17:45 03:25:45 04:33:45 05:41:45 06:49:45 07:57:45 Time [ hr ] Cooler Air Temperature 09:05:45 10:13:45 11:21:45 12:29:45 13:37:45 14:45:45 15:53:45 17:01:45 18:09:45 19:17:45 20:25:45 21:33:45 22:41:45 23:49:45 00:57:45 02:05:45 03:13:45 04:21:45 05:29:45 06:37:45

  15. Temperature[C] 1529 150 175 200 225 250 275 300 325 350 11:33:45 12:41:45 13:49:45 CLINKER COOLER AIR AND THERMAL OIL TEMPERATURE 14:57:45 16:05:45 17:13:45 18:21:45 19:29:45 20:37:45 21:45:45 Cooler Air Temperature 22:53:45 00:01:45 01:09:45 02:17:45 03:25:45 FLUCTUATION 04:33:45 05:41:45 06:49:45 Time [ hr ] 07:57:45 09:05:45 10:13:45 11:21:45 12:29:45 13:37:45 14:45:45 15:53:45 17:01:45 18:09:45 Thermal Oil Temperature 19:17:45 20:25:45 21:33:45 22:41:45 23:49:45 00:57:45 02:05:45 03:13:45 04:21:45 05:29:45 06:37:45

  16. AVAILABILITY OF INDIVIDUAL Ormat Energy Converters Power Plant Commissioning Number Availability Year of OEC’s Steamboat 1986 9 96.7 % Ormesa II 1987 20 99.1 % TOI 1989 2 98.5 % Puna 1993 10 96.7 % Heber 1993 12 98.1 % Rotokawa I 1997 3 98.6 % Ngawha 1998 2 98. 8 % HZ -Lengfurt 1999 1 98.7 % Mokai I 2000 6 98.2 % Rogner 2000 1 99.1 %

  17. RÉFLEXIONS “ On ne doit pas se flatter de mettre à SUR LA profit, dans la pratique, toute la puissance motrice des combustibles. The economy of the Les tentatives que l’on ferait pour combustible is only one of the approcher de ce résultat seraient conditions to be fulfilled in heat PUISSANCE MOTRICE même plus nuisibles qu’utiles, si elles engines. In many cases it is DU FEU faisaient négliger d’autres only secondary. It should often ** considerations importantes. SUR LES MACHINES give precedence to safety, to L’économie du combustible n’est PROPRES A DÉVELOPPER CETTE strength, to the durability of the qu’une des conditions à remplir par PUISSSANCE les machines à feu, dans beaucoup engine, to the small space CARNOT . S P de circonstances, elle n’est que AR which it must occupy, to small ANCIEN ÉLÈVE DE L’ÉCOLE secondaire, elle doit souvent céder le POLYTECHNIQUE cost of installation, etc. To pas à la sûreté, à la durée de la know how to appreciate in each , A PARIS machine, au peu de place qu’il faut lui case, at their true value, the , LIBRAIRIE , CHEZ BACHELIER faire occuper, au peu de frais de son 55 . No , QUAI DES AUGUSTINS consideration of convenience établissement, etc. Savoir apprécier, ** dans chaque cas, à leur juste valeur, and economy which may 1824 les considerations de convenance et present themselves; to know d’économie qui peuvent se presenter, how to discern the more savoir discerner les plus importantes important of those which are de celles qui sont seulement only accessories, to balance accessoires, les balancer toutes them properly against each convenablement entre elles, afin de parvenir par les moyens les plus other, in order to attain the best faciles au meilleur résultat, tel doit results by the simplest means: être le principal talent de l’homme such should be the leading appelé à diriger, à coordonner entre characteristics of the man eux les travaux de ses semblables, à called to direct, to co-operate les faire concourir vers un but utile de towards one useful end, of quelque genre qu’il soit.” whatsoever sort it may be.


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