the system used in the u s is not as logical as that used

The system used in the U.S. is not as logical as that used in other - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The system used in the U.S. is not as logical as that used in other countries (like Great Britain, France, and Germany). In these other countries, a billion (bi meaning two) has twice as many zeros as a million, and a trillion (tri meaning three)

  1. The system used in the U.S. is not as logical as that used in other countries (like Great Britain, France, and Germany). In these other countries, a billion (bi meaning two) has twice as many zeros as a million, and a trillion (tri meaning three) has three times as many zeros as a million, etc. Zeros U.S. & scientific community Other countries 3 thousand thousand 6 million million 9 billion 1000 million (1 milliard) 12 trillion billion 15 quadrillion 1000 billion 18 quintillion trillion 21 sextillion 1000 trillion 24 septillion quadrillion 27 octillion 1000 quadrillion 30 nonillion quintillion 33 decillion 1000 quintillion 36 undecillion sextillion 39 duodecillion 1000 sextillion 42 tredecillion septillion 45 quattuordecillion 1000 septillion 48 quindecillion octillion 51 sexdecillion 1000 octillion 54 septendecillion nonillion 57 octodecillion 1000 nonillion 60 novemdecilliondecillion 63 vigintillion 1000 decillion

  2. 1 mL = 1 cm3 1 milliliter is the same volume as 1 cubic centimeter. 1 mL of water has a mass of approximately 1 g The mass of 1 milliliter of water is approximately 1 gram. 1 L of water has a mass of approximately 1 kg The mass of 1 liter of water is therefore approximately 1 kilogram. 1 m3 of water has a mass of approximately 1 t There are 1000 liters in a cubic meter, so the mass of 1 cubic meter of water is approximately 1000 kilograms or 1 metric ton. The mass of a nickel is 5 g A US nickel weighs 5 grams, and a penny weighs 2.5 grams. A typical doorknob is 1 m high Although there's no precise standard for doorknob heights, they're often about 1 meter above the floor. The diameter of a CD or DVD is 12 cm A CD or DVD is 12 centimeters (120 millimeters) across. The diameter of the center hole is 15 millimeters. 1 ha is 1002 m2 1 hectare is 10 000 square meters, equivalent to the area of a square 100 meters on a side. A football field is about 100 meters long, so imagine a square the length of a football field on each side, and th

  3. Raindrop the Alpaca Particle Type Typical Diameter(mm) Volume relative to cloud drop Cloud Droplet 0.012 1 Large Cloud Droplet 0.1 579 Mist Droplet 0.5 72,300 Drizzle Drop 1.2 1,000,000 Big Raindrop 3.0 15, 600,000 Largest Raindrop 5.0 125,000,000


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