The Shift Away From Auctions Based on “Sales Mechanisms in Online Markets: What Happened to Internet Auctions?” by Einav, et al 1
Auction format way down Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 2
People are not searching for auctions Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 3
Sales format and idiosyncrasy of item Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 4
Sales format and idiosyncrasy of item Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 5
Sales rates Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 6
Sale price Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 7
Residual demand has shifted Courtesy of Liran Einav, Chiara Farronato, Jonathan D. Levin, and Neel Sundaresan. Used with permission. 8
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