the second so called health food are foods containing


Hi, and welcome to My name is Dr. Charles, and this is a picture of me and my most favorite person in the entire world, my son CJ. In this short article, I'm going to share with you 5 so-called health foods that could be

  1. Hi, and welcome to My name is Dr. Charles, and this is a picture of me and my most favorite person in the entire world, my son CJ. In this short article, I'm going to share with you 5 so-called health foods that could be stopping you from achieving your fat loss-goals. I’ll also share with you the single fat burning method that I teach my clients here in Carmel, Indiana. I know your time is valuable, so let’s go ahead and jump right in. THE FIRST SO-CALLED HEALTH FOOD IS … Canned Chicken Noodle Soup The first so-called health food you should avoid is chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle soup as well as any other canned soup contains high amounts of MSG, which stands for (Monosodium Glutamate). MSG is a form of concentrated salt. Not only can MSG lead to weight gain but it has also been found to cause headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and even asthma attacks. 2

  2. all, and the weight just keeps coming back.' ingesting green coffee beans or raspberry ketones burning methods. Some of what I’m going to share may make a few of the big players in the health industry, especially the health and supplement industry, very nervous. And because these players have huge influence with the big media companies, you may not have access to this information for long. So, if you’re interested in hearing the truth about fat loss, you may want to read this short article from beginning to end while it’s still here. Well let me stop you right there. What I’am about to share with you is not some latest-and-greatest diet fad like all day. No, it has nothing to do with weight-loss prevent disease whenever I am able. So, I feel it’s my drops or acai berries or any of the other incre- dible weight loss gimmicks that we see all over the internet these days. In fact, this tip dates all the way back to the 1950’s and helps explain why the majority 70% of Americans are now considered obese. It might not be because we eat too many 'bad' foods, as you are lead to believe. I will show you how you should be able to eat some bad foods and still lose weight. Okay, so you are probably thinking to yourself, 'Self, I’ve tried every diet known to man. I’ve given it my sworn duty to share with you these important fat- As a doctor, I’ve taken an oath to never do harm and high fructose corn syrup. signal to the brain, tricking our body into a vicious cycle Next, are any foods containing HFCS or better known as pay attention very closely. When HFCS is ingested, it travels straight to your liver. Your liver turns this sugary liquid directly into fat. The strange part is, HFCS does not cause the pancreas to produce insulin, which acts like a hunger quenching of never being full. Now, before I get to the other so-called health foods, I have an unusual weight loss tip to share with you, a tip that has been right under our noses our whole lives— literally. It’s also one of the most important tips that I've shared with my patients here in Carmel, Indiana. It’s a very simple tip that will teach you how to successfully burn unnecessary body fat. I need you to THE SECOND SO-CALLED HEALTH FOOD ARE FOODS CONTAINING … High Fructose Corn Syrup HFCS is actually found in many foods flaunted as being healthy. A few of the popular ones include � Yoplait yogurt � Special K breakfast cereal � Low-calorie fat-free salad dressing � Even healthy bars like �� Power bars � Balance bars 3

  3. BELIEVE IT OR NOT, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT. BUT BEFORE I GET INTO THE SPECIFICS, LET ME QUICKLY TELL YOU A LITTLE BIT ABOUT MYSELF. I'M A Who Am I � Board-Certified Chiropractic Physician � A Certified Wellness Practitioner � A Certified Advanced Nutritionist � A Speaker � A Bestselling Author I’ve been fortunate enough to help over a hundred thousand people lose weight in a healthy way, and my hope is that our patients can see what I practice and see what I preach. Here is a picture of me taken for a book I co-authored with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul. It's extremely important for me to provide fat burning information that I personally use in my own life. 4

  4. OOH, ONE MORE THING. BEFORE WE GO she did in high school. I know you’re probably skeptical, - Drop 16 dress sizes - Lose ¾ of an inch from each arm - Lose 2 inches from each thigh - Lose 90 lbs of unwanted weight - Lose 2 inches from her belly with you helped Lori to This one specific tip that I'm about to share must be torn from a supermarket tabloids. But it isn’t. and I don’t blame you. It sounds so dramatic that it At the age of thirty, she now wears a smaller dress than ANY FURTHER, LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT disease, etc, the program worked! poor line of genetics: obesity, diabetes, heart with you. Even though she comes from a very helped me develop what I’m about to share ori was my guinea pig at the beginning; She PATIENT OF MINE NAMED LORI. SHE WAS YOUR TYPICAL WORKING MOM WITH THREE CHILDREN TO TAKE CARE OF—AND YES, I SAID THREE. SOMEONE I'M EXTREMELY PROUD OF, A HOW LORI LOST 16 DRESS SIZES Lori ultimately lost a whopping 90 pounds of fat and dropped 16 dress sizes. She went from weighing 210 lbs, which she couldn’t lose after her last pregnancy, to weighing 120 lbs. She achieved this without counting calories, without starving herself, without killing herself in the gym, and while still eating all of her favorite foods including raspberry L cheesecake ice-cream, which she absolutely refused to give up! Before After

  5. -Child rearing retain as much fat as possible Essential minimum fat stores are many times higher in women than in men. Women were built to accumulate and for - Childbirth -milk production It all stems back to the Her friends are jealous and hunter gatherer days of acquaintances don't believe our ancestors. she was ever pregnant. Men weren’t built to When it comes to weight store fat at all. Men loss, women get the short were built to be lean end of the stick. In fact, and fast to hunt food. women have been wired to NOT lose weight. On the other hand, women were built for What I'm about to tell you fat storage to be able to might sound cheesy, but it survive and care for makes sense if we stop to children during famine. think abou it. Let me It's evolution. explain. 6

  6. MAJOR FAT STORING 3 ROAD BLOCKS For Women That Keep Fat From Leaving Your Body UNFORTUNATELY, WE’VE BEEN BUILT TO SURVIVE, NOT TO LOOK GOOD. WOMEN HAVE A COUPLE OF MAJOR FAT STORING ROAD BLOCKS THAT HOLD THEM BACK. 1. Women’s fat cells are bigger and they have more fat storing enzymes in them. Men’s fat cells have more fat- burning enzymes and their fat-storage enzymes are much smaller. Women honestly do have a lot working against them, which is why the steps I’ll be outlining in this presentation work so well. 7

  7. some 'bad' foods and still burn fat. and about to share with you some amazing tools that can help you get rid of unwanted body fat. Armed with this knowledge, you'll realize why the popular, well-known, so-called dieting programs simply don’t work long term. Mega supplements comanies make money from people like you and me selling us pills and powders that give temporary results. But here's the thing—we don't need them their Is it actually possible to overcome our genetics? Yes! I’m expensive weight-loss gimmicks to. Let me say that again; WE DON'T NEED THEIR EXPENSIVE WEIGHT- LOSS GIMMICKS TO LOSE WEIGHT! What I'm about to share with you is key to actually being able to eat 2. Estrogen multiplies fat storing enzym es making women gain weight around their butt and thighs like it’s an Olympic event. Those darn child birth genetics... And in the 21st century, both women and men have to worry about what is called Estrogen belly. Estrogen belly is essentially THIS BRINGS US TO when a layer of fat sits on the abdominal OUR THIRD FAT muscle caused by a decreased rate of STORINIG ROAD estrogenic production. BLOCK This fat seems impossible to get rid of no matter how hard you diet or exercise.This 3. Crash dieting. Crash dieting puts happens because the liver becomes clogged. our bodies instantly into starvation mode, reducing fat burning enzymes by Harmful foreign hormones that are found up to 50%. in plastics, birth control pills, non-grass-fed meat, pesticides, herbicides, and so on Our bodies literally freak out. Not only disrupt the liver detoxification pathway, do we tend to lose muscle mass when which contributes to an excess or imbalance crash dieting, but our fat burning in hormones. enzymes can even decrease. Just as the liver is responsible for processing and ensuring a healthy hormonal balance, it's also responsible for detoxifying excess estrogen or xenoestrogens that build up in the body and contribute to increased fat storage. Estrogen dominance is a major problem that stems from a disrupted liver process. It's one reason why menopausal women have a hard time losing weight around the abdomen and why men sometimes develop a beer belly or breasts in midlife and beyond. 8


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