The “scary” carrot, a short success story! In advertisement from the mid 1950’s we could read for the first time about the new concept “ Kri lium”. The se water soluble polymer proved actually to be able to answer up to its claim of being the most significant improvement in farming techniques since early 1800’s research into plant nutrients. It should be noted that it took almost 150 years for nutrient research to be fully implemented! Without these nutrient additions we would not be able to feed much more than 3-4 billion people on our planet today! We can now instead comfortably sustain an adequate food supply for at least 10 billion people. However this increased food supply is unfortunately uneven distributed around world ’s population! This in spite of the disturbing knowledge that we waste well over 50% of everything we grow or catch! In the last 40 years we have come to realize that this success has come with some significant costs to the environment through “ leaching of nutrients pollution ” and soil erosion from from our farm land into our water ways for final deposits along our coast lines river deltas. Sadly enough the initial excitement of water soluble bio-degradable polymers did not persist. 1950’ s material was un-predictable after installation, hard to install and the material cost was far above reason. The product and the concept has thereafter steadily been improved via other commercially usages for over 70 years and today we have a very high quality source material to work with. It was still very hard to install and far too expensive! It became obvious in the late 1980’s that the only possible answer to the high costs for material and headaches during installations would be to gently dry micronize these long linear polymers so that the surface area per weight unit could be significantly increased and thereby lower the required usage volumes from over 350 pounds per acre down to as little as 5 pounds per acre without changing the fantastic results. The inventors and partners behind the Rescaype™ concept had already developed the right hardware to finally make the best agricultural invention economically viable for large scale mono- crop farming. Such facility is now ready to start production in Sutherland Nebraska by late February 2018 in time for the 2018 planting season! In the late 1990’s professor Arthur Wallace at UCLA estimated that the US market for such soluble polymers within 10 years from their 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
introduction would exceed 5 billion USD and involve over 5,000 individuals in a wide range of functions and applications. Rescaype™ creates “ miracles ” in our farm land by mechanically re-structure the top-soil. These friendly little bio-degradable “ soil miners ” are of no nutritional value to the plants or for that matter bring any chemicals to the arena. Instead they: Minimize run-off by effectively flocculate small and large soil particles and nutrients. Of particular interest is to prevent pollution from the farmland by keeping nitrogen and clay where they are needed – in the soil - close to plant roots and not allowing erosion and leaching. Greatly improve water and oxygen penetration; no more water puddle-ing from irrigation water or natural precipitation. The water can instead hastily percolate down into the soil. Some of the received moisture is also retained by Rescaype™ readily available to the plants when they need. In this aspect Rescaype™ do not act similar to the cross linked super slurpies lately so popular! These super slurpies can hold lots of water but sadly with a greater retaining force than what the plants can muster. The end result is moisture starving plants standing in lakes of water! Restructure the soil so it stay less dense. For an optimal result, the soil must initially be tilled and worked before application of Rescaype™ . As soon as the water soluble Rescaype™ has been positioned by water penetration , it starts “cementing” itself to the soil and flocculate with the different soil particles and hereby creating larger conglomerates of soil particles. After these long linear polymer has interacted with commonly available calcium in the soil; they change and now become non-soluble permanent members of the top soil structure for many more years to come. During its life time it will now maintain a more favorable soil density very similar to the conditions in a multi-plant environment. Neither rain or heavy equipment will significantly change soil density as used to be common before treatment with Rescaype™ . Retain higher moisture levels, by maintaining a better soil density and adsorption of nutrients the roots will have access to significant increased abundance of both nutrients, oxygen and water. No longer are the roots limited to old nutrient deprived root channels in the soil. Exact same conditions exists for different microorganisms and fungi. A strong healthy and most times larger plant can better resists mechanical damages from wind, rain and hail. It is no longer as easy for pest to launch successful attacks. It is very common that pesticide can be kept to a minimum or completely avoided. 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
Protection of sensitive seedlings and loss of soil from wind. Rescaype™ flocculate the fine particles into larger conglomerates and these then become too heavy for wind to raise and move. No more soil dust in the air and no more plant damage from high velocity soil particles carried by wind destroying sensitive seedlings. Brings the worms back. The sandy soils retain more moisture and the heavy clays are no longer as dense. Large volume of water is quickly accepted by the soil and oxygen granted access. All these and other factor brings “ the worms back ” . Worms are not just liked by sports fishermen. As the worms move through the soil they leave tunnels ready for roots and fungi to easily move into and expand access to nutrients beyond old root tunnels. It is not un-common to notice root balls and their symbiosis fungi twice the size compared to what they used to be! No more flies and mosquitoes. They are gone without leaving any message. Without the old water puddles after either rain or irrigation there is no more incentive to hang around and breed in the field. Please review the YouTube video at: This short animated video show the importance of adsorption for environmentally safe mono-culture crop practices. A video presentation from a large hard winter wheat application in Sardinia, Italy. Images left: Two corn stalks from a dry farming field in Iowa 2017, show: Average 10% height increase of stalks in soil treated with Rescaype™ 3-4 weeks earlier maturity for the treated soil 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
Bell pepper Brindisi Italy: Left 5 plants are “ control ” in soil not treated with Rescaype™ . Plants to the right in soil treated with dry Rescaype™ crystals . Both test and control received the same amount of water via a common shared drip irrigation system. The summer of 2017 was one of the hottest and driest spring/ summer in region. Plants in treated soil had large peppers while the plants in the un- treated soil had not yet set flowers! 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
A selected very large zucchini from the treated area in comparison with more average zucchinis from the control un- treated area. By the way! – the very large carrot in the beginning of the presentation had the same texture and mouth feel as well as organoleptic character as the more normal sized “ control carrots ” ! It was just scary large. It had NOT stayed longer in soil and therefore grown bigger. Not that the market necessary want these big monsters! Instead they grow to “market size” significantly faster! After 2 seasons of testing Rescaype I was specially surprised by the respond from the soybeans this year. I am sold by these results and I plan to install Rescaype on more fields, such as oats, red clover and other grass crops in the future. Gaylord Moeller Dry land farmer Iowa 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
The goals for Rescaype™ treated soil: Lower usage of fertilizers by 30% Lower irrigation water with 30% Eliminate water and wind erosion Protect soil from water droplet damages Shorten germination time and speed plant growth and increase plant size Minimize need for pesticides Increase crop yield All Resca ype™ effects originate s in the soil! It then becomes obvious that all types of root crops is “the lowest hanging fruit” ( pun intended)! It is not un-common to see yield increase in weight and quality of many tens of percents already first year. Annual surface crops being second with perennials coming strongly in third position. A typical sales pitch: Off- set the Rescaype™ costs against first year’s savings in fertilizers irrigation cost and enjoy the yield increase without investment cost! Sutherland, NE January 28, 2018 Eric Lundgren +1 470 0343 (cell) 4468 West Lake Circle South Littleton, CO 80123
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