the role of evidence and expertise in effective policy

The role of evidence and expertise in effective policy making - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Centre for Transport Studies The role of evidence and expertise in effective policy making linking transport, health and well- being Dr. Clemence Cavoli Case Study 1 Linking transport, health and sustainability: Better data sets for

  1. Centre for Transport Studies The role of evidence and expertise in effective policy making – linking transport, health and well- being Dr. Clemence Cavoli

  2. Case Study 1 Linking transport, health and sustainability: Better data sets for better policy-making

  3. Case Study 1 Linking transport, health and sustainability: Better data sets for better policy-making  What are the strengths and Road casualty data ‘STATS 19’ limitations of the data sets you use?  What impact do these limitations Hospital Episode Statistics have on policy-making, evaluation and research? National Travel Survey  What would the ideal survey be like? Active People Survey Health Survey for England National surveys and routine datasets relating to health and transport in the UK • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

  4. Case Study 1: Results Gaps in National Data Sets Gaps in National Data sets Structural gaps Conceptual gaps  Active travel needs to be better  Insufficient sample addressed  The four areas are not sufficiently  Longitudinal surveys missing linked  Lack of harmonisation between surveys  Health and Transport lack connection (different definitions)

  5. Case Study 1: Results Key themes which need to be better addressed Background Physical activity, Well-being, Linking mobility, information, active travel and behaviours and health and Identifiers and health attitudes sustainability underrepresented groups Basic background Behavioural questions, Carbon emissions, Air General health levels characteristics (age, attitude and perception Quality and Energy gender) More details about Pleasantness of the More data about deprived physical activity and active Perceived Safety environment where people groups and ethnicity travel commute Life changing event Transport and the Cycling (Transition, moving People's location Economy home…) Social and economic Using data from New Travel to school sustainability technology

  6. Case Study 2 Transforming Transport Research into Policy and Practice Dr. Clemence Cavoli Prof Peter Jones

  7. Case Study 2: Transforming Transport Research into Policy and Practice

  8. Strengthen links between academics and policy-makers

  9. To bridge the gaps between academia and policy making…

  10. Prioritise future dialogue between academia, policy- makers and practitioners, focusing on: Cross-sectoral, multi-level collaboration Climate change Well-being Active travel Behaviour change

  11. Centre for Transport Studies Conclusions : Link Transport, Health, Well- being and sustainability Increase Adopt a cross- multi- sectorial and disciplinary multi-level approach collaboration Address Engage with gaps in the Academia way datasets are collected

  12. Centre for Transport Studies Thank you! Clemence Cavoli, Centre for Transport Studies, UCL UCL Transport Institute


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