effective altruism and policy

Effective altruism and policy Thursday 25 th February 2016 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Effective altruism and policy Thursday 25 th February 2016 16:00-17:00 What is effective altruism? Effective altruism means doing the most good one can. Using evidence Using the best available analysis Valuing everyone equally The

  1. Effective altruism and policy Thursday 25 th February 2016 16:00-17:00

  2. What is effective altruism? Effective altruism means doing the most good one can.  Using evidence  Using the best available analysis  Valuing everyone equally

  3. The Centre for Effective Altruism was founded in 2012 in Oxford

  4. Effective altruism in charity Quality 100% Time 70 years

  5. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  6. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy £20,000 / QALY barrier Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  7. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  8. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  9. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  10. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Distribution of condoms Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  11. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Distribution of condoms Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  12. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Distribution of condoms Education for high-risk groups Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  13. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Distribution of condoms Education for high-risk groups Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  14. What does a QALY cost? Treatment of Kaposi’s Sarcoma Antiretroviral therapy Prevention of transmission during pregnancy Distribution of condoms Education for high-risk groups Treatment for parasitic infections Source: Disease Control Priorities Project 3

  15. What can we learn from this?  International health interventions are a bargain  Intervention choice matters more than donation size

  16. Effective altruism in charity www.givingwhatwecan.org

  17. Effective altruism in career choice www.80000hours.org

  18. Effective altruism in policy  Avoid political deadlocks.  Think about scale.  Be explicit about what you choose.

  19. Avoid political deadlocks

  20. Think about scale Source: National Risk Register for Civil Emergencies, 2012 Cabinet Office

  21. Be explicit about what you are choosing Name Flavour Price/kg Calories/ 100g Apple Sweet, £3.40 52 Tart Orange Sweet, £1.50 47 Acidic

  22. Effective altruism in policy  Avoid political deadlocks.  Think about scale.  Be explicit about what you choose.

  23. Is it better to research treatment/cures for malaria or deliver them? Delivery Research Impact Direct Future/indirect Feedback Rapid Distant Employment LEDC MEDC Uncertainty Medium High Compounding Economic Knowledge

  24. Research vs delivery: average, ex-ante Name of paper Disease studied Cost effectiveness estimates (DALY/$1000) 9-83 Donor investment Malaria, HIV/AIDS, choices for Global and Tuberculosis Health 11-59 Making Markets for HIV/AIDS Vaccines 11-33 Tuberculosis 11-67 Malaria 10-48 IAVI study HIV/AIDS Tuberculosis Vaccines: Tuberculosis 4-200 the case for investment Source: Donor investment choices for Global Health, OHE, 2006; Making Markets for Vaccines, CGD, 2005; An Advance Market Commitment for AIDS Vaccines: Accelerating the Response from Industry , IAVI, 2006, T uberculosis Vaccines: the case for investment , BIO Ventures for Global Health, 2006

  25. Research vs delivery: marginal, ex-ante Name of paper Disease studied Cost effectiveness estimates (DALY/$1000) 125 Estimating the cost- Diarrhoeal diseases effectiveness of research into neglected tropical diseases 71 Salmonella 11 Malaria 14 HIV/AIDS 22 Tuberculosis Source: Estimating the cost-effectiveness of research into neglected tropical diseases, Global Priorities Project, 2015

  26. Research vs delivery – rough comparison WHO-CHOICE highly cost-effective threshold Very best health interventions Rough research effectiveness estimate 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 DALY/$1000 Source: WHO-Choice, Global Priorities Project

  27. Effective altruism in policy  Avoid political deadlocks.  Think about scale.  Be explicit about what you choose.

  28. Other potential areas to explore  Linking position on the NRR to availability of funding/integrating planning.  Creating and using a cross-departmental outcome/output unit cost database.  Building research into grant distribution.  Tying liability for public health implications to risky biotech research.  Making more extensive use of RCTs in public policy.

  29. Backup

  30. How valuable is (marginal) research? Source: Chandaria, S; Cotton- Barratt, O “On the marginal benefits of research”, forthcoming

  31. How valuable is (marginal) research? Source: Cotton- Barratt, O “The Law of Logarithmic Returns”, forthcoming


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