the role of bangladesh academy of sciences in

The Role of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences in Advancing Science, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Role of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences in Advancing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmed Secretary Bangladesh Academy of Sciences "Strengthening National Academies of Science in the LDC's in Support of

  1. The Role of Bangladesh Academy of Sciences in Advancing Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Professor Mesbahuddin Ahmed Secretary Bangladesh Academy of Sciences "Strengthening National Academies of Science in the LDC's in Support of the 2030 Agenda" Bangkok, Thailand 4 February, 2020

  2. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences is an apex body of Scientists elected through a stringent process. The fellows of the Academy are eminent scientists having outstanding achievements in their respective fields of research. They are thus a highly respected group of people .

  3. The aim of the Academy is to enhance the scientific capability of the country and to contribute to the socio-economic development of the country. To achieve this objective the Academy undertakes the following activities: (i) Organize lectures, Seminars, Symposia and Workshops

  4. (ii) Award Gold medals to junior and senior group of scientists for their outstanding achievement. (iii) Organize "Science Olympiad" for SSC and HSC level students throughout the country to inspire them to take up science as their subject to study.

  5. (iv) Publications The Bangladesh Academy of Sciences publishes " The Bangladesh Academy of Sciences Journal “ and an onlineJournal known as " BanglaJOL ".

  6. (v) International Contacts and members BAS is a member of: International Council of Science Council of Asia Inter Academy Partnership Science Union (ICSU) Japan Paris Third World Academy of Sciences Association of Asian Science Academy Trieste, Italy

  7. (vi) BAS has signed MOU and agreed to work with: Indian National Science Academy Nepal Academy of Sciences Pakistan Science Academy Chinese Academy of Sciences

  8. (vii) BAS-USDA Research Fund Bangladesh Academy of Sciences received an endowment fund of about 120 Million USD from United States Department of Agriculture for supporting research in agriculture and life science to secure food security. The BAS is administering this fund and a good number of useful research projects have been supported through this scheme.

  9. The Activities described above have one common interest i.e. to develop science and to encourage scientists to enhance the development of the country. The Academy provides guidance and advice at times of national crisis. The challenges facing the country are predominantly- (i) the adverse effect of climate change and (ii) the Rohingya Crisis.

  10. The Academy of Science in Bangladesh has a big role to play in advancing science, technology and innovation (STI) and to fulfill the objectives given in agenda 2030. The LDC countries can take up the matter to strengthen Academies of Sciences following the example of Bangladesh and move forward for a transit to the status of a developing country.


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