Victor Ivanovich Petrik Full Member, Academician of Russian Academy of natural sciences, Russian technological academy, Petrovskaya academy of sciences and arts, International academy of sciences, ecology and nature, Honoured member of European university. The author of four scientific discoveries : “Phenomenon of magnetic-ordered state of osmium-187 isotope in the ferromagnetic matrix”, Diploma No.180. “Phenomenon of generation of nanostructured carbon complexes”, Diploma No.163. “Phenomenon of nuclear spin selectivity in reversible chemical reactions with graphenes”, Diploma No.312. “Regularity of generation of the geometric spatial multidimensional structure using the mathematical golden section algorithm”, Diploma No.168.
V.I. Petrik has established the following research centres in Russia: 1. In 1991 he established a private research laboratory being the first private research laboratory in new Russia. 2. In 1997 the Research institute of physics of fullerenes and new materials has been established being a limited liability company (LLC) and the first Russian private research institute, which founders are Russian Academy of natural sciences, Nauchpribor CJSC and V.I. Petrik, a natural person. 3. In 2007 the second private research institute has been established in Russia, Research institute of supramolecular systems and nanotechnologies LLC, which founders are Dubna International institute of nuclear research, State international university of nature, society and man and V.I. Petrik, a natural person. V.I. Petrik was elected the scientific leader of the institute. 4. In 2008 Research institute of supremolecular systems and information technologies LLC has been established. The institute has been founded by V.I. Petrik's company, Golden Formula Holding LLC, and M.A. Boch-Bruyevich state university of telecommunications. V.I. Petrik is the author of two scientific monographs: Optical armoured ceramics. Spinel. Published by Regional printing house No.1, Irkutsk, 2011. Anti-Stokes compounds and technologies based thereon. Published by Regional printing house No.1, Irkutsk, 2012.
The basic elements of HRCM project as the subject for public presentation and commercialization objects are the following items created by Academician V.I.Petrik: - A unique substance – high reactivity carbon mixture (HRCM); - Unique HRCM production technology; - Technologies for HRCM application; - Special products created on the basis of HRCM (filters fir drinking water, filtration booms and other various filters, heat- protective and moisture-retaining materials, catalysis and process additives, medicinal means and preparations, etc); - service and works related to HRCM production and application. The high reactivity carbon mixture and technology for its production have been developed as a result of the scientific discovery made by Academician V.I.Petrik: “Phenomenon of generation of nanostructured carbon complexes” certified by the International association of the authors of scientific discoveries in 2001, Diploma No.163. Methods for commercial production and application of graphenes (HRCM) are protected by the following patents: RU2163883 30.09. 1999 Method for industrial production of a high reactivity carbon mixture by cold destruction and a device for its implementation”, 2 US 7,842,271 B2 30/11/2010 “Mass production of carbon nanostructures”, US 2003/ 0024884A1 06/02/2003 “Method for removing oil, petroleum products and/or chemical, pollutants from liquid and/or gas and/or surface”, European patent No.EP1247856, Eurasian patent No.002579 as well as patents of a number of Asian countries. HRCM is a new substance of a certain class having no analogues in the world by physical, chemical, functional and economic characteristics as well as by ecological purity, versatility and variety of spheres of application.
The high reactivity carbon mixture (HRCM) is a homogeneous carbon mass consisting of graphenes being flat elements of graphite structure bonded by van der Waals’ forces as well as products of their chaotic coupling. The technology of HRCM production is also unique. HRCM is produced by the method of cold destruction of carbon laminated compounds into carbon clusters, graphenes. To this effect, chemical compounds being capable to explosive decomposition under external action (photochemical, mechanical, chemical, etc.) are placed into the interlayer spaces of the laminated carbon compounds, with subsequent initiation of the autocatalytic process of decomposition of the compound. The gaseous products of decomposition of the chemical compound being generated in the interlayer spaces destroy the carbon matrix with generation of individual two-dimensional carbon crystals (graphenes), which structure is complimentary to the structure of graphite’s basal plane.
In the photo: cold method for grapheme production . An exceptional peculiarity is that HRCM can be produced in commercial quantities in field conditions and requires no special hardware support. The delegation of Spanish scientists are acquainting themselves with the industrial method of graphene production, 2001.
The typical feature of divergent chemical reactions is the availability of limit phenomena consisting of the fact that in case of insignificant variation of a parameter (pressure, temperature, composition) a sharp change of the chemical reaction rate occurs. The use of special impurities initiating the autocatalytic acceleration of the chemical reaction or inhibiting the chemical reaction allows to regulate the rate of HRCM running production. Depending upon the rate of chemical reaction the degree of HRCM destruction varies as well as the changes occur in the content of graphenes, Graphite packets and various carbon aggregates being the result of their chaotic coupling. The use of special impurities initiating the autocatalytic acceleration of chemical reaction leads to the exponential growth of the rate of chemical reaction. Gaseous products of decomposition of chemical compounds actively emit HRCM from the reaction zone. A typical "plasma-like" glow is generated in the reaction zone.
The reaction is initiated by Nitin Gadkari the President of the Indian party
The industrial production of the main elements in the process line for the manufacture of HRCM, Cl2O7 high reactivity chemical compound, has been created, which synthesis is performed from NaCl in specially developed platinum electrolysers. Special compounds have been developed allowing to maintain the process of decomposition of the chemical compound contained in the interlayer spaces of graphite in the mode of self-accelerating branched chain reaction. Spanish scientists at the Cl2O7 production site. The high reactivity chemical compound is supplied from the electrolysis shop to special mixers for the treatment of graphite. Then graphite initiated is treated with stabilizing chemical compounds, after which it can be stored in the form of a concentrate for a long period of time in polyethylene containers at warehouses, at places with increased hazard of emergency spills of liquid hydrocarbons or any other hazardous chemical compounds, on marine vessels, etc.
The Golden Formula Holding LLC’s production site allows manufacturing HRCM in the amount of 300 tons per year. Properties of the high reactivity carbon mixture (HRCM) HRCM has unique physical and chemical characteristics, which causes the variety of their spheres of application. Unsurpassed sorption characteristics of HRCM have been virtually confirmed by the results of multiple full-scale tests (in various countries worldwide) as well as numerous expert examination studies conducted by competent national and international organisations. So, for example, comparative tests of HRCM sorption characteristics conducted in Excelchem Environmental Labs (USA) have shown that HRCM is superior by this characteristic than activated coconut charcoal GAC being the best on the American market by 50…200 times depending upon the liquid substance being under investigation. In particular, the HRCM sorption characteristics as to crude oil surpass GAC by 134,4 times, i.e. on gram of HRCM binds 67,2 grams of oil. It is notable that oil can be separated from HRCM, which allows using HRCM as a sorbent repeatedly.
In 2012 in the Nova Biotec research centre (Germany), on the initiative of Rospotrebnadzor, the comparative testing of five leading filter manufacturers has been performed. The tests were conducted with respect to 22 analytical parameters. The HRCM-based filters manufactured by Golden Formula Holding LLC have been ranked first with respect to 22 parameters.
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