the right to manage

The Right to Manage (Based on a Series Developed by C. Longstreth) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Right to Manage (Based on a Series Developed by C. Longstreth) General Policy The University, through its governance structure, retains and reserves to itself the rights, powers, and authority to plan, manage, control and in all respects

  1. The Right to Manage (Based on a Series Developed by C. Longstreth)

  2. General Policy The University, through its governance structure, retains and reserves to itself the rights, powers, and authority to plan, manage, control and in all respects carry out the ordinary and customary functions of management. Generally, this right and responsibility rests with the unit leader or supervisor. The authority for IFAS to manage is delegated by the President to the Senior Vice President for the Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. In turn, the authority is delegated to the Deans and the various unit leaders.

  3. Outline of Topics Recruiting and Appointments Complaints, Appeals,   Grievances Salary Determination  Termination & Disciplinary Professional Obligations   Actions Assignments  Leaves  Evaluations  Internal Controls  Non-renewal  Health, Safety, and Security  Professional Meetings  Exit Interviews  Outside Activities  Post Retirement Employment  Tenure, Permanent Status,  File Maintenance & Public  and Promotion Records

  4. Recruiting and Appointments The unit leader is responsible for the search and screen process, the hiring recommendation and preparing the written offer of appointment. IFAS Human Resources will post faculty positions and assist with the recruiting process.

  5. Recruiting and Appointments  Appoint search committee,  Offers of employment are if appropriate very critical – a legally binding contract  Consult with faculty and other administrators  Include any contingencies regarding selection such as degree completion or VISA requirements  Written offer – IFAS template

  6. Salary Determination The Unit Leader is responsible for determining/recommending the salary of faculty and staff Specific guidelines are provided regularly from the Senior Vice President and Deans

  7. Salary Determination  All employees are paid  Certify the employee in accordance with member has Appropriations Act performed the and University’s assignment policies  Consider Unit Equity  Discuss and explain  Review Salaries the basis for salary for possible determination or discrimination recommendation

  8. Professional Obligations The Unit Leader is responsible for advising faculty and staff of his/her professional obligations and keeping the employee informed of and involved in matters affecting his or her employment

  9. Professional Obligations Involve the employee in those Inform employee that   matters pertinent to or affecting obligations are both scheduled his/her employment and non-scheduled Address the situation if it’s not Notify the employee of the   working specific assignments Inform the employee of what Counsel/offer guidance in   must be done to resolve the making necessary arrangements situation if professional Provide effective leadership  obligations are not met in a necessary for a positive work satisfactory manner and of the environment consequences if these are not Keep the employee informed of  resolved matters pertinent to his/her employment

  10. Assignments and Responsibilities The Unit Leader is responsible for determining the assignment of duties and responsibilities

  11. Assignments and Responsibilities Inform in writing of general Make assignments that comply   expectations in terms of with the 12-Hour Law teaching, research, and Assure that the employee’s  extension effort is expended as assigned Reminder of the attendant Change the assignment if   duties, responsibilities and necessary (in writing, place in obligations expected personnel file). Afford the Inform re: specific assigned opportunity to discuss prior to  duties….. reassignment Provide equitable opportunities Consider tenure/perm. stat./   to meet required criteria for T, promotion and funding when PS & P making a change.

  12. Performance Evaluation  The Unit Leader is responsible for the evaluation of the faculty and staff reporting to him/her

  13. Performance Evaluations Provide at least an annual Evaluate more frequently, if   assessment of the employee’s necessary assigned and attendant Provide suggestions and  professional responsibilities assistance in correcting Provide employee opportunity deficiencies or concerns  to submit information relevant State the consequences if  to the evaluation process deficiencies or concerns are not Use information gathered from corrected  appropriate sources given the Provide assessment of sustained  assignments performance/post tenure-review Address the faculty member’s Provide a written copy of the   progress toward tenure and/or final evaluation in a timely promotion manner

  14. Renewal of Appointments The Unit Leader is responsible for the annual renewal or non-renewal of appointments of non-tenured, non- permanent status faculty and of TEAMS employees.

  15. Renewal of Appointments  If the situation  Choose whether to constitutes a layoff – renew or not the employee must be  Provide appropriate advised of recall rights notice  Meet with the employee and explain the reasons  Make sure you follow UF Rules

  16. Professional Meetings/ Activities The Unit Leader should encourage and provide opportunities for faculty (and some Exempt TEAMS staff) to attend professional meetings, conferences, and to participate in other professional development activities

  17. Professional Meetings  Should be consistent with  Inform the employee of assignment, relevant to the approval or reasons for professional development lack of approval and/or beneficial to unit  Advise the employee  Review and determine regarding requirements of what expenses will be reimbursements, travel covered, if applicable approvals, etc  Approve the dates a faculty member wishes to attend

  18. Outside Activity/Conflict of Interest  The Unit Leader is responsible for determining that the employee’s responsibilities are not being abrogated by the activity

  19. Outside Activity/Conflict of Interest Inform employees of their Comply with requirements   responsibilities for disclosure regarding additional or dual compensation for additional Inform employee of the  employment with the reasons if the activity is university or the state deemed to be a conflict of interest or interferes with Inform employee if approved  his/her obligations to the or not university Approve or deny any request  Follow process if it involves to use university facilities,  intellectual property matters equipment or services or doing business with the university

  20. Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion  The Unit Leader (in coordination with the Tenure Dept. Chair, if different) is responsible for informing the faculty member regarding T/PS/&P requirements  The IFAS Human Resources Office conducts annual workshops for faculty, administrators, and staff.

  21. Tenure, Permanent Status and Promotion Inform faculty member of the Initiate the tenure, permanent   criteria required to successfully status, and promotion review achieve tenure, permanent process as appropriate status or promotion Either recommend tenure (or  Serve, with other faculty, as a permanent status) or notify the  mentor to the faculty member faculty of non-renewal by the as they pursue these personnel end of the sixth year actions Advise faculty members  annually of their progress toward tenure and permanent status and toward promotion if requested

  22. Complaints, Appeals and Grievances  The chair or supervisor is responsible for dealing with appeals, complaints and grievances in accordance with policies and procedures

  23. Complaints, Appeals and Grievances Review all complaints, whether Report the disposition of the   verbal, written or anonymous complaint or incident to the appropriate university offices Seek the assistance of IFAS or  UF resource personnel (IFAS Conduct follow-up reviews, as  HR, Deans, Sponsored necessary Research, General Counsel), as Notify the Dean or IFAS HR  appropriate whenever contacted by an Work with IFAS or UF resource attorney who is representing  personnel to conduct a anyone with a claim against UF thorough and objective review Notify the appropriate office  Meet with the parties involved (Inspector General) for  (separately) to review any allegations of fiscal impropriety actions to be taken and fraudulent activities

  24. Termination for Cause and other Disciplinary Actions  Unit Leader is responsible for the disciplinary action taken against an employee for misconduct during the term of employment contract


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