the restore woodlake committee s

The Restore Woodlake Committees Proposed Resolution The Woodlake - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Restore Woodlake Committees Proposed Resolution The Woodlake Property Owners Association The Restore Woodlake Committee David Watterson - Chairman Who We Are The Restore Woodlake Committee was created by & under the authority

  1. The Restore Woodlake Committee’s Proposed Resolution The Woodlake Property Owners’ Association The Restore Woodlake Committee David Watterson - Chairman

  2. Who We Are • The Restore Woodlake Committee was created by & under the authority of the Woodlake Property Owners’ Association (POA); a N.C. non-profit organization representing approximately 750 Woodlake homeowners, owners of 1,500 Lots, & ~$230M in real-estate • The Committee was formed to actively influence those who will ultimately decide the fate of the dam, as well as developing & evaluating alternative solutions to restore the dam & lake

  3. Where WL Dam & Lake are Today • Since 2007, Woodlake management has a long history of ignoring N.C. DENR/DEQ • 10/16 - Matthew hits – spillway collapses – evacuation ordered • DEQ issues 3 rd Dam Safety Order (DSO) & drains lake – 11/16 – WL management misses all DSO deadlines • WL stops paying Geosyntec; they resign from the project • AG files injunction w/N.C. Superior Court in Moore County to enforce the DSO – 01/17 - WL has until 03/02 to respond • Woodlake POA takes action: – Establishes a “Restore Woodlake Committee”

  4. Woodlake Lake Before

  5. What the “Lake” Looks Like Today

  6. All That Brown Color Used to be a Lake! 6

  7. Even Our Swans Are Negatively Impacted

  8. Why Should the Moore County Commissioners Care?

  9. Zillow Home Values as of 1 January, 2017 Three WL homes The slope of the values says it all! Good Not Good 9

  10. Declining WL Home Values Impact on County Property tax Revenue • WL represents a County property tax base of ~$230M = ~$1.33M in tax revenue • WL’s 2015 property valuations fell ~9% = ~$127.6K revenue lost • If the dam is not repaired & lake permanently gone, property values likely to plunge another 30-50%, thereby reducing county tax revenue by $396-$663K annually, times multiple years • As residents & visitors react to the degraded WL situation, taxable activities such as restaurant/bar purchases, golf rounds, etc., will also be reduced • County tax revenues are a zero-sum situation – every dollar of lost WL tax must be made up somehow (rate change?); or, County services reduced or curtailed

  11. Reasons to Care • The Woodlake Community has a large & active voting population • Properly managed & maintained dam = excellent flood control & management of its 100mi 2 Cranes & Cypress Creeks’ watershed • The lake is an excellent ecosystem for numerous resident & migrating species • The lake is a back-up water source during the inevitable N.C. summer drought season • The Woodlake development has ~600 "buildable" lots that become desirable home building locations if the lake is restored, which could translate to $100Ks of additional property tax revenue for the county

  12. Woodlake POA Resolution to County Board of Commissioners A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MANAGER & COUNTY ATTORNEY TO WORK WITH THE WOODLAKE PROPERTY ASSOCIATION’S “ RESTORE WOODLAKE COMMITTEE” TO DEVELOP A PROPOSAL OR PROPOSALS FOR REPAIR OF THE WOODLAKE DAM (Moore-040) THEREFORE, MOORE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLVES: Section 1. The County Manager & County Attorney, are hereby authorized & directed to meet & cooperate with the members of the Restore Woodlake Committee… Section 3. The Board emphasizes that the adoption of this resolution is not intended to & does not in any way whatsoever commit the Board to support or approve any proposal that may emerge from the study authorized herein. Section 4. This resolution is effective upon adoption.

  13. Woodlake Property Owners Petition to Moore County Board of Commissioners The Property Owners Association of Woodlake urge the Moore County Board of Commissioners to support the Woodlake POA’s “Restore Woodlake Committee’s” effort s to return the Woodlake Dam (Moore-040) to full Service We the undersigned residents, property owners, & Moore County tax payers respectfully request the Moore County Board of Commissioners adopt the attached Resolution; – to wit, the Moore County’s Board of Commissioners is petitioned to work with the Woodlake Property Owners Association’s (POA) “Restore Woodlake Committee” to return the Woodlake Dam to full Service.

  14. Summary • The Woodlake dam is in disrepair & its future is unknown • The lake is the centerpiece of our community & the linchpin to our property values & lifestyles • Both property owners & the County stand to be financially harmed if the lake is not restored • The Restore Woodlake Committee has been formed to actively influence those who will ultimately decide the fate of the dam, as well as to develop & evaluate alternative solutions to restore the dam & lake • We ask the Commissioners to approve the proposed resolution


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