the regional food bank of oklahoma regionalfoodbank org

The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Founded - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma Founded in 1980 Mission: Fighting HungerFeeding Hope Largest private domestic hunger-relief organization in Oklahoma Administrative and fundraising costs are 4%

  1. The Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma • Founded in 1980 • Mission: “ Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope ” • Largest private domestic hunger-relief organization in Oklahoma • Administrative and fundraising costs are 4% • Recognized as the outstanding non-profit in the state with the first O.N.E. Award by the Oklahoma Center for NonProfits “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  2. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  3. Hunger in Oklahoma “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  4. Hunger in Oklahoma “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  5. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  6. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  7. DISTRIBUTION IN CENTRAL AND WESTERN OK • In fiscal year 2016, the Regional Food Bank distributed 52 million pounds of food through a network of more than 1,350 charitable feeding programs and schools throughout 53 central and western Oklahoma counties. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  8. Who We Serve… • Families, living paycheck to paycheck • Children, living in poverty • Seniors , living on fixed incomes • Unemployed (and/or) under- employed “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  9. Programs and Services “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  10. Childhood Hunger Programs • Food for Kids o Backpack Program o School Pantries o Kids Cafe o Summer Feeding o School Breaks “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  11. Food for Kids Backpack Program • The Backpack Program • Each child receives a started as a pilot program in backpack filled with shelf- 2003, serving 180 children stable, nutritious food to in five elementary schools sustain them over weekends in Oklahoma County. and holidays when school meal programs are not • Today, we are serving more available. than 18,816 chronically hungry children in 512 elementary schools in 53 central and western Oklahoma counties. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  12. School Pantry Program • The School Pantry Program was piloted at two schools during the 2010-2011 School Year (PC and Western Heights). • The Regional Food Bank is currently operating 152 School Pantries throughout the metro area. • During the 2015-2016 school year, the School Pantry program served 5,139 chronically hungry students and distributed enough food to provide the equivalent of 590,379 meals. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  13. Kids Cafe • 37 Kids Cafe sites provide an afterschool safe haven for at-risk youth where children can receive a meal and get help with homework and life-skills. • Meals and snacks were provided to nearly 6,000 children in fiscal year 2016. • The program provided nearly 260,000 meals and snacks in fiscal year 2016. We partner with churches, community centers, housing authorities, Boys and Girls Club • More fresh fruits and vegetables are made available on a regular basis as we worked to improve the nutritional content of all meals. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  14. School Break Summer Feeding Program Program • Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma • Through a 13 year partnership with partners with 17 sites around the USDA and the Oklahoma Oklahoma City metro including Department of Education, the YMCA, OKC Parks and Rec, Boys & Summer Feeding program provided Girls Clubs and others, to provide more than 211,070 meals and lunch and snacks to students over snacks to 6,484 children at 124 the extended school breaks. summer feeding sites during over the summer of 2016. • Addresses critical need for • Summer Feeding for nine rural students attending schools with year-round schedule. communities is underwritten by a grant from the Sodexo Foundation . • More than 12,392 meals meals were provided to 1,303 students over school breaks last school year. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  15. Hope’s Kitchen More than 200,000 meals produced in FY16 “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  16. Childhood Hunger Programs Backpack Program | Kids Cafe | Summer Feeding | School Pantries |School’s Out 40000 37,697 37,658 35000 31,944 30000 25,699 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 751 796 834 675 0 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 Kids Sites “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  17. Senior Feeding Programs • The Regional Food Bank assists with 18 Senior Mobile sites and serves an average of 1,025 each month, providing 291,000 meals during fiscal year 2016. • There are 26 Senior Home Delivery sites in our service area. Seniors who receive our home delivery sacks get a nutritional supplement that helps them to hold off hunger at the end of the month when money is tight. These sites serve an average of 553 seniors a month, providing more than 69,000 meals in fiscal year 2016. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  18. FR X ES ESH H | | a p a pres escr cripti ption on for or hea ealt lth. h. The Fresh R x Initiative addresses the effects of food insecurity on poor health outcomes. • Priority placed on distribution of fresh produce o More than 12.7 million pounds in FY16 (24% of our total distribution) • Fresh Food Mobile Market • Nutrition Education • Healthy Living Pantry Boxes • Urban Harvest “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  19. Fresh Food Mobile Market • Fresh Food Mobile Market – 10 sites in under-served or food desert areas served 1,600 clients monthly. • Each client receives an average of 27.5 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  20. Nutrition Education • Cooking Demonstrations • Recipes • Nutrition Classes Healthy Living Pantry Boxes • Food specifically selected for chronic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension • Boxes distributed by “prescription” from healthcare professionals “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  21. URBAN HARVEST In fiscal year 2016… • 2,000 pounds harvested • 695 Educational tours • 7,628 seedlings grown and distributed for community gardens • 12,210 seed packets distributed “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  22. Food & Resource Centers 12 LOCATIONS OPEN • OKC - Urban Mission, Skyline Urban Ministries, Salvation Army • Enid - Loaves & Fishes, NW OK • Lawton - Lawton Food Bank • Elk City - Help, Inc. • Moore - Moore • Durant - Hands of Hope • Shawnee - Community Market of Pottawatomie County • Ponca City – New Emergency Resource Agency • Ardmore – Food & Resource Center of South Central Oklahoma • Weatherford – Weatherford Food & Resource Center “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  23. Volunteer Center • 42,437 volunteers contributed 202,646 hours of service • More than $4 million saved in labor “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  24. How can you help? “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  25. How can you help even more? Like, Share, Tweet, Retweet! “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  26. Thank you! “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™

  27. “Fighting Hunger…Feeding Hope” ™


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