The Poten)al for Much More The El Oro Gold District, Mexico May, 2016 Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo. is the Qualified person responsible for prepara;on of all technical Informa;on included
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El Oro District, Mexico • 110 km WNW of Mexico City • 27 claims covering 17,960 hectares • Excellent access -paved highway to project • Mining friendly popula)on • Excellent infrastructure & services • Power to Site EL ORO EL ORO 3
El Oro Gold-Silver Project Highlights One of Mexico’s highest grade historic gold and silver past producers. • Historic Production of 8M ounces of gold equivalent also from only 2 of more than 50 known veins • Historic production was over an average of only 200 metres vertically With Potential for more … . • Extension of gold-silver mineralization along strike and at depth in main veins, extension proven now key is understanding controls to higher grades • Potential for discovery of new veins near past production areas • Remnant gold-silver “resource” • New gold-silver targets recently identified within the district 4
El Oro District, Mexico 5
Mining History El Oro • Spaniards discovered Borda – Corona Veins in outcrop in 1500’s – silver dominated production • Development of three different profitable mines on the San Rafael vein by late 1800’s – 5 M oz Au eq production ~ 10:1 Ag:Au • Blind Discovery and bonanza payout by Dos Estrellas on Veta Verda – 3 M oz Au eq production • Several Smaller mines on other veins • Years 1925 to 1937: – In 1925 all mines and properties acquired by Dos Estrellas and mineral processed in a new crushing, grinding and cyanide processing plant built on the Dos Estrellas site • Years 1937 to 1960: – Minera Dos Estrellas operating as a (worker owned cooperative) salvage operation mining stope fill, back fill and exploitation of insitu higher grade pillars from the San Rafael/Veta Verde Veins 6
Candente at El Oro July 10 th , 2014 El Oro Tailings Inferred Resource contains 119,900 oz Gold and 3M oz Silver March 2013 Development of a 3D gold and silver grade model of El Oro Mining & Railway por;on of the San Rafael vein segment * significantly enhanced understanding of controls on mineraliza1on controls Feb 2013 Thirty-one explora;on targets (9 high priority) ASTER/structural interpret * district is underexplored May 2012 70% earn-in achieved from Goldcorp (achieved $10M in explora;on expenditures) Feb 2012 San Rafael Vein extended laterally to 3.5km and ver;cally to 500m * established addi1onal poten1al of San Rafael May 2011 Gold discovered deep in the San Rafael Vein (13.7 g/t Au over 3.0m) *confirms high grade gold poten1al at depth below old workings Feb. 2011 Unconformity Somera Tuff Discovery (1.17 g/t Au and 5.02 g/t Ag over 54.7m) * totally new form of gold-silver mineraliza1on – previously unrecognized
Candente Drilling San Rafael Vein Schema)c longitudinal sec)on showing past historic produc)on from the San Rafael Vein with Candente 2010-2011 Drilling Schema)c longitudinal sec)on showing past historic produc)on from the San Rafael Vein with Candente 2010-2011 Drilling; pre-mineral andesite sills
High Grade gold Intersected Above and Below the Esperanza Workings 3m of 13.7 g/t gold in faulted San Rafael Vein 126m below old workings confirms that high grade extends well below the limits of historical mining faulting has greatly reduced the width of the vein in this area. 9
Somera Tuff Discovery • Bulk Tonnage Potential • Best Evidence to Date that San Rafael is a Stacked Vein System 10
produc;on 11
Tailings Investment Highlights • Opportunity to develop short term cash flow with licle costs • Posi;ve results from Conceptual study for TRO by JDS Energy and Mining Inc. (“JDS”) April 2014 – Inferred resource of 119,900 oz gold and 3,061,200 oz silver – Addi;onal testwork required to fully assess metallurgy and appropriate treatment • Located adjacent to exis;ng road access, power and water services 12
El Oro Mine Tailings Map 13
Upside Poten)al and Benefits • Poten;al to iden;fy resources from three other tailings deposits also under op;on to CDG in the El Oro area • Remedia;on program would mi;gate current poten;al environmental risks for Municipality and rehabilitate the current land making it available for the town’s future development 14
TRO Path Forward • Complete metallurgical test work to evaluate best processing and/or treatment op;ons • Parameters to be considered: Recoveries, capital and opera;ng costs • Future work may involve Infill drilling and engineering studies including a PEA • Focus is a straighkorward/low-risk opera;on 15
Historic Drill Intersec)ons by Luismin in Areas Previously Mined Drill Hole ID From(m) To(m) Intercept(m) Au g/t Ag g/t SR-93-01 191.0 193.0 2.0 6.90 58.26 Post mineral volcanics to 125m 198.0 199.5 1.5 15.10 91.00 216.5 217.5 1.0 4.11 49.80 229.0 230.0 1.0 6.18 25.80 254.2 255.5 0.87 4.22 44.70 SR-93-02 167.3 168.0 0.7 3.25 49.10 Post mineral volcanics to 125m 183.5 189.5 5.9 1.51 80.05 201.5 207.0 5.5 5.40 87.00 207.0 210.5 3.5 23.20 224.00 201.0 213.0 12.0 10.10 121.49 SR-93-04 274.1 275.5 1.4 1.05 75.00 SR-93-05 263.5 266.5 3.0 0.31 146.00 Post mineral volcanics to 175m 266.5 271.0 4.5 1.77 307.00 283.0 285.0 2.0 4.00 81.00 SR-93-06 289.5 290.0 0.5 0.46 77.80 Post mineral volcanics to 275m 300.0 304.5 4.5 0.77 103.00 329.0 332.0 3.0 0.14 133.00 332.0 334.0 2.0 0.19 213.00 334.0 336.8 2.8 0.11 76.80 SR-93-07 243.0 243.5 0.5 1.07 80.00 SR-93-08 238.5 240.0 1.5 15.90 59.30 (volcanics to 130m depth) 240.0 241.5 1.5 10.80 66.50
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