the poisson voronoi tessellation in hyperbolic space

The Poisson Voronoi tessellation in hyperbolic space Elliot - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions The Poisson Voronoi tessellation in hyperbolic space Elliot Paquette Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) Seymour Sherman Conference May 17, 2015 HPV

  1. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions The Poisson Voronoi tessellation in hyperbolic space Elliot Paquette Weizmann Institute of Science (Rehovot, Israel) Seymour Sherman Conference May 17, 2015

  2. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Hyperbolic space Figure : A tessellation of H

  3. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Voronoi tessellation 1. P ⊂ X a discrete set.

  4. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Voronoi tessellation 1. P ⊂ X a discrete set. 2. For a point p 0 ∈ P , the cell with nucleus p 0 is given by � � z ∈ X : d ( z , p 0 ) = min p ∈P d ( z , p ) .

  5. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Hyperbolic space Figure : A tessellation of H , with nuclei shown

  6. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices Say that a Voronoi tessellation of H is a lattice if 1. The isometries that fix the set of nuclei act transitively.

  7. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices Say that a Voronoi tessellation of H is a lattice if 1. The isometries that fix the set of nuclei act transitively. 2. A Voronoi cell has finite volume.

  8. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices Say that a Voronoi tessellation of H is a lattice if 1. The isometries that fix the set of nuclei act transitively. 2. A Voronoi cell has finite volume. Make the lattice into a graph by attaching two nuclei if and only if their Voronoi cells have a codimension-1 intersection.

  9. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices capture the space

  10. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices capture the space • H is nonamenable: | ∂ V | Vol H ( V ) > 0 . inf V ⊂ H ∂ V smooth Vol H ( V ) < ∞

  11. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Lattices capture the space • H is nonamenable: | ∂ V | Vol H ( V ) > 0 . inf V ⊂ H ∂ V smooth Vol H ( V ) < ∞ • Any lattice L in H is nonamenable: | ∂ V | | V | > 0 . inf V ⊂ L | V | < ∞

  12. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV Overarching question: does a “statistical lattice” still capture the space?

  13. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV Overarching question: does a “statistical lattice” still capture the space? Let Π λ be a Poisson point process on H with intensity a multiple λ of hyperbolic area measure. Then HPV is the Voronoi tessellation with nuclei Π λ .

  14. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV Overarching question: does a “statistical lattice” still capture the space? Let Π λ be a Poisson point process on H with intensity a multiple λ of hyperbolic area measure. Then HPV is the Voronoi tessellation with nuclei Π λ . Let V λ be the dual graph of HPV.

  15. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV Figure : λ = 0 . 2 and r = 0 . 9995 .

  16. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV Figure : λ = 1 and r = 0 . 9975 .

  17. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV properties 1. Every cell of the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation is almost surely finite.

  18. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV properties 1. Every cell of the hyperbolic Poisson Voronoi tessellation is almost surely finite. Moreover: Lemma Let S 0 be the Voronoi cell with nucleus 0 . There is a t 0 and a δ > 0 so that for all t > t 0 , P [ S 0 �⊂ B H ( 0 , r )] ≤ e − λ e δ r , where B H ( x , r ) is the hyperbolic ball centered at x of radius r .

  19. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV properties 2. lim sup r →∞ | B H ( 0 , r ) ∩ V λ | 1 / r < ∞ .

  20. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV properties 2. lim sup r →∞ | B H ( 0 , r ) ∩ V λ | 1 / r < ∞ . 3. V λ is a randomly rooted local limits of finite random graphs.

  21. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions HPV properties 2. lim sup r →∞ | B H ( 0 , r ) ∩ V λ | 1 / r < ∞ . 3. V λ is a randomly rooted local limits of finite random graphs. 4. V λ is unimodular.

  22. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Anchored expansion V λ fails to be nonamenable.

  23. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Anchored expansion V λ fails to be nonamenable. Let | ∂ S | i ∗ ( G ) := lim inf Vol G ( S ) . (1) | S |→∞ ρ ∈ S G | S connected

  24. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Anchored expansion V λ fails to be nonamenable. Let | ∂ S | i ∗ ( G ) := lim inf Vol G ( S ) . (1) | S |→∞ ρ ∈ S G | S connected Theorem For G = V λ there is a constant c = c ( λ ) > 0 so that i ∗ ( G ) > c almost surely. For d = 2, Benjamini-P-Pfeffer ’14. For d ≥ 2, Benjamini-Krauz-P ’15+.

  25. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Some consequences of anchored expansion • In a graph with bounded degree and i ∗ ( G ) > 0, Virág (’00) shows that SRW X k has d ( ρ, X k ) lim inf > 0 . k k →∞

  26. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Some consequences of anchored expansion • In a graph with bounded degree and i ∗ ( G ) > 0, Virág (’00) shows that SRW X k has d ( ρ, X k ) lim inf > 0 . k k →∞ • Also, he shows that p n ( x , y ) < e − α n 1 / 3 .

  27. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Some consequences of anchored expansion • In a graph with bounded degree and i ∗ ( G ) > 0, Virág (’00) shows that SRW X k has d ( ρ, X k ) lim inf > 0 . k k →∞ • Also, he shows that p n ( x , y ) < e − α n 1 / 3 . • Infinite Bernoulli percolation clusters inherit positive anchored expansion for p sufficiently close to 1 (Chen, Peres, and Pete ’03)

  28. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Some consequences of anchored expansion • In a graph with bounded degree and i ∗ ( G ) > 0, Virág (’00) shows that SRW X k has d ( ρ, X k ) lim inf > 0 . k k →∞ • Also, he shows that p n ( x , y ) < e − α n 1 / 3 . • Infinite Bernoulli percolation clusters inherit positive anchored expansion for p sufficiently close to 1 (Chen, Peres, and Pete ’03) • The Ising model on G exhibits a phase transition with nonzero external field (Häggrström, Schonnman, Steif ’00).

  29. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • A rooted, unlabeled random graph ( G , ρ ) is called stationary if it has the same distribution as ( G , X 1 ) where { X k } ∞ k = 0 is simple random walk with X 0 = ρ.

  30. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • A rooted, unlabeled random graph ( G , ρ ) is called stationary if it has the same distribution as ( G , X 1 ) where { X k } ∞ k = 0 is simple random walk with X 0 = ρ. • ( G , ρ ) is called reversible if ( G , X 0 , X 1 ) L = ( G , X 1 , X 0 ) as birooted random graphs.

  31. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • A rooted, unlabeled random graph ( G , ρ ) is called stationary if it has the same distribution as ( G , X 1 ) where { X k } ∞ k = 0 is simple random walk with X 0 = ρ. • ( G , ρ ) is called reversible if ( G , X 0 , X 1 ) L = ( G , X 1 , X 0 ) as birooted random graphs. • Let P be the law of ( G , ρ ) , and define a measure Q by deg ρ dQ dP = E P deg ρ . For E P deg ρ < ∞ , ⇐ ⇒ Q reversible . P unimodular

  32. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • Any transitive graph with arbitrary rooting gives an example of a stationary random graph.

  33. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • Any transitive graph with arbitrary rooting gives an example of a stationary random graph. • Any Cayley graph gives an example of a reversible random graph.

  34. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Stationary random graphs • Any transitive graph with arbitrary rooting gives an example of a stationary random graph. • Any Cayley graph gives an example of a reversible random graph. • An augmented Galton-Watson tree with positive offspring distribution is another example of a reversible random graph.

  35. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Ergodic theory Stationary graphs allow the application of ergodic theory.

  36. HPV Stationary random graphs Proving anchored expansion Open Questions Ergodic theory Stationary graphs allow the application of ergodic theory. • For example, the speed of random walk exists almost surely: d ( ρ, X k ) s = lim k k →∞ exists.


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