the physical pendulum and the onset of chaos

The Physical Pendulum and the Onset of Chaos Consider the uniform - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Physical Pendulum and the Onset of Chaos Consider the uniform rod rotating about an end point in the figure. Starting from the definition of r the torque = F , (1) derive the differential equation the angular posi- O tion

  1. The Physical Pendulum and the Onset of Chaos Consider the uniform rod rotating about an end point in the figure. Starting from the definition of r × � the torque � τ = � F , (1) derive the differential equation the angular posi- O tion θ must satisfy. (2) Derive a new differential equation if the pendu- L θ lum is damped by a friction force � F f = − b� v where b is some constant describing the the pendulum. C (3) Derive a final differential equation if the pen- mgsin θ dulum is now also driven by a force � F drive = F D sin(Ω t )ˆ θ . (4) Generate an algorithm for the differential equa- mgcos θ tion from Part 3. m g (5) What does the phase space look like for each set of conditions if the initial conditions are θ 0 = 25 ◦ and ω 0 = 0 rad/s or θ 0 = 24 ◦ and ω 0 = 0 rad/s ? Chaos – p. 1/3

  2. Getting Started - The Harmonic Oscillator Hooke’s Law states that F s = − kx where F s is the restoring force ex- erted by a spring and x is the dis- placement from equilibrium where there is no net force acting on the mass. See example here. 1. What differential equation does x satisfy? 2. What is the solution? 3. How would you test the solution? 4. What is the physical meaning of the constants in the solution? Chaos – p. 2/3

  3. The Harmonic Oscillator - The Solution The solution for Hooke’s Law is x ( t ) = A cos( ωt + φ ) where x ( t ) is the displacement from equilibrium. A Cosine Curve x(t) Phase 1 Amplitude 0.5 0 -0.5 Period -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t Chaos – p. 3/3

  4. The Simple Harmonic Oscillator - An Example A harmonic oscillator consists of a block of mass m = 0 . 33 kg attached to a spring with spring ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� constant k = 400 N/m . See the ������������� ������������� figure below. At time t = 0 . 0 s the ������������� ������������� block’s displacement from equi- librium and its velocity are y = 0 . 100 m and v = − 13 . 6 m/s . (1) Find the particular solution for this oscillator. (2) Use a centered derivative formula to generate an algorithm for solving the equation of motion. Chaos – p. 4/3

  5. The Pendulum - Stating the Problem The simple pendulum is an example of an oscillatory system where the restoring force is provided by gravity. Consider the pendulum shown in the figure. 1. What differential equation does θ satisfy? 2. What differential equation does θ L satisfy for small angles? O 3. What is the solution? θ 4. How would you test the solution? C mgsin 5. What is the physical meaning of the θ constants? mgcos θ 6. Redo Part 1 using torques. m g Chaos – p. 5/3

  6. The Simple Pendulum - The Solution The solution for simple pendulum is θ ( t ) = A cos( ωt + φ ) where θ ( t ) is the angular displacement from equilibrium. A Cosine Curve (t) θ Phase 1 Amplitude 0.5 0 -0.5 Period -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 t Chaos – p. 6/3

  7. Torque - Rotational Equivalent of Force � τ = r � F = m� a → � F ⊥ F Chaos – p. 7/3

  8. Linear → Rotational Quantities Linear Rotational Quantity Connection Quantity θ = s s s = rθ r ω = v T r = dθ v T v T = rω dt α = a T r = dω a T a T = rα dt KE = 1 KE R = 1 2 mv 2 2 Iω 2 � F = m� a τ = rF ⊥ � τ = I� α � � p = m� � v L = � r × � p L = I� ω Chaos – p. 8/3

  9. The Physical Pendulum and the Onset of Chaos Consider the uniform rod rotating about an end point in the figure. Starting from the definition of r × � the torque � τ = � F , (1) derive the differential equation the angular posi- O tion θ must satisfy. (2) Derive a new differential equation if the pendu- L θ lum is damped by a friction force � F f = − b� v where b is some constant describing the the pendulum. C (3) Derive a final differential equation if the pen- mgsin θ dulum is now also driven by a force � F drive = F D sin(Ω t )ˆ θ . (4) Generate an algorithm for the differential equa- mgcos θ tion from Part 3. m g (5) What does the phase space look like for each set of conditions if the initial conditions are θ 0 = 25 ◦ and ω 0 = 0 rad/s or θ 0 = 24 ◦ and ω 0 = 0 rad/s ? Chaos – p. 9/3

  10. Moments of Inertia Chaos – p. 10/3

  11. Nonlinear, Physical Pendulum Phase Space and Time Series Phase Space for Θ 0 � 25 o � red � , Θ 0 � 24 o � black � 0.4 0.2 Ω � rad � s � 0.0 � 0.2 � 0.4 � 0.4 � 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Θ � rad � Time Series for Θ 0 � 25 o � blue � , Θ 0 � 24 o � gray � 0.4 0.2 Θ � rad � 0.0 � 0.2 � 0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t � s � Chaos – p. 11/3

  12. Nonlinear, Physical Pendulum Phase Space and Time Series Phase Space for Θ 0 � 25 o � red � , Θ 0 � 24 o � black � 0.4 0.2 Ω � rad � s � 0.0 � 0.2 � 0.4 � 0.4 � 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 Θ � rad � Time Series for Θ 0 � 25 o � blue � , Θ 0 � 24 o � gray � 0.4 0.2 Θ � rad � 0.0 � 0.2 � 0.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 t � s � Chaos – p. 12/3

  13. Nonlinear, Damped, Driven, Physical Pendulum Phase Space and Time Series Phase Space for Θ 0 � 25 o � red � , Θ 0 � 24 o � black � 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 10 � 5 0 5 10 15 Θ � rad � Time Series for Θ 0 � 25 o � blue � , Θ 0 � 24 o � gray � 15 10 5 Θ � rad � 0 � 5 � 10 0 20 40 60 80 t � s � Chaos – p. 13/3

  14. Code for Nonlinear, Damped, Driven, Physical Pendulum (* Initial conditions and parameters *) th0 = 25.0*Pi/180; (* initial position in meters *) w0 = 0.0; (* initial velocity in m/s *) t0 = 0.0; (* initial time in seconds *) grav = 9.8; (* acceleration of gravity *) length = 14.7; (* length of pendulum *) mass = 0.245; (* mass of pendulum *) (* driving force amplitude and friction force. See below for more *) qDrag = 0.6; (* drag coefficient *) DriveForce = 11.8; (* DriveForce = 11.8; cool plot value *) DriveFreq = 0.67; (* driving force angular frequency *) DrivePeriod = 2*Pi/DriveFreq; (* period of the driving force *) (* step size *) step = 0.10; Chaos – p. 14/3

  15. Code for Nonlinear, Damped, Driven, Physical Pendulum (* limits of the iterations. since we already have theta(t=0) and we have calculated theta(t=step) then the first value in the table will be for t=2*step. *) tmin = 2*step; tmax = 80.0; (* condense the constants into coefficients for the appropriate terms. *) f1 = 1 + (3*qDrag*step/(2*mass*length)); f2 = 3*DriveForce*(stepˆ2)/(2*length); f3 = -3*grav*(stepˆ2)/(2*length); f4 = -1 + (3*qDrag*step/(2*mass*length)); (* set up the first two points. *) t1 = t0 + step; th1 = th0 + w0*step; (* get rid of the previous results for the table and proceed *) Clear[pdispl] Clear[tdispl] Chaos – p. 15/3

  16. Code for Nonlinear, Damped, Driven, Physical Pendulum (* A centered second derivative formula is used to generate an iterative solution for the mass on a spring. first load the starting poin. *) thmid = th0; (*starting value of theta *) thplus = th1; (* second value of theta *) tmid = t0; (* create a table of ordered (theta,w). for each component the next value is calculated and then the variables incremented for the next interation. pdispl = {{th0, w0}}; tdispl = {{t0, th0}}; Do[thminus = thmid; thmid = thplus; tmid = tmid + step; thplus = (f2*Sin[DriveFreq*t] + 2*thmid + f3*Sin[thmid] + f4*thminus)/f1; wmid = (thplus - thminus)/(2*step); pdispl = Append[pdispl, {thmid, wmid}] ; tdispl = Append[tdispl, {tmid, thmid}] , {t, tmin, tmax, step} ]; Chaos – p. 16/3

  17. Chaos Lab 1 Results Tim e Series of the Physical Pendulum 0 � 20 � 40 Θ � rad � � 60 � 80 � 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 tim e � s � Phase Space of the Physical Pendulum Tim e Series of the Physical Pendulum 0 10 5 � 50 Ω � rad � s � Θ � rad � 0 � 100 � 5 Red � Θ 0 � 25 o � 150 � 10 Blue � Θ 0 � 24 o 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 � 100 � 80 � 60 � 40 � 20 0 tim e � s � Θ � rad � Chaos – p. 17/3

  18. Visualizing Chaos - The Phase Space Trajectory 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 18/3

  19. Visualizing Chaos - Stroboscopic Pictures Chaos – p. 19/3

  20. Visualizing Chaos - Stroboscopic Pictures 3D Scatter Plot Θ � rad � 10 0 � 10 2 1 0 Ω � rad � s � � 1 � 2 0 20 40 t � s � 60 Chaos – p. 20/3

  21. Visualizing Chaos - The Poincare Section 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 21/3

  22. Visualizing Chaos - The Poincare Section 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 22/3

  23. Visualizing Chaos - The Poincare Section 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 23/3

  24. Visualizing Chaos - The Poincare Section 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 24/3

  25. Visualizing Chaos - The Poincare Section 2 1 Ω � rad � s � 0 � 1 � 2 � 3 � 2 � 1 0 1 2 3 Θ � rad � θ 0 = 10 ◦ Chaos – p. 25/3


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