The PerishABLE solution
FIWARE Technology The PerishABLE solution will use FI-WARE technologies offering functionalities for: • Authentication • Big Data storage and analysis • Event management • Application mashups
The PerishABLE application- Warehouse operator From PerishABLE application, the warehouse operator has a simple MENU to add new products or select the available ones to create a pallet and connect it to the temperature and humidity sensors, applied to the pallet.
The PerishABLE application Product shelf life info Connection between New pallet creation sensor and pallet
The PerishABLE application During the goods transport the system tracks temperature and humidity values and records them, in order to have the history of the storage and product health conditions. Temperature and Humidity thresholds are set to ensure storage conditions are the optimal ones along the whole transport
The PerishABLE application If during the logistic phases the temperature and humidity thresholds are exceeded, an alert is raised and a message is sent by the application to the truck driver or to the operator of the logistic service, which starts the appropriate process according to the message received.
The PerishABLE application At the delivery moment the application analyzes all the sensors data history and in case of alerts and hazardous conditions during the transport it recalculates the product shelf life. According to the new products shelf life, the system lists the pallets with a FEFO (First- The expire duration is updated thanks Expire, First-Out) logic, to the sensor data so the operator knows analysis which pallet sending first to the market.
How we will make money Direct selling of Hw Renting of Hw and Maintainance and Sw SaaS
What are we looking for? 150k Euro for 2016 Additional product 20% Commercialisation 40% developments 30k Euro for commercialisation strategy and dedicated personnel 60k Euro for engineering the for 6 months IT solution 13% 27% Advertising Maintenance 40k Euro for marketing material and 20k Euro for IT infrastructure promotional activities maintainance
Our team HOLONIX is an Italian software house and a spin off of Politecnico di Milano. Its goal is helping companies to innovate their products, processes and services (production, logistics, maintenance etc.) using an Internet of Things (IoT) approach to create added value in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). Consulting SME based in Naples, ENCO takes part in the realization of national and international R&D projects, within the area of environmental management, agro ‐ food sector and logistics. ENCO works as service provider, providing hardware applications in the agro ‐ food sector.
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