the office for community engaged learning

The Office for Community-Engaged Learning Activating civic - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Office for Community-Engaged Learning Activating civic identity for work, life, and citizenship @sru.ocel @sru_ocel @sru_ocel Volunteering & Community Service Volunteering is the activity of freely sharing personal resources

  1. The Office for Community-Engaged Learning Activating civic identity for work, life, and citizenship @sru.ocel @sru_ocel @sru_ocel

  2. Volunteering & Community Service Volunteering is the activity of freely sharing personal resources (including time, skill, and knowledge) to better one’s local, regional, national, and global community. 1. Who has done Community Service? 2. What kind of Community Service did you perform? 3. Why did you do it? 4. What did you get out of it? (i.e. new skills, knowledge, values, relationships?)

  3. The OCEL provides high-quality opportunities for Service, Learning, and Leadership by: • CONNECTING people and issues; • TRANSFORMING knowledge and awareness; and • INSPIRING civic action

  4. Activating Civic Identity “Viewing oneself as an active member of a community; working purposefully with others to better self and society.”

  5. Our Mission The Office for Community-Engaged Learning activates civic identity to enhance work, life, and citizenship.

  6. Getting Started: What difference do you want to make ? What issues do you care about? Environment Animals Poverty Youth Development Homelessness Women’s Rights Mental Health Democracy/Politics Veterans Addiction Elderly Cultural Competence Health and Wellbeing Economic Development How do you want to serve? - Direct Service Tutoring youth, raking lawns for the elderly, caroling at the nursing home - Indirect Service Food drive, holiday gifts for those in need, raising money for a cause - Advocacy Presentation about a cause, writing letters to a political leader

  7. Multiple Pathways Toward OCEL Programming Curricular Service SERVICE Short-Term Volunteer Campus Opportunities Academic Service- Opportunities Learning Courses RockServe On-Going Service Student Engaged Academic Programs Organizations at SRU Departments Bonner Leader Online community Residence Life - LLC Program engagement Honors College platform that connects campus Athletic Teams with community. Fraternity & Sorority Life

  8. OCEL Programming Bonner Leader Program Short-Term Volunteer On-Going Service-Learning Opportunities Programs Dream Chasers “Access to Education, “How does capturing the Opportuntity to Serve” Community Service Day wisdom from the life stories Competitive, nationally- of others empower us to Habitat for Humanity recognized 4-year civic write our own?” leadership development The Elf Project program. Shelter Sidekicks “Is the care of animals a duty, Weekend of Welcome SRU is the only Bonner investment, service, or public in PA and one of only privilege?” ten in the nation.

  9. Academic Service-Learning Academic courses that connect course material to a relevant social issue through a community service. Service-Learning integrates service and learning to enhance both. How does learning enhance service? How does service enhance learning? Some examples of courses include: • INDP 220: Intro to Non-Profit Leadership • MIS 323: Database Systems • MIS 413: System Analysis & Design • RTTY 220: Recreational Therapy Services • SOWK 321: Forensic Social Work • ERS 412: Exercise Science: Senior Synthesis

  10. Getting Connected: How will you serve?

  11. Why might service-learning be important for SRU students? 1. Opportunities to explore career interests 2. Gain employable skills and knowledge 3. US and International employers are looking for graduates with service experience 4. Build relationships with peers 5. Build relationships with faculty and staff at SRU 6. Better understand your local community 7. Opportunities to take on leadership roles 8. Have an impact on social issues you care about 9. Hands-on learning stays with you

  12. A Note on Community Engagement During Covid-19 The Office for Community-Engaged Learning is preparing for both in-person and remote community-engaged learning for Fall 2020. Our first priority is the safety of our on- and off-campus communities and collaborators. As we launch into Fall 2020, the OCEL will be providing volunteers resources on engaging safely in-person, when possible. Further, we will also have service and engagement options that can be completed remotely, with no in-person contact. While we believe service-learning is enhanced with meaningful in-person contact, there is a great deal of learning and impact that can be achieved in extraordinary times. We look forward to working with your student as they join our community!

  13. Questions? @sru.ocel @sru_ocel @sru_ocel

  14. Connect with Us Office: Bailey Library Suite 220 Email: Phone: 724-738-4477 @sru.ocel @sru_ocel @sru_ocel


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