The Northcoast Regional Land Trust is dedicated to the protection and economic viability of working landscapes, farms, forests, and grazing lands, and to the preservation and protection of land for its natural, educational, scenic and historic values. We work with landowners on a voluntary basis to promote stewardship of Northern California’s healthy and productive resource base, natural systems and quality of life.
What is a conservation easement? Benefits to the Public: Permanent Protection of Conservation Values: -Wild and working forest and rangeland -Vast scenic open space - Miles of streams and streamside reserves - Habitat for salmon, migrating birds, charismatic micro- and mega-fauna, and other wildlife Iaqua Ranch, Kneeland
Financial Benefits to Landowner Determining Conservation Easement Value (Example) Full property value ($6,800,000) – Encumbered property value ($5,400,000) = Conservation Easement value: $1,400,000 Sell Donate Full-Value Donation: Full-Value Sale: Up to $1,400,000 $1,400,000 Cash Income Tax deduction Bargain Sale: $1,000,000 Cash $400,000 Income Tax deduction
Hunter Ranch Conservation Easement
Indian Creek Conservation Easement
Sproul Creek Conservation Easement
Sproul Creek Conservation Easement
Sproul Creek CE Protections: - Permanent protection as an intact working forest - Prohibition of subdivision and development - 21-acre OakWoodland reserve - Prohibition on water withdrawals and use for non-forestry activities - Prohibition on mineral exploration and extraction (other than for rock and gravel used onsite) Sproul Creek Conservation Easement
CA Department of Fish & Wildlife – Proposition 1 Grant Program CA Wildlife Conservation Board CA Natural Resources Agency - EEMP US Forest Service – Forest Legacy Program US Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program National Fish & Wildlife Foundation NOAA Fisheries Restoration California State Coastal Conservancy California Conservation Corps Humboldt State University Land Trust Alliance Sanctuary Forest Mattole Restoration Council Redwood Community Action Agency McLean Foundation Humboldt Area Foundation All of YOU who make this work possible!
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