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The Newest Series of Products from DeBug Global LLC. 3515 Amphora - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Newest Series of Products from DeBug Global LLC. 3515 Amphora Circle Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 122709 All Natural Botanicals that Neutralize Toxins DeClear Sting & Bite Neutralizer Gel speeds

  1. The Newest Series of Products from DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 • 122709

  2. All Natural Botanicals that Neutralize Toxins

  3. DeClear ™ Sting & Bite Neutralizer Gel speeds healing when applied to a sting or bite. The secret is in the all natural botanical ingredients such as aloe Vera that draws out the infection while preventing blistering. The Sting & Bite Pentadecanoic Acid speeds healing and reduces Neutralizer Gel infection and scaring. The Linoleic Acid restores the skin’s moisture. The Ascorbic Acid aids faster healing. Quickly alleviates bee stings, fire DeClear ™ Sting & Bite Neutralizer Gel is extremely ants, jellyfish and other bug bites. effective for mosquitoes, bees, wasps, fire ants, fleas, Treats the cause by neutralizing the toxins and stops the itching chiggers, ticks and jellyfish. It is colorless and odorless. and burning. Anti-inflammatory The product is used by the U.S. Forest Service to treat properties expel foreign matter from the skin. bites and irritated skin. Available in a 1oz. bottle The Newest Series of SIZE DIMENSIONS: 1 oz. bottle with drip dispenser is w-1 1/4, h-3 1/4 Products from WEIGHT: Filled bottle weight is 47 grams CASE PACK: 12 BOTTLES 5 1/4 W X 3 1/2 H X 4 1/4 D MASTER CARTON QUANTITY: 144 Bottles 22” L x 14” w x 3 1/2 H PALLET QUANTITY: 6 master cartons will fit on a pallet that is 42” x 42” APPLICATIONS PER BOTTLE: A 1 oz. bottle will treat 45-55 bites APPLICATION REQUIRE: No Scrubbing is needed- the gel is applied to the bite area SHELF LIFE : 3 years DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •

  4. DeClear Poison Ivy Neutralizer Gel is all natural. It is composed of a combination of phyto-botanicals that produces a remedy that stops itching while healing inflamed skin from exposure to poisonous plant oils. Poison Ivy/Oak Neutralizer Gel DeClear Poison Ivy Neutralizer Gel gives quick lasting relief and substantially reduces down-time from the Quickly and effectively rashes. neutralizes the toxins associated with Poison Ivy, Poison Oak and The California Department of Forestry was among the Poison Sumac in minutes and first to use this product extensively in the Las Padres relieves pain and discomfort. The National forest in California along with the U.S. Forest ingredients stop blistering and Service. This part of the state is totally infested with poison oak, ivy and sumac. speeds the healing process. Can be used both pre and post eruption. Available in a 2oz. bottle SIZE DIMENSIONS: 2 oz. bottle with drip dispenser is w-1 1/4, h-3 1/4 The Newest Series of Products from WEIGHT: Filled bottle weight is 47 grams CASE PACK: 12 BOTTLES 5 1/4 W X 3 1/2 H X 4 1/4 D MASTER CARTON QUANTITY: 144 Bottles 22” L x 14” w x 3 1/2 H PALLET QUANTITY: 6 master cartons will fit on a pallet that is 42” x 42” APPLICATIONS PER BOTTLE: A 2 oz. bottle will treat 2-3 cases APPLICATION REQUIRED: No Scrubbing is needed, gel is applied directly to the affected area SHELF LIFE : 3 years DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •

  5. DeClear Fungus & Bacteria Neutralizer Spray is a all natural herbal remedy and infection neutralizer with remarkable fungal and antibacterial properties. The Fungus & Bacteria botanical extract contains complex plant proteins that selectively inhibit and reduce the fungus responsible Neutralizer Spray for athletes foot and other itchy fungal or bacterial skin irritations. A new breed of skin care that is all natural, fast and effective. The The ingredients suppress secondary infection by ingredients kill athletes feet and itchy eliminating harmful bacteria preventing re-infection. fungal or bacterial skin irritations. It The product is absorbed by the skin. This is essential alleviates itching, burning and chafing. since fungus invaders actually imbed their roots in This product is painless, odorless, your skin, feeding on the sugar in your blood stream. colorless and fast drying. Available in a 2oz. bottle SIZE DIMENSIONS: 2 oz. bottle with drip dispenser is w-1 1/4, h-3 1/4 The Newest Series of Products from WEIGHT: Filled bottle weight is 47 gms CASE PACK: 12 BOTTLES 5 1/4 W X 3 1/2 H X 4 1/4 D MASTER CARTON QUANTITY: 144 Bottles 22” L x 14” w x 3 1/2 H PALLET QUANTITY: 6 master cartons will fit on a pallet that is 42” x 42” APPLICATIONS PER BOTTLE: A 2 oz. bottle will treat 10 - 15 applications APPLICATION REQUIRED: No Scrubbing is needed, Spray is applied directly to the affected area SHELF LIFE : 3 years DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •

  6. DeClear Acne Neutralizer Gel is a pharmaceutical grade, all natural herbal remedy that effectively works on acne, pimples, blackheads, boils, cysts and other skin problems. The product is absorbed into the skin and goes to the glandular and vascular structures in the derma. It clears and controls acne and other skin blemishes to bringing welcome relief from fever blisters and itchy rashes. It is a topically applied, cool, soothing, anti-bacterial dermal decongestant. Made from a plant protein compound of Acne and other natural amino acids and other (plant) phyto-botanicals. Skin Problems The ingredients neutralize and remove serum irritants, unclogging the skin's derma, reducing inflammation and Neutralizer Gel restoring skin to normal comfortable health. It is a natural astringent with gentle drying characteristics An all natural remedy for which it even more effective in cleansing and tightening skin pores. acne, pimples, cysts, boils & blackheads. This neutralizer is all natural and derived from living A pharmaceutical grade herbal plants. It is invisible on the skin, odorless and safe to use as often as needed. An easy to use gel with a combination remedy treatment for these and of benefits that are unique to problem skin problems. other skin problems. Available in a 2oz. bottle SIZE DIMENSIONS: 2 oz. bottle with drip dispenser is w-1 1/4, h-3 1/4 The Newest Series of Products from WEIGHT: Filled bottle weight is 47 gms CASE PACK: 12 BOTTLES 5 1/4 W X 3 1/2 H X 4 1/4 D MASTER CARTON QUANTITY: 144 Bottles 22” L x 14” w x 3 1/2 H PALLET QUANTITY: 6 master cartons will fit on a pallet that is 42” x 42” APPLICATIONS PER BOTTLE: A 2 oz. bottle will treat 40 - 50 applications APPLICATION REQUIRED: No Scrubbing is needed, gel is applied directly to the affected area SHELF LIFE : 3 years DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •

  7. Alleviate the agony of eczema and psoriasis. DeClear psorXma Gel is a safe alternative to other more aggressive treatments to heal and repair your skin. By using skin- repairing, soothing phyto-botanicals, this treatment relieves the painful itching and flaking on your skin without side effects. You can use this product for as long as Psoriasis and you need without building up a tolerance. Eczema With all natural ingredients, this product is ideal for those suffering from dry, itchy skin associated with eczema and Neutralizer Gel psoriasis to calm, cool, heal, and repair the skin. Plant phyto-botanicals reduce inflammation in the skin, relieves the misery without adverse removes dead, flaky skin cells, and hydrates the skin. The side or after affects. Safe all natural glutamic acid is an amino acid that binds water to the skin. ingredients to use continually over Ascorbic acid tones and protects the skin from damage. time without tolerance build-up Available in a 2oz. bottle SIZE DIMENSIONS: 2 oz. bottle with drip dispenser is w-1 1/4, h-3 1/4 The Newest Series of Products from WEIGHT: Filled bottle weight is 47 gms CASE PACK: 12 BOTTLES 5 1/4 W X 3 1/2 H X 4 1/4 D MASTER CARTON QUANTITY: 144 Bottles 22” L x 14” w x 3 1/2 H PALLET QUANTITY: 6 master cartons will fit on a pallet that is 42” x 42” APPLICATIONS PER BOTTLE: A 2 oz. bottle will treat 10 - 15 applications APPLICATION REQUIRED: No Scrubbing is needed, gel is applied directly to the affected area SHELF LIFE : 3 years DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •

  8. For More information Contact: John Widlicka The Newest Series of 813-382-7294 Products from DeBug Global LLC. • 3515 Amphora Circle • Sugar Land, Texas 77479-2833 •


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