The New Reality of Sales and Business Development The Rules Have Changed
Tips …. Advice, lessons and tools learned over the years…
Cold calling Trail closes Manipulation Talking about golf pictures
Trends today….. Being a strategic partner Consulting, not selling Becoming and expert ……and more
The importance of standing out in YOUR marketplace…..
What do most sales people need today? 1. Product knowledge 2. Good leads 3. More time in the day
What do they really need 1. Credibility in the market – them not just the company 2. The ability to understand their customers beyond the products and services they sell 3. The ability to understand and manage the right numbers 4. To be true entrepreneurial thinkers
Everyone has a ‘90 Day’ plan “If you fail to plan, you can plan to fail.” Napoleon Hill, ‘Think and Grow Rich’
The Sales Funnel
Know and measure the numbers
Including projections, budgets and cash flow
Your Value Proposition….. “A value proposition is a clear statement of the tangible results a customer receives from your products and services. It’s focused on outcomes and stresses the business value of your offering.” 5-10 seconds
Your brand….what you want to be known for? Leadership definition: “What people say about you….when you are not in the room.”
Ability to sell yourself and your ideas
Know how to network
Ability to capture attention
Your influence starts when you walk in the room
Ability to innovate and crush the status-quo
Ability to lead change!
Value vs. Selling
Learn to understand body language
Developing Your Online Presence
It’s all about YOUR credibility
Social Media influence….
Tip for developing content: Answer the top 20 questions you get asked the most by your customers.
Get good at story telling….
Don’t underestimate community and volunteer work….
Thank You! Neil Thornton 905-401-1434
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