the new cc0pi data release

The new CC0pi data release arXiv:1802.05078 Stephen Dolan - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

12/03/18 The new CC0pi data release arXiv:1802.05078 Stephen Dolan 1 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab New CC0pi data release Should be easy to reproduce plots like this from the paper

  1. 12/03/18 The new CC0pi data release arXiv:1802.05078 Stephen Dolan 1 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  2. New CC0pi data release β€’ Should be easy to reproduce plots like this from the paper πœ€π‘ž π‘ˆ = transverse momentum imbalance arXiv: 1802.05078 arXiv: 1802.05078 arXiv: 1802.05078 2 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  3. New CC0pi data release Details all of this 3 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  4. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin 4 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  5. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin The bin mapping text file helps keep track of all of this 5 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  6. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin Provide a linearised result and full covariance matrix for easy πœ“ 2 calculations 6 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  7. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin A TH2Poly can describe the entire result in the 0 protons above threshold bin, but individual slices are also provided as well as the result integrated over π‘ž 𝜈 7 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  8. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin Need a TH2Poly in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž for each slice of cos πœ„ 𝜈 to describe the result with one proton above threshold. Individual slices and integrated results are also provided 8 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  9. Multi differential result β€’ 4-dimensional non-uniform binning: β€’ Number of protons above 500 MeV/c β€’ 0 – bin in π‘ž 𝜈 , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ 1 – bin in π‘ž π‘ž , cos πœ„ π‘ž , cos πœ„ 𝜈 β€’ More – just one bin The first two bins are just the integral of the 0 and 1 proton bins. A covariance matrix is provided for easy comparison to the proton multiplicity result. 9 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  10. Playing the NUISANCE β€’ Also plan to release results as NUISANCE samples β€’ Makes generator comparisons and model tuning extremely simple 2017 JINST 12 P01016, arXiv:1612.07393, 10 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  11. To regularise or not to regularise β€’ The STV analysis provides both regularised and unregularised results. Which should you use? β€’ Significant discussion of this in the README, in brief: β€’ Unregularised result has minimal bias, but is almost meaningless without the accompanying covarainces β€’ Regularised result uses a prior to effectively smooth the result and push covarainces onto the diagonal β€’ Regulation used is much much weaker than D’Agostini 1! β€’ Use unregularised result when β€’ Use regularised result when looking for a quantitative comparing to anything β€œby - conclusion, e.g. fitting model eye” (this is almost always the parameters. result to use when showing any comparisons) 11 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  12. To regularise or not to regularise β€’ Use unregularised result when looking for a quantitative conclusion, e.g. fitting model parameters. β€’ This is really easy to make and can be very useful when your result is being used in a likelihood fit to place external constraints for oscillation analyses (as T2K does). β€’ Please can we have it? (we don’t care how bad it β€œlooks”) 12 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  13. Using multiple T2K results β€’ What if you want to use T2K CC0 Ο€ and CC1 Ο€ results at the same time? β€’ The data forming the main result from one is used as a background constraint for the other. β€’ Need a way of providing the correlations between these results. β€’ In future could investigate ways of providing these. 13 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  14. Thoughts / concerns What happens if the flux prediction changes? β€’ Not really possible to provide separate flux covariance – control samples correlate all systematics What if we find out the background prediction was crazy? β€’ Mitigated through data-driven background subtraction, but no easy way to provide a way of altering background subtraction from unfolded result What if my errors are really not Gaussian? β€’ Will become more of a problem as systematics dominate more β€’ Could release high dimensional likelihood surfaces? β€’ Would need to build a set of tools to use this 14 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab

  15. Thank you for listening 15 Stephen Dolan Cross section strategy workshop, Fermilab


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