the national church residences history housing as a

The National Church Residences History - Housing as a Platform for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The National Church Residences History - Housing as a Platform for Health Care Strategy #1 Supportive Housing The hidden cost of homelessness Mary Bad things can happen to good people. Homeless Veterans THE COMMONS AT IMPERIAL

  1. The National Church Residences History - Housing as a Platform for Health Care

  2. Strategy #1 – Supportive Housing

  3. The hidden cost of homelessness

  4. Mary • Bad things can happen to good people.

  5. Homeless Veterans

  6. THE COMMONS AT IMPERIAL HOTEL Atlanta, GA 90 units $19.3 M

  7. THE COMMONS AT NELMS Atlanta, GA 95 units

  8. . . . Serving chronic homeless, veterans, and others who are formerly homeless and disabled

  9. Strategy #2 – Preservation And More

  10. Affordable Assisted Living

  11. “Senior Transformational Preservation” • Rachel • 25 year resident • 96 years young

  12. Strategy #3 – Senior Housing with Enhanced Services

  13. MOTHER TERESA COMMONS Bedford Heights, OH 44 units $7 M

  14. Strategy #4 – Enhanced Service Coordination

  15. Enhanced Service Coordination Care Guide Team

  16. Care Guide

  17. Every resident…. • Assessed • Stratified • Plan of Care • Engaged

  18. Layering Health Care Service into Housing: 3 Innovative Ways Senior Transformational Preservation Health and Portfolio Housing in Population New Management Construction


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