The Multibiliography Package: Articulating and Diversifying the Ordering of Bibliographic Entries Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Michael Cohen ∗ Yannis Haralambous † Narrative Our Solution Boris Veytsman ‡ Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. TUG 2013 Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted ∗ Spatial Media Group, Computer Arts Lab.; University of Aizu; Aizu- by appearance Wakamatsu, Fukushima 965-8580; Japan † Département Informatique T élécom Bretagne; T echnopôle de Brest References sorted Iroise, CS 83818; 29238 Brest Cedex 3; France by year ‡ Systems Biology School & Computational Materials Science Center; MS 6A2, George Mason University; Fairfax, VA 22030; USA Page 1 of 13
1. Why Several Bibliographies? 1. Separate bibliographies for separate chapters. E.g. chapterbib [Arseneau, 2010: 1]. 2. Separate bibliographies for separate topics. E.g. multibib [Hansen, 2008: 2]. Why Several 3. Separate order of entries. This work. Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 2 of 13
2. Bibliography as a Narrative Bibliography is not just a technical list of cited works; it is a way to describe the state of the field. Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 3 of 13
2. Bibliography as a Narrative Bibliography is not just a technical list of cited works; it is a way to describe the state of the field. Ordering by name: the narrative is based on individual contributions. Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 3 of 13
2. Bibliography as a Narrative Bibliography is not just a technical list of cited works; it is a way to describe the state of the field. Ordering by name: the narrative is based on individual contributions. Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Ordering by appearance: the narrative is based on Narrative internal logic of the field. (This also has the often welcome side-effect of disclosing the cardinality of Our Solution references.) Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 3 of 13
2. Bibliography as a Narrative Bibliography is not just a technical list of cited works; it is a way to describe the state of the field. Ordering by name: the narrative is based on individual contributions. Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Ordering by appearance: the narrative is based on Narrative internal logic of the field. (This also has the often welcome side-effect of disclosing the cardinality of Our Solution references.) Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion Chronological ordering: the narrative is based on a time References sorted sequence of the works. by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 3 of 13
2. Bibliography as a Narrative Bibliography is not just a technical list of cited works; it is a way to describe the state of the field. Ordering by name: the narrative is based on individual contributions. Why Several Bibliographies? Bibliography as a Ordering by appearance: the narrative is based on Narrative internal logic of the field. (This also has the often welcome side-effect of disclosing the cardinality of Our Solution references.) Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion Chronological ordering: the narrative is based on a time References sorted sequence of the works. by name References sorted Which one to choose? Let’s have them all! by appearance References sorted by year Page 3 of 13
3. Our Solution alphabetical (authors' names) page index date Why Several Bibliographies? inline citation:: (Suzuki, 2013: 57) Bibliography as a name name Narrative page page Our Solution Implementation chronological sequential date (timeline) (first appearance in document) Bugs, Wish list, etc. index Conclusion References sorted “Author and year”-like inline citations with sequence by name numbers. Up to three differently ordered lists of references. Fully clickable (hypertextualized) names, years, References sorted & dates, both in-line and in subbibliographies. by appearance References sorted Example: [Mori, 2009: 3]. by year Page 4 of 13
4. Implementation 4.1. L A T EX Style \usepackage{multibibliography} No options (yet); inline citations with the usual \cite Why Several command. Bibliographies? New commands: \bibliographysequence , Bibliography as a \bibliographytimeline . Combine style and database Narrative commands. Our Solution Example (creating all three bibliographies): Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. \renewcommand\refname{References sorted by name} \bibliographystyle{apalike} Conclusion \bibliography{tugtalk} References sorted by name \renewcommand\refname{References sorted by appearance} References sorted \bibliographysequence{tugtalk} by appearance References sorted \renewcommand\refname{References sorted by year} by year \bibliographytimeline{tugtalk} Page 5 of 13
4.2. BibT EX Styles Three styles: 1. Standard apalike for references sorted by name. 2. Standard unsrt for references sorted by appearance. Why Several 3. New style chronological.bst for references sorted by Bibliographies? year. Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 6 of 13
4.2. BibT EX Styles Three styles: 1. Standard apalike for references sorted by name. 2. Standard unsrt for references sorted by appearance. Why Several 3. New style chronological.bst for references sorted by Bibliographies? year. Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution 4.3. Perl Script Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Perl script multibibliography is invoked instead of bibtex . It Conclusion calls bibtex itself thrice, re-sorting the entries each time. References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 6 of 13
4.2. BibT EX Styles Three styles: 1. Standard apalike for references sorted by name. 2. Standard unsrt for references sorted by appearance. Why Several 3. New style chronological.bst for references sorted by Bibliographies? year. Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution 4.3. Perl Script Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Perl script multibibliography is invoked instead of bibtex . It Conclusion calls bibtex itself thrice, re-sorting the entries each time. References sorted Standard sequence by name References sorted (pdf)latex → bibtex → (pdf)latex . . . by appearance References sorted by year Page 6 of 13
4.2. BibT EX Styles Three styles: 1. Standard apalike for references sorted by name. 2. Standard unsrt for references sorted by appearance. Why Several 3. New style chronological.bst for references sorted by Bibliographies? year. Bibliography as a Narrative Our Solution 4.3. Perl Script Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Perl script multibibliography is invoked instead of bibtex . It Conclusion calls bibtex itself thrice, re-sorting the entries each time. References sorted Standard sequence by name References sorted (pdf)latex → bibtex → (pdf)latex . . . by appearance References sorted New sequence: by year (pdf)latex → multibibliography → (pdf)latex . . . Page 6 of 13
5. Bugs, Wish list, etc. 5.1. Compatibility 1. The package is compatible with hyperref [Rahtz and Oberdiek, 2012: 4] but not with packages that redefine its internals— e.g. beamer Why Several [T antau et al., 2011: 5]. Bibliographies? 2. The package is also not compatible with bibliography Bibliography as a packages like natbib [Daly, 2013: 6]. Narrative Our Solution Implementation Bugs, Wish list, etc. Conclusion References sorted by name References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 7 of 13
5.2. Enhancement Ideas 1. The BibT EX styles are hardwired (Section “BibT EX Styles”). It would be nice to give the user the option to choose them. 2. The citation punctuation is hardwired. It would be nice to make it customizable, in the natbib [Daly, 2013: 6] Why Several style. Bibliographies? 3. There is no analog to the natbib \citet command and Bibliography as a its friends. Narrative Our Solution 4. The scale of chronological sorting should be refined Implementation beyond year to include month, day, and time Bugs, Wish list, etc. (especially for snapshots of web pages, etc.). Conclusion 5. Other dimensions could be used as ad hoc sorting References sorted keys, such as city or topic (by extending a BibT EX by name database). References sorted by appearance References sorted by year Page 8 of 13
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