the missing

THE MISSING Baby y Bo omers s I Age in 2 01 8 9 8 -7 8 Born 1 9 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

19/07/2019 Definitions Si Sile lent G t Ge n e n Born 1 9 2 0 -4 0 s Coming of Age 1 9 4 0 -6 0 s THE MISSING Baby y Bo omers s I Age in 2 01 8 9 8 -7 8 Born 1 9 4 3 -1 9 6 0 Coming of Age 1 9 61 -7 8 Age in 2 01 8 7 5 -57

  1. 19/07/2019 Definitions Si Sile lent G t Ge n e n Born 1 9 2 0 -4 0 ’s Coming of Age 1 9 4 0 -6 0 ’s THE MISSING Baby y Bo omers s I Age in 2 01 8 9 8 -7 8 Born 1 9 4 3 -1 9 6 0 Coming of Age 1 9 61 -7 8 Age in 2 01 8 7 5 -57 GENERA TION Baby y Bo omer r II Born 1 9 5 5 -6 5 Coming of Age 1 97 3 -8 3 Ge neration n X Age in 2 01 8 6 3 -5 3 Born 1 9 6 6 -1 976 Revd Samantha Sheehan Coming of Age 1 9 8 4 -1 9 9 4 Xe Xe nnials ials Ministers to Y oung Adults (18-25) Project Age in 2 01 8 5 2 -4 2 Born 1 977 -1 9 8 2 / 5 Ge neration n Y Coming of Age 1 9 9 5 -2 0 0 0 Born 1 9 8 2 -1 9 9 5 Age in 2 01 8 41 -3 6 Coming of Age 2 0 0 0 -2 01 3 Ge neration n Z Age in 2 01 8 3 6 -2 3 Born 1 9 9 5 -2 01 2 Coming of Age 2 01 3 -2 0 3 0 Age in 2 01 8 <2 3 http:/ / archives/ generations-xy-z-and-the-others/ https:/ / women/ womens-life/ 1 0 9 75 3 8 6 / Will-Generation-Y-ever-tie-the-knot.html https:/ / files/ 100/ Image/ Never%20forget%209-11.jpg 1

  2. 19/07/2019 The Missing Generation and the Church… The Missing Generation and the Church… The decline in church attendance among young people is A generation of young Christians believe that the continuation of a trend set by previous generations – which churches in which they were raised are not safe and actually encompasses all types of institutional affiliation, not hospitable places to express doubts. just religious institution. There has been a progressive Many feel that they have been offered slick or half-baked atrophying of churchgoing habit since 1960’s. answers to their thorny, honest questions, and they are This means today there is neither the expectation that young rejecting the “talking-heads” and “talking points” they people will go to church, nor a pattern of churchgoing for see among older generations… young people to follow. Savage, Collins-Mayo and Mayo, 2 0 0 6 , David Kinnamn 2 01 1 Making sense of Generation Y: the World view of 1 5 -2 5 year olds. Y ou Lost Me. why young Christians are leaving church… and rethinking faith The Missing Generation and the Church… Summary so far… § The transition to adulthood is lasting longer The majority of young dropouts are not walking away from faith, § There is an appetite for spirituality - if not institutional religion they are putting involvement in church on hold… § Life can be quite transient, which often leads to short term … those dropping out of conventional forms of Christian commitments communities, not rejecting Christianity entirely. § T echnology and social media is an important part of their lives. Most young people are struggling less with their faith in Christ than with their experience of church. § There is a desire to be engaged and challenged § They want to take action, change the world and make a difference David Kinnamn 2 01 1 § They need faith that is resilient. Y ou Lost Me. why young Christians are leaving church… and rethinking faith 2

  3. 19/07/2019 How can we engage? • Welcome What does or could all this mean to you • in your context? Acknowledge • Invite • Be Authentic; Be T ransparent • Be a safe place • Lean into God’s presence Useful books Savage, S; Collins-Mayo, S; Mayo, B (2006) Making Sense of Generation Y . Church House Publishing Colin-Mayo, S; Mayo, B; Nash, S (2010) The Faith of Generation Y . Church House Publishing rev.s.sheehan@ Kinnaman, D (2 011 ) Y ou Lost Me. Baker Books 07484 791049 Catterton-Allen, H (2 01 8) InterGenerate: T ransforming churches through 0113 274 2026 Intergenerational Ministery. Abilene Christian University Press Barna, G and Kinnaman, D (2 014) Churchless. Barna Group. T yndal House Publisher 3

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