the link volume of 3 manifolds

The Link Volume of 3-Manifolds Work in Progress Yoav Rieck - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Link Volume of 3-Manifolds Work in Progress Yoav Rieck (University of Arkansas) Yasushi Yamashita (Nara Womens University) December 22, 2010, Nihon Daigaku Background p S 3 , L be a branched cover Let M be a closed, orientable

  1. The Link Volume of 3-Manifolds Work in Progress Yo’av Rieck (University of Arkansas) Yasushi Yamashita (Nara Women’s University) December 22, 2010, Nihon Daigaku

  2. Background p → S 3 , L be a branched cover Let M be a closed, orientable 3-manifolds. M with branch set L ⊂ S 3 and degree p .

  3. Background p → S 3 , L be a branched cover Let M be a closed, orientable 3-manifolds. M with branch set L ⊂ S 3 and degree p . • (Alexander) such a cover always exists.

  4. Background p → S 3 , L be a branched cover Let M be a closed, orientable 3-manifolds. M with branch set L ⊂ S 3 and degree p . • (Alexander) such a cover always exists. • (Thurston, Hilden-Lozano-Montesinos) May assume L is a hyperbolic link.

  5. Background p → S 3 , L be a branched cover Let M be a closed, orientable 3-manifolds. M with branch set L ⊂ S 3 and degree p . • (Alexander) such a cover always exists. • (Thurston, Hilden-Lozano-Montesinos) May assume L is a hyperbolic link. • Much more is known!

  6. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic }

  7. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic facts about the Link Volume: • The infimum is obtained.

  8. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic facts about the Link Volume: • The infimum is obtained. • There exists � L ⊂ M so that LinkVol( M ) = Vol( M \ � L ).

  9. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic facts about the Link Volume: • The infimum is obtained. • There exists � L ⊂ M so that LinkVol( M ) = Vol( M \ � L ). • If M is hyperbolic then Vol( M ) < LinkVol( M ).

  10. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic facts about the Link Volume: • The infimum is obtained. • There exists � L ⊂ M so that LinkVol( M ) = Vol( M \ � L ). • If M is hyperbolic then Vol( M ) < LinkVol( M ). • There are infinitely many M ’s with LinkVol( M ) < V (for V not too small).

  11. The Link Volume LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic facts about the Link Volume: • The infimum is obtained. • There exists � L ⊂ M so that LinkVol( M ) = Vol( M \ � L ). • If M is hyperbolic then Vol( M ) < LinkVol( M ). • There are infinitely many M ’s with LinkVol( M ) < V (for V not too small). Moreover, in work currently in progress we show: THEOREM (Jair Remigio–Ju´ arez—R) : There exist infinitely many man- ifolds with the same link volume.

  12. A few questions LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic }

  13. A few questions LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic questions about the Link Volume: • Calculate LinkVol( M ).

  14. A few questions LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic questions about the Link Volume: • Calculate LinkVol( M ). • Do there exist hyperbolic manifolds M 1 , M 2 with Vol( M 1 ) = Vol( M 2 ) and LinkVol( M 1 ) � = LinkVol( M 2 )?

  15. A few questions LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic questions about the Link Volume: • Calculate LinkVol( M ). • Do there exist hyperbolic manifolds M 1 , M 2 with Vol( M 1 ) = Vol( M 2 ) and LinkVol( M 1 ) � = LinkVol( M 2 )? • Do there exist hyperbolic manifolds M 1 , M 2 with LinkVol( M 1 ) = LinkVol( M 2 ) and Vol( M 1 ) � = Vol( M 2 )

  16. A few questions LinkVol( M ) = inf { p Vol( S 3 \ L ) | M p → S 3 , L hyperbolic } Basic questions about the Link Volume: • Calculate LinkVol( M ). • Do there exist hyperbolic manifolds M 1 , M 2 with Vol( M 1 ) = Vol( M 2 ) and LinkVol( M 1 ) � = LinkVol( M 2 )? • Do there exist hyperbolic manifolds M 1 , M 2 with LinkVol( M 1 ) = LinkVol( M 2 ) and Vol( M 1 ) � = Vol( M 2 ) • What is the degree of the cover that realizes LinkVol( M )? What does it say about M ?

  17. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1).

  18. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1). Any slope α i can be written as a rational number. The depth pf α i is the length of its shortest partial fraction expansion.

  19. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1). Any slope α i can be written as a rational number. The depth pf α i is the length of its shortest partial fraction expansion. If α = ( α 1 , . . . , α k ) is a multislope (ie, one slope on each component of ∂X ) we define depth( α ) = Σ i depth( α i ).

  20. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1). Any slope α i can be written as a rational number. The depth pf α i is the length of its shortest partial fraction expansion. If α = ( α 1 , . . . , α k ) is a multislope (ie, one slope on each component of ∂X ) we define depth( α ) = Σ i depth( α i ). We denote the manifold obtained by filling ∂X along the slopes α by X ( α ).

  21. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1). Any slope α i can be written as a rational number. The depth pf α i is the length of its shortest partial fraction expansion. If α = ( α 1 , . . . , α k ) is a multislope (ie, one slope on each component of ∂X ) we define depth( α ) = Σ i depth( α i ). We denote the manifold obtained by filling ∂X along the slopes α by X ( α ). THEOREM 1. Let X be as above. Then there exist a , b , so that: LinkVol( X ( α )) < a depth( α ) + b.

  22. Theorem 1 Let X be a compact manifold, ∂X tori. Suppose that slopes ( m i , l i ) were chosen on each component of ∂X ( | m i ∩ l i | = 1). Any slope α i can be written as a rational number. The depth pf α i is the length of its shortest partial fraction expansion. If α = ( α 1 , . . . , α k ) is a multislope (ie, one slope on each component of ∂X ) we define depth( α ) = Σ i depth( α i ). We denote the manifold obtained by filling ∂X along the slopes α by X ( α ). THEOREM 1. Let X be as above. Then there exist a , b , so that: LinkVol( X ( α )) < a depth( α ) + b. Remark: a is independent of X .

  23. Theorem 2 For any V > 0, let M V = { M | LinkVol( M ) < V } . Jørgensen—Thurston gives:

  24. Theorem 2 For any V > 0, let M V = { M | LinkVol( M ) < V } . Jørgensen—Thurston gives: THEOREM 2. There exist K , so that for any V and any M ∈ M V , there are hyperbolic manifolds X , E , and an unbranched cover X → E , so that the following diagram commutes (horizontal arrows represent Dehn fillings): X ✲ M ❄ ❄ ✲ S 3 , L E

  25. Theorem 2 For any V > 0, let M V = { M | LinkVol( M ) < V } . Jørgensen—Thurston gives: THEOREM 2. There exist K , so that for any V and any M ∈ M V , there are hyperbolic manifolds X , E , and an unbranched cover X → E , so that the following diagram commutes (horizontal arrows represent Dehn fillings): X ✲ M ❄ ❄ ✲ S 3 , L E and E admits a triangulation with ≤ K d V tetrahedra, where d are the degrees of the covers above. Hence X admits an invariant triangulation with ≤ KV tetrahedra. Note: Vol( X ) < cV , for some c .

  26. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture:

  27. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol.

  28. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol. What could this mean: 1. LinkVol( M ) − Vol( M ) is unbounded

  29. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol. What could this mean: 1. LinkVol( M ) − Vol( M ) is unbounded 2. Stronger: LinkVol( M ) / Vol( M ) is unbounded

  30. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol. What could this mean: 1. LinkVol( M ) − Vol( M ) is unbounded 2. Stronger: LinkVol( M ) / Vol( M ) is unbounded 3. Stronger still: there exists hyperbolic manifolds with bounded volumes and unbounded link volumes.

  31. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol. What could this mean: 1. LinkVol( M ) − Vol( M ) is unbounded 2. Stronger: LinkVol( M ) / Vol( M ) is unbounded 3. Stronger still: there exists hyperbolic manifolds with bounded volumes and unbounded link volumes. None of these is known in the current time.

  32. LinkVol >> Vol This suggests the following conjecture: CONJECTURE. LinkVol >> Vol. What could this mean: 1. LinkVol( M ) − Vol( M ) is unbounded 2. Stronger: LinkVol( M ) / Vol( M ) is unbounded 3. Stronger still: there exists hyperbolic manifolds with bounded volumes and unbounded link volumes. None of these is known in the current time. If LinkVol( M ) / Vol( M ) is bounded, we get a very interesting consequence.

  33. That’s it! THANK YOU VERY MUCH.


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