Diálogo Regional sobre Sociedad de la Información The impact of mobile phones on profits from livestock activities Evidence from Puno - Peru Roxana Barrantes Instituto de Estudios Peruanos 4th Acorn – Redecom Conference (Brasilia, Brazil) 1 May 14-15, 2010
Contents Motivation Some facts about the zone of study Framework of analysis Econometric Results Way forward 2
Motivation In LDCs, mobile phones have been the first ICT used by the rural poor – where poverty is concentrated. “Use” differs from “Subscription” (Galperin and Mariscal, 2008; De Silva and Zainuden, 2007). Basic question in this research: – Is the mobile phone being used in the productive sphere? Is it the factor that brings about changes in the production function and not only on the marketing sphere? 3
The area of study • Households in the area of influence of two fairs in Puno, Southern Peru. – One informant per household – 091020--Imagenes Puno.ppt – 090115--fotos.ppt • Small rural producers – 667 HH are dedicated permanently to both Agriculture and Livestock husbandry. • Measured by UBN, HH are poorer than both average HH in the region and in Peru. 4
Framework of analysis The Law of one price – facilitated by mobile phone use (Jensen, 2007; Aker, 2008). Relevant in the circulation sphere – marketing. What happens in the household production function? Data needed is not available in this sample What happens with profits? Cost implicitly informs about production function. Sales proceeds – marketing new moving target in the ICT field. 5
Analytical framework • Dependent Variable: – Profits from agricultural activities – Profits from livestock husbandry • Independent variables: – Human capital – Natural capital – Market orientation – Mobile phone 6
Results IV for mobile use Only relevant when mobile was used by household head and for livestock purposes Not relevant to get information about the production process Not relevant to explain agricultural profits Specialization in by products but diversification of livestock 7
The way ahead Time of use – process of adoption of technology among the poor. Production vs marketing decision-processes are different Mobile is used as a reinforcer of existing ties so far. 8
Roxana Barrantes roxbarrantes@iep.org.pe Instituto de Estudios Diálogo Regional sobre Peruanos Sociedad de la Información Horacio Urteaga 694 Horacio Urteaga 694 Teléfonos: (51 1) 332 6194 Jesús María, Lima - PERU Fax: (51 1) 332 617399999999 Teléfonos: ( 51-1) 3326194 / 4244856 Fax: (51-1) 3326173 roxbarrantes@iep.org.pe www.iep.org.pe info@dirsi.net www.dirsi.net
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