the he sl sleepi ping d dra ragon

THE HE SL SLEEPI PING D DRA RAGON POCT and the Bottom Line: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ THE HE SL SLEEPI PING D DRA RAGON POCT and the Bottom Line: Negotiate your DRG w ith POCT Are you doing all you can? DISCLAIMER This material is general in nature. It is made available on the understanding that the

  1. $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ THE HE SL SLEEPI PING D DRA RAGON POCT and the Bottom Line: Negotiate your DRG w ith POCT Are you doing all you can?

  2. DISCLAIMER This material is general in nature. It is made available on the understanding that the presenter is not engaged in rendering professional advice. Before relying on material in any important matter, users should carefully evaluate completeness and relevance for their purposes, and should obtain any appropriate professional advice relevant to their particular circumstances. In some cases the material may incorporate or summarize views, guidelines or recommendations of third parties. Such material is assembled in good faith and the opinion of the author. The intention heretofore is for intellectual pursuit and the expansion of knowledge of POCT systems. It is not for the endorsement of any one entity or vendor.

  3. POCT EXPANSION POCT Expansion Test menu Test frequency Migration of tests Patient satisfaction

  4. THE BUZZ  Growth acknowledged in trade publications.  CAP has dedicated chapter for POCT  TJC has dedicated chapter, Waived Testing  Fisher Scientific POCT catalog

  5. POLLING QUESTION How much of an increase in test frequency have you seen in the past few years? • 0% • 10% • 20% • 30% • More • Our test frequency has decreased

  6. HOW THINGS HAVE CHANGED  Diabetic crisis  Tight Glycemic Control  Nanotechnology development  Increased test availability  Increase in testing per hospital stay

  7. TEST GROWTH AACE/ADA Increase in algorithms Diabetes Tight Glycemic APA algorithm Index Consciousness

  8. Glucometer Use 10000 9000 Bedside Glucose tests  8000 7000 Total 2008 6000 Increase growth per year  total Total 2009 5000 Total 2010 4000 Total 2011 3000 40% increase in past 5 years  Total 2012 2000 1000 0 month GRO ROWING S STRO RONG

  9. NEW GUIDELINES American Pediatrics Association algorithm AACE/ADA algorithm

  10. AVERAGE LENGTH OF STAY ICU to post surgical avg 7 days. 4 x 7 x patient population

  11. TEST FREQUENCY Avg. 4 glucose tests per day • Newborns • Post surgical • ICU

  12. DO THE MATH ICD 9 codes Reimbursement schedules Frequency

  13. POCT Cumulative Growth 16000 14000 12000 32% % 10000 Growth s since ce 2 2010 2010 8000 2011 6000 2012 4000 2000 0 CUMULATIVE G GROWTH TH BY Y MONTH THLY RE Y REPORTS TS

  14. REASONS FOR GROWTH  Immediate results  Saved time  Impact on patient care

  15. 2 TYPES OF TEST SYSTEMS Integrated Non integrated or manual tests

  16. INTEGRATED VS MANUAL TESTING  PAITENT ID  Written on Customized form  Operator ID  Written in Nurses notes  QC lockout  Not written at all  Results Date & Time  Reports??  Reports

  17. POLLING QUESTION  Integrated systems and growth How many integrated systems have been added to your hospital in the past 5 years? o 0 o 1 o 2 o 3+ o more

  18. THE EL E ELEP EPHANT IN IN THE E ROOM 2016 F Federal G Govern rnment d dire rective All t ll tests i in ele lectronic c cha hart

  19. WHAT IS IMPORTANT??  Patient info  Name  MRN  Date and time of test  Test result

  20. WHAT ELSE?  Pathology Concerns  Name or ID of test performer  Lot #  Expiration date  Address of facility

  21. QC AND ITS PLACE  QC result types  Imbedded  Outside LQC

  22. MANUAL TESTING CONCERNS  No Not all da data i is s captured - only Q QC C logs  Electronic nic docum ument ntat atio ion n and d repor orts not ot devel eloped ed - mi miss ssing e exa xact t time me o of test st  QC C is is no not trac aceable t to pat atie ient r resul ult in in buil uilt in in ki kits - eac documented . ach p pat atie ient do does n not have t the Q QC C do

  23. HOW TO MAKE A INTERACTIVE FORM  IT department assist  List your important items -see slide 19  Build an Excel Form with bullets for results -easiest to extract data from

  24. HOW TO BUILD IT George Washington MRN 000 000 000 Date Time Patient Result ⃝ Positive ⃝ Negative Normal Reference Range: xxxxxxx Positive Control ⃝ Positive ⃝ Negative Negative Control ⃝ Positive ⃝ Negative Comments: Operator John Doe Facility ↓ Lot# Exp. Date xx/xx/xx

  25. WHY EXCEL??  Report can be built  Easily customized  Reports sent to POCT  Test totals can be traced

  26. TYPICAL REPORT Unit Patient Name MRN DOB Date/ Time Result Postive QC Negative QC Operator Lot number Expiration Facility Hospital Rose Garden Suzy Que 222111222 1/1/2020 4/1/1920 0111 Elvis Presley 210111 1/1/1991 General Hospital Herb Garden John Doe 333555333 2/2/2022 04/1/1920 0111 Jon Winters 210111 1/1/1991 General Hospital Play Yard Elmer Fudd 1010101010 3/3/2033 04/1/1920 0020 Greta Garbo 210111 1/1/1991 General Hospital Tea Room Bugs Bunny 4151415141 4/4/2044 4/1/1920 1000 John Smith 210111 1/1/1911 General

  27. HOW TO PRESENT INFO  Excel month by month growth  By unit  Whole facility Graph Column year to year Line for growth measurement

  28. HOW IS QUANTITATIVE INFO VALUED?  Good monitor for growth is needed  Budget management  Reimbursement

  29. WHAT IS CHANGED?  Historically billed item by item  Now DRG  Negotiated per contract or review  Frequency

  30. POLLING QUESTION  Do you know your facility’s last insurance contract negotiation? o 1 year o 2 year o +2 year o I don’t know

  31. DRG  CDM  CPT  ICD9 All tests have a reimbursement schedule.

  32. POCT AND NEW CONTRACT  New standards of care  ADA and AACE and APA  General use of POCT  quicker turnaround  Exponential growth in just 5 years.  What if last contract negotiation was 2+ years ago?

  33. ARE YOU DOING ALL YOU CAN?  Electronic result forms  Can improve QA  By monitoring required fields  Can be quantitated  Sum of tests in Excel  Results can be migrated to patient chart  With correct date and time  With traceable QC

  34. SUMMARY  Traceable customized forms  DRG negotiation and POCT affect on the bottom line


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