the genus reynoutria in italy distribution and control


29-30 August 2014 Biosafety Office of Canton Zurich, Switzerland International Workshop on Knotweed control THE GENUS REYNOUTRIA IN ITALY: DISTRIBUTION AND CONTROL Gabriele Galasso Fallopia/Pleuropterus Reynoutria Fallopia Reynoutria Houtt.

  1. 29-30 August 2014 Biosafety Office of Canton Zurich, Switzerland International Workshop on Knotweed control THE GENUS REYNOUTRIA IN ITALY: DISTRIBUTION AND CONTROL Gabriele Galasso

  2. Fallopia/Pleuropterus Reynoutria Fallopia

  3. Reynoutria Houtt. (ca. 7 spp.) (bold: plants recorded in Italy) Reynoutria japonica Houtt., invasive alien Reynoutria compacta (Hook.f.) Nakai, casual alien Reynoutria sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Nakai, naturalized alien Reynoutria bohemica Chrtek & Chrtková, invasive alien Reynoutria forbesii (Hance) T.Yamaz. Reynoutria hachidyoensis (Makino) Honda Reynoutria uzenensis (Honda) Honda

  4. Reynoutria japonica Houtt.

  5. Reynoutria compacta (Hook.f.) Nakai

  6. Reynoutria compacta

  7. Reynoutria sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Nakai

  8. Reynoutria bohemica Chrtek & Chrtková

  9. Reynoutria forbesii (Hance) T.Yamaz.

  10. Regional Law Lombardia March 31 th 2008, n. 10 Regulation for the protection and preservation of the small fauna, of the flora and of the spontaneous vegetation Art. 1 (Aim) (...) 3. Within three months from the effective date of this law, in accordance with the competent Council Committee, the Regional Executive Board will approve lists, which have to be generally verified and adjusted periodically every three years to be up to date with the current knowledge, possible taxonomical variation included, to the international, community, and national regulation, and to the lists edited by the International Union for the Conservation of the Nature (IUCN), referring to: (...) e) black list of plant alien species to be monitored, contained or eradicated .

  11. Annex e): black list of plant alien species to be monitored, contained or eradicated 1 Acer negundo L. 2 Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle 3 Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. 4 Amorpha fruticosa L. 5 Artemisia verlotiorum Lamotte 6 Bidens frondosa L. 7 Buddleja davidii Franch. 8 Elodea Michaux [tutte le specie] 9 Helianthus tuberosus L. 10 Humulus japonicus Siebold & Zucc. 11 Lonicera japonica Thunb. 12 Ludwigia grandiflora (Michaux) Greuter & Burdet s.l. 13 Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. 14 Pinus nigra J.F.Arnold 15 Prunus serotina Ehrh. 16 Pueraria lobata (Willd.) Ohwi 17 Quercus rubra L. 18 Fallopia Adanson sect. Reynoutria Houtt. [all species] 19 Robinia pseudacacia L. 20 Sicyos angulatus L. 21 Solidago canadensis L. 22 Solidago gigantea Aiton

  12. Art. 5 (Preservation and management of the vegetation for faunal purpose) 1. The spontaneous vegetation developing within rivers and along the borders that periodically get submerged, the springs, the resurgences, the heaths, the mountain pastures, the peat bogs and the natural meadow can not be damaged or destroyed, except if the intervention is authorized. (...) 5. Within the domain listed in paragraph 1 the use fire or chemical substances to eliminate the arboreal, shrubby, and herbaceous vegetation is forbidden, possible exception are mentioned in paragraph 10. (...) 10. Within projects aimed at the management of natural resources to maintain or increase natural biodiversity, with preferential refer to the management of herbaceous vegetation or of ecotones and for the defence from alien or invasive plants, exception to the regulation as in paragraph 7 are admitted for the spot use of herbicides , only according to the current regulation and after redaction of a project supervised by a qualified person. The supervisor and the project must be approved by the authority listed in paragraph 9.

  13. Art. 10 (Introduction, reintroduction and restocking or reinforcement) 1. On the territory of Regione Lombardia the release of individual of any alien species of invertebrate, amphibians, reptiles is forbidden. For biological control, if foreseen by the law, only invertebrate can be used. 2. The introduction of alien plant species in natural environment is also forbidden . 3. The Regional Executive Board implements measures that helps the eradication of the species present in the black list mentioned in art. 1 paragraph 3 letters d) and e)

  14. Art. 13 (penalties) (...) 5. The non compliance of the regulation regarding the introduction, reintroduction, and restocking or reinforcement as mentioned in art. 10, paragraphs 1, 2, 5 and 6, entail a fine ranging from 200,00 € to 2.000,00 € , and the obligation to eradicate the alien species introduced, according to relevant regulation.

  15. Regional Law Lombardia November 30 th 1983, n. 86 Regional plan of regional protected areas. Regulation for the establishment and management of natural reserves, parks, natural monuments and areas of particular importance for the nature and the environment Art. 4 (Safeguard, management and developing of the forest and of the natural and seminatural vegetation) 6. According to the present law, the Regione Lombardia defines by regulation the criteria , the arrangement and the commitment for the safeguard, the management, the renew and the development of the nemoral herbaceous, of the vegetation outside the forest as well as for the control of invasive alien flora by the managing authority of the regional protected areas or by the managing authority of the sites of Natura 2000 Network respectively, and by the Provinces for the rest of the regional territory according to the available financial resources .

  16. Rural Developing Plan for 2014-2020 The proposal of Rural Developing Plan 2014-2020 of the Regione Lombardia includes the sub-measure 4.4 – Non productive investments related to the fulfilment of the agro climatic environmental aim This sub-measure envisage as possible cost “elimination of invasive alien arboreus and bushes species in the Natura 2000 areas, according to the Management Plans and the regional regulation”.

  17. MULCHING Brivio (Lecco province) (Adda Nord Park) Waste land near to a river, 500 m 2 . Mechanical action with a black mulches.

  18. Experiment of mulching with black plastic Adda Nord Park : few infestation (4-5 sites) along rivers. One experiment along a small river, included within a Site of Community Importance (500 m 2 ). November 2010 Cutting of Reynoutria Elimination of the cut material Covering with black mulching plastic , without superimposition of the border Spring 2011 Verifying and settlement of the mulching plastic Spring 2012 Removal of the mulching plastic by unknown person, resulting in important growth back Growth back also at the plastic junction.

  19. Mulching Spring 2012 Spread of salt on the plot Placing the plastic again, with superimposition of the border Summer 2012 Verifying and settlement of the mulching plastic Spread of salt on the plot at the boundary of the plot Summer 2013 Verifying and settlement of the mulching plastic Spread of salt on the plot at the boundary of the plot again

  20. MOWING + WEEDING Varese Province, near to Milano-Malpensa airport (Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino) Gallarate A small group of about a hundred m 2 . After the treatments only a small bush was still there and was supposed to be eliminated by hand. Cardano al Campo Slope near the street. After the treatments the invasion start on the other side of the street: there must be a source nearby.

  21. Experiment of mowing + weeding Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino : many areas strongly invaded with no intervention performed. Few areas poorly invaded have been treated early in the 2000: • cut of the remaining stems in winter; •treatment with “systemic” (transportable within the plant) herbicide (glyphosate) when the aerial part of the plant reached 1 m high; • two treatment per year (May and September) during 1-2 years.

  22. MOWING + WEEDING Vigevano (Pavia province) (Parco Lombardo della Valle del Ticino) Reforestation after laying the gas pipeline in a Site of Community Importance. Spread of the Reynoutria caused by the programmed mowing post reforestation. Project for the elimination by the use of herbicides (plus mowing) is awaiting the Impact Assessment. Prato Province

  23. January 29 th , 2013

  24. November 5 th , 2013, after summer-autumn mowing

  25. ONLY MOWING Tradate (Varese province) (Pineta di Appiano Gentile Park) Reforestation, ca. 100-150 m 2 . Mowing with the brush cutter 3-4 time per year hoping that with the growth of the wood the invasion will be resolved. Ostana (Cuneo province) (Po Cuneese Park) River bank of the Po (shortly after the spring). With mowing the invasion is increasing.

  26. Experiments only mowing Pineta di Appiano Gentile Park : few infestations (4-5 sites). In the wood (pinewood of Pinus sylvestris , acidophilus oakwood) Reynoutria does not enter but it is present within few ditches and along some roads. In a reforestation area treatment consists in mowing with the brush cutter 3-4 times per year. Hopefully while the wood is growing the Reynoutria will no longer be able to spread and will disappear. Along the roads the control is made by ANAS (Authority for the road maintenance) by the use of brush cutter. However, the Reynoutria is growing again and expanding.

  27. HERBICIDE TEST Monza (Monza e Brianza province) (Monza Park, Valle del Lambro Park) 2010-2011: some experiments in collaboration with the Agriculture Department of Milano University (prof. Sparacino)


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