the four foot rockers the sbl in ankle movement

The four foot rockers The SBL in ankle movement Functionally, we - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The four foot rockers The SBL in ankle movement Functionally, we prefer the 3, 4, 5 understanding: 3 = talus, calcaneus, & navicular 4 = cuneiforms & cuboid 5 = metatarsals The Essential Events in the leg Lower leg rotates

  1. The four foot rockers

  2. The SBL in ankle movement

  3. Functionally, we prefer the 3, 4, 5 understanding: 3 = talus, calcaneus, & navicular 4 = cuneiforms & cuboid 5 = metatarsals

  4. The Essential Events in the leg • Lower leg rotates medially • Knee shifts medially • Femur rotates medially • Pelvis tilts, rotates, and flexes


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