the five giants and the ministers who made a difference

The Five Giants and the Ministers who Made a Difference #LSEBe - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Five Giants and the Ministers who Made a Difference #LSEBe Beveri veridge #LSEFesti estival val Nicho holas as Timm mmin ins Profess ofessor r Sir r Juli ulian an Le Grand and Professor, Marshall Institute, LSE Author,The

  1. The Five Giants and the Ministers who Made a Difference #LSEBe Beveri veridge #LSEFesti estival val Nicho holas as Timm mmin ins Profess ofessor r Sir r Juli ulian an Le Grand and Professor, Marshall Institute, LSE Author,The Five Giants: A Biography of the Welfare State. Former Senior Policy Advisor, No 10 Downing Street (2003-2005) Chai air: r: Minou nouch che Shafi afik Director, LSE

  2. Ignorance

  3. Rab Butler

  4. Anthony Crosland

  5. Keith Joseph

  6. Kenneth Baker

  7. David Blunkett

  8. Idleness

  9. Clement Atlee

  10. Margaret Thatcher

  11. Geoffrey Howe

  12. Kenneth Clarke

  13. Gordon Brown

  14. Squalor

  15. Aneurin Bevan

  16. Harold Macmillan

  17. Michael Heseltine

  18. Want

  19. Hugh Dalton

  20. Barbara Castle

  21. Norman Fowler

  22. John Hutton

  23. Steve Webb

  24. Disease

  25. Aneurin Bevan

  26. Enoch Powell

  27. Barbara Castle

  28. Kenneth Clarke

  29. Alan Milburn

  30. What makes a ministerial giant? Politics? • 10 Conservatives • 9 Labour • 1 Lib Dem School Education? • 11 Public School (8 Conservative, 3 Labour) • 4 Grammar School (2 Conservative, 2 Labour) • 3 Comprehensive (2 Labour, 1 Lib Dem) • 1 Special • 1 None (post-13)

  31. What makes a ministerial giant? University? • 16 Oxbridge • 1 LSE – postgraduate. But one major omission….. Subject? • 9 Law • 6 Economics ( 4 PPE at Oxford) Other? • 9 out of 9 Labour had some connection with Fabian Society (like the LSE)

  32. Simon Stevens

  33. Andrew Adonis

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