the final push 70 th anniversary s heerenberg 1 april

The Final Push 70 th Anniversary s -Heerenberg, 1 April 2015 The - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Final Push 70 th Anniversary s -Heerenberg, 1 April 2015 The Final Push s -Heerenberg Planning Team Keep Them Rolling Rob vant Oost Town of s -Heerenberg Heemkundekring Bergh - s -Heerenberg Volunteers

  1. The Final Push – 70 th Anniversary ‘s -Heerenberg, 1 April 2015

  2. The Final Push ‘s -Heerenberg Planning Team • Keep Them Rolling – Rob van’t Oost • Town of ‘s -Heerenberg – • Heemkundekring Bergh - • ‘s -Heerenberg Volunteers – – Wilco Bosch – Kapt Henk Groote • 48 th Highlander of Holland P&D – John Fundter • Canada – Brig-Gen Ernest Beno

  3. Keep Them Rolling Netherlands “The Final Push - 2015” Organization: Rob van't Oost Chairman Bauke Schuurman Secretary Teun Hemelman Treasurer Bert van de Maat PR Dick Jansen New Media Contact

  4. 48 th Highlanders of Holland Pipes and Drums

  5. The Netherlands – Key Points Groningen Arnhem Nijmegen & Amsterdam Groesbeek Wageningen ‘s -Heerenberg Rhineland, Ge Scheldt

  6. ‘s -Heerenberg The town of 's-Heerenberg lies 30kms southeast of Arnhem, close to the German frontier, just north of the Rhine and the city of Emmerich. The town received its municipal charter in 1379. ‘s -Heerenberg was liberated by the First Canadian Army in April 1945.

  7. The First Canadian Army – Liberation of Holland ‘s -Heerenberg

  8. The Liberation of Holland The Liberation of the Netherlands, from September 1944 to April 1945, played a key role in the culmination of the Second World War, as the Allied forces closed in on Germany from all sides. The First Canadian Army played a major role in the liberation of the Dutch people who had suffered terrible hunger and hardship under the increasingly desperate German occupiers. In early June 1940, Princess Juliana and her two small daughters secretly boarded a Dutch vessel bound for Halifax. Safe in the Ottawa region, Princess Juliana was able to take over the reins of government-in-exile if the need arose. The birth of Princess Margriet Francisca, the third daughter of Princess Juliana and Prince Bernhard, was a symbol of hope and a source of inspiration for the Dutch people who were fighting for their survival in Europe.

  9. Liberation Day – Bevrijdingsdag • In The Netherlands, Liberation Day is celebrated each year on 5 May, to mark the end of the occupation by Nazi Germany during World War II. • The liberation of the Netherlands officially took place on May 5th 1945 when occupational forces signed the capitulation treaty in Hotel ‘De Wereld ’ in Wageningen in the presence of General Charles Foulkes (Commander-in- chief of the Canadian liberation army) and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. • On 4 May, the Dutch hold the Remembrance of the Dead for the people who have fought and died during World War II, and wars in general. Throughout the country, two minutes of silence are observed at 8:00 p.m. • Liberation Day is commemorated and celebrated every year. On 5 May, the liberation is celebrated and festivals are held at most places in the Netherlands.

  10. Quotes - The Liberation of ‘s -Heerenberg • “The advance northward was launched by the 9 th Canadian Infantry Brigade on March 31 (1945). They met little resistance and, on April 1, the Highland Light Infantry of Canada passed through to clear the first Dutch town to be liberated, s’Heerenberg , situated only a little more than a kilometre north of Emmerich. Here “C” Company of the HLI met resistance at an anti-tank ditch in front of the town. The ditch was bridged under fire and the advance continued against a number of strongpoints based on a large castle and monastery. ” • “When the 3 rd Division surged through s’Heerenberg as their advance got under way on April 1, they found it difficult to pass through this town, despite the fact that German resistance had been overcome. The North Nova Scotia Highlanders noted: Progress was slow through the town because of the cheering and waving crowds of Dutch lining the street. The First Canadian Army was liberating again and it certainly was a change from the sullen mass of Germans we continually bumped into on the other side of the Rhine and up to Emmerich … After five years of oppression, the Dutch people were expressing their joy and thanks at being liberated. ” • “But most impressive of all, after seeing deserted German villages and towns from the border into the city of ‘s Heerenberg, was that there were now hundreds of civilians waving flags and cheering the passing transport. There was damage in the city and in the following villages, but they were not deserted, and everywhere civilians were cheering and Dutch national flags were flying from almost every house and building – with a smattering of British flags too. ”

  11. Celebrating and Commemorating the Canadian Artillery’s Role in the Liberation of The Netherlands • The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery commemorated its role in the Liberation of The Netherlands in the City of ‘s -Heerenberg on May 5 th , 2010, the 65 th Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland. • A World War II Gun, the famed 25 Pounder, was dedicated on the market square in ‘s - Heerenberg to memorialize the service of Canadian Gunners. • This monument will perpetuate the memory of the service of more than 29,000 Canadian Gunners in Holland who manned more than 1,100 guns in 38 Artillery Regiments. Canadian Gunners suffered about 900 killed from D Day to VE Day. • The 25 Pounder was the principal artillery piece of the Canadian Artillery in World War II, so it is most fitting that it represent the Gunners who served in Holland. • ‘s -Heerenberg is at the centre of the start of the Liberation campaign, when the First Canadian Army, under command of a Gunner (General Harry Crerar) swung north, crossed the Rhine and brought the occupying forces to capitulation. • This was the first major town liberated in Operation PLUNDER, commencing March 31 st 1945.

  12. 7th Medium Regiment, "B" Troop, 5th Field 12th Battery, "A" Troop, Regiment, firing 25- fire on German pounder near positions with 5.5 inch Malden, Holland, 1 guns February 1945. Sexton SP guns of the 8th Field Regiment, R.C.A., firing 21 gun salute to celebrate VE Day, Groningen, Netherlands, 8 May 1945. Canada’s Artillery in World War II

  13. Draft Program • Band Display – 48 th Highlanders of Holland Pipes and Drums • Soldiers March On • Dignitaries Arrive • Roll Past and Salute • Gun Salute • Parade forms up • Flag Raising and National Anthems of Canada and The Netherlands • Master of Ceremonies • Addresses by KTR, Canadian Delegate, Dignitaries, Wilco Bosch • Greetings from Veterans • Laying of Wreaths at Gun Monument • Last Post, Two Minutes Silence, Reveille • Final Words of Greetings and Thanks • March off Parade and Soldiers • Band Concert • Reception

  14. Follow-on Actions - Next Steps • Program – H Groote, R van’t Oost and W Bosch • Music Program – 48 th Highland P&D. J Fundter • NL Gun Salute – Artillerie Museum or Marine Corps – H Groote • Police and Traffic – W Bosch • Liaison with Town and Region – W Bosch • VIPs and Protocol – W Bosch • Invitations – W Bosch • Seating, Flags, Sound System, Stage/Platform, etc – W Bosch • Master of Ceremonies – H Groote • Certificates and Presentations – W Bosch • Canadian Government Participation – E Beno • Netherlands Military Coordination – H Groote • Canadian Soldier Participation – E Beno • Post-Parade Reception – W Bosch • Communications, Public Affairs, Advertising – W Bosch

  15. Extracts from Reports/Books • Please note the following extracts from various Reports and Books, for info.


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