the efficient recognition of annotations by google for

The efficient recognition of annotations by Google for - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The efficient recognition of annotations by Google for Angela Popa, Hannes Pedevilla by Information Office Seefeld provides touristic information about Olympiaregion Seefeld, Leutasch, Msern-Buchen,

  1. The efficient recognition of annotations by Google for Angela Popa, Hannes Pedevilla

  2. ● by Information Office Seefeld ● provides touristic information about Olympiaregion Seefeld, Leutasch, Mösern-Buchen, Reith and Scharnitz: ○ Gastronomy ○ Sights and Attractions ○ Other Infrastructure ○ Hotels and Accommodation - Search and Offers ○ Events - music events, cultural festivals and sports events ○ Press releases about region ● what could be changed for a good recognition by Google?

  3. Gastronomy - Summary Pages ● ● ● Show list of dining possibilities ● 1st rank on Google for search terms “gastronomy seefeld” or “gastronomy in Seefeld” ● searching for keywords “restaurant seefeld”: first entry can only be found on second results page showing detail pages for “Mooswirt, Restaurant” and “Olympia Restaurant” ● current annotation: only a BreadcrumbList ● Improvement ideas: ○ ItemList of @type: ListItem , position and an url pointing to detail page ○ To support upcoming Restaurant lists : When a user searches for “best dinner in Seefeld” marked up restaurant content can appear as a host-specific carousel in Search Results ( ○ Currently in piloting phase, register interest at: CbFq7SZsyWqH6xJ7ulbaQ/viewform date analysed: 2017-06-15

  4. Gastronomy - Detail Pages - Current State ● No annotations anymore, except BreadcrumbList ● ○ Search result: shows no rich snippet ○ Rank: 2 although is on rank 3 and has a rich snippet ○ Rich card: a lot of missing data date analysed: 2017-06-15

  5. Gastronomy - Detail Pages - Improvement Ideas ● Define ItemList on summary page pointing to detail pages using url property ● Annotate detail pages of restaurants using the following guide from Google ○ Use most specific subtypes of LocalBusiness possible like Restaurant, BarOrPub, CafeOrCoffeShop, Winery,... ○ Required properties are: name, image, servesCuisine ○ Recommended properties are: address, telephone, priceRange, url, menu, openingHoursSpecification, geo ○ Include other information where possible: starRating, aggregateRating, review ○ Google also supports OrderAction and ReserveAction as potential action

  6. German English Events ● ● Shows a list of all events of the region ● First 5 ranked results on Google for search term “events Seefeld” but no event shown in rich card → high impact on mobile devices → rich card fullscreen → difference of ranking between languages ● current annotation: only a BreadcrumbList → same for detail pages of events ● Improvement ideas: ○ ItemList of @type: ListItem , position and an url pointing to detail page ○ Annotate detail pages using Event according to Google Search Developer Guide ■ Required properties : location, name, startDate ■ Recommended properties : description, endDate, image, offer, performer ■ do annotations in all possible languages date analysed: 2017-06-15

  7. Sights and Attractions - Summary Page ● ● Shows list of tourist attractions ● Among first 3 ranks when searching for “sights seefeld”, “best sights seefeld”, “tourist attraction seefeld” Google: “seefeld tourist attractions” ● tourist attraction/POIs rich card: ○ based on data from Google Places API ● current annotation: only a BreadcrumbList ● Improvement ideas: ○ ItemList of @type: ListItem , position and an url pointing to detail page ○ add places using Google Places API: ■ Points of Interest Google: “seefeld sights” ■ Top Sights date analysed: 2017-06-15

  8. Sights and Attractions - Current State ● No annotations anymore, except BreadcrumbList ● ○ Search result: rich snippet only with breadcrumb list ○ Rank: 2 although is on rank 3 and has a rich snippet ○ Rich card: exists, missing information eg description date analysed: 2017-06-15

  9. Sights and Attractions - Improvement Ideas ● Annotate detail pages of sights and attractions ○ Use most specific subtypes of Place possible like Church, LandmarksOrHistoricalBuildings, TouristAttraction ○ do annotations in all available languages ○ Recommended properties are: Name, description, image, address, telephone, openingHoursSpecification, geo ○ Include other information where possible: aggregateRating, review → rich snippet ○ add place using Google Places API to be included in: ■ Points of Interest ■ Top Sights

  10. Hotels - Google Search results by Tourist Information Office Seefeld 4th rank for search term “seefeld austria hotels” or “hotel in Seefeld” preceded by (2x),, (not counting adds)

  11. Hotels - Google Search results - Rich snippets Special rich cards through Google Hotel Ads / Google Hotel Prices API - 3 feed types (hotel description list, prices,POS) - Rest API to get/check uploaded feed data - Google specific tags - - - etc. Procedure similar to easybooking difference is the data format and tool support

  12. Hotels - Seefeld website - Current state Page listing all hotels: 2 annotations in microdata format : source code snippet from webpage recognition by

  13. Hotel - Seefeld website - Current state Haus Landfrieden - rank 1 Search term “Landfrieden Seefeld” source code snippet from webpage

  14. Hotel - Seefeld website - Current state Activ-Pension Bergfrieden - rank 4 after,, - rank 2 - json-ld - rank 1 - microdata

  15. Hotel - Seefeld website - Current state Activ-Pension Bergfrieden - rank 4 microdata

  16. Hotel - Seefeld website - Current state Haus Seeblick - rank 1 & 2 ● priceRange annotated in microdata format, but not listed in the rich snippet ● Rating listed in the rich snippet of the English version, but not annotated

  17. Hotels - Seefeld website - Improvement ideas ● annotations (Resort, Hotel, BedAndBreakfast, Apartment, House) ● actions (BookAction, AskAction) ● useful for visibility of non-hotel accommodations (guesthouses, apartments) ● but annotations are not enough name: Text image: Url address: PostalAddress geo: GeoCoordinates currenciesAccepted: Text makesOffer: Offer / priceRange: Text possibleActions: [“BuyAction”, ”AskAction”, “BookmarkAction”]

  18. Conclusions ● we summarised our findings and proposed improvement ideas regarding the appearance of in the search results of the Google search engine ● we analysed the content for rich snippets and rich cards of ● we analysed the rank of results ● use proper domain classes and at least the mandatory properties that Google expects for each specific domain class ● Google API for Hotels and Places can be used to improve appearance ● it is advisable that the documentation of Google for search and structured data is carefully studied and applied


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