The e Ch Chec eck k : The e 5th h Con oncern cern fo for innov ovation ation - Ca Case se st study dy on Palk lki fo for Ma Mata ta Vaishn shno De Devi vi Shrine ine DE 402 “Introduction to Design – Case Studies ies
Chakku’s 7Cs fo for In Inno novation vation by by Design sign 1. The Cause use – The concern rn to solve lve a proble lem. 2. The Conte text t – Unde dersta rstandi ding g the proble lem space and the envi vironme ronment. t. 3. The Compre rehe hension – Arrivi ving g at desi sign gn insights hts. 4. The Check ck – Creati ting g a list of key y requ quirem rements ts as a check-list/ st/produc roduct t brief. f. 5. The Concep ception tion – Generati ting g multip tiple le ideas s and combin bining g them into concep cepts ts. 6. The Craftin fting g – Conve verti rting g the sele lected ted concep cept t in to mock ck-up ups, s, functi tional l proto toty types s and mass s produc duction tion. 7. The Connecti ction – Creati Creating g user r satisfac facti tion and deli light ght
Valleys of Death for Innovation (Bottlenecks at various stages ) MOCK UP WORKING PILOT FINAL PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION PRODUCTION Product Development Design Prototyping Product Planning Manufacturer Mass Manufacturing User Testing User Testing Detail Design, Soft Tooling, 3d Printing, Design Thinking, Prototype Design Small Vendors, Small Manufacturers, Tooling, Jigs, Fixtures Large Scale Manufacturers
Aja jant nta a
Aja jant nta a Pa Palki ki Pr Proj oject ect
Aja jant nta a Pa Palki ki Ne New De w Desi sign gn
Te Test sting ing
Te Tech chfest fest 2014 2014 Vi Visit it by by: Dr Dr P Ch Chidambar dambaram am Scient ntific ific Ad Advisor isor to to Go Govt vt of Ind f India. ia.
Ma Mata ta Va Vais ishno hno De Devi i Pa Palki ki
Existing Palanquin
Us User er st stud udy y th the e key ey Existing Palki study 1. Multilevel users of Palki – Porters – Pilgrims – Local vendors – Shrine board 2. Activity study
Dev eveloped eloped ov over er th the e ye years ars
Tra rain ined ed over r the ye year ars s
Co Conte text xt Existing Palki study 1. Terrain 2. Socio Economics aspects 3. Livelihood
St Stud udy of exi y of exist sting ing Pa Palki ki • Material – GI water Pipes • Poor Quality welding • Stress cracking • Heavy
St Stud udy of exi y of exist sting ing Pa Palki ki • Rope and wooden pole details • Pipe bends and supporting ring
St Stud udy of exi y of exist sting ing Pa Palki ki • Welding details • Seating posture
St Stud udy of exi y of exist sting ing Pa Palki ki • Reworks and fatigue failures • Maintenance
Study udy on on Por orters ers Disc scom omfort fort
Th The e Ch Check eck To o re re-design design a a Palki lki that: at: 1. Should be lightweight 2. Should be maintenance free 3. Can be manufactured locally 4. Should ensure safety to porters as well as patrons
Col ollaborat laborative ive Pr Proj oject ect Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India
Pr Prot otot otype ype 1
Pr Prot otot otype ype 1 • Field trial and discussion with Shrine Board officials Check: • Need integrated seating system • Less part, less maintenance
Pr Prot otot otype ype 2
Pr Prot otot otype ype 2 • Prototype with raised footrest Check: • Less leg space • Non-ergonomic sitting posture • Support member at footrest.
Pr Prot otot otype ype 3
Er Ergo gono nomic mic Te Test stin ing g at at NI NITI TIE
Fe Feed edback back fr from om por orte ters rs
Prevalence of Musculoskeletal Discomfort in Porters 100 100 90 95.23 95.23 90.4 80 85.7 Prevalence (%) 70 71.4 71.4 60 61.9 50 40 38.09 38.09 38.09 30 20 10 9.5 0 Body regions
Ch Check eck • Prototype with headrest and ergonomically tested. Check: • Makes the piligrim sleep. • Increased weight • Hits the porter when bringing the palki down
Co Comprehensi mprehension on o Weights- ranging from 38 kg to 70 kg. o Porters are required to trek for 28 kms in a day uphill and downhill o They usually take 4.5 hours for one way taking breaks in between. o Due to heavy load on shoulder, they shift the palanquin bar from right to left shoulder and vice versa after every 2-3 mins. o After every 5-6 km, the porters change their respective positions
Co Comprehensi mprehension on o Should reduce physical strain on the porters o Should increase porter comfort and safety o System should not destroy the current livelihood of porters
105 0 15 cm 22 cm
Pr Prot otot otype ype 4:
Sequ quence ence of of pr proto ototype types s af after er us user testi sting ng
St Stru ruct ctural ural an anal alysis ysis
Mo Mode del l improve roved d af after er FE FEM M an anal alysis sis
CA CAD Mo Mode del l of of i impro proved ved proto ototype type
Fi Fina nal Dra rawi wing ng
Fi Fina nal Pr Prot otot otype ype Fa Fabr bricati ication on
Fi Fina nal Pr Prot otot otype ype
An Anal alysis sis Ou Output ut of of mo modi dified fied pal alki in SS
Te Test sting ing at at II IITB TB wi with th Ex Expert erts s
Heart rate responses of the porters while carrying existing and newly designed palanquin with pilgrim on actual terrain condition -- NITIE 160 137 140 125 118 Heart rate (b/min) 120 107 100 80 78 80 60 40 20 0 Resting Carrying uphill Carrying downhill Existing Palanquin Newly designed Palnquin
Sa Salient ient Fe Feat atures ures • Li Light Weight t (Re Redu duction tion to 34 34 Kgs Kgs), ), hence ce easy y for r the Po Porters ters to car arry ry. • Durable e and d maintenance tenance free e du due to use of light weight ht stainl nles ess s steel el pi pipe pe. • Comfo mfortab rtable e seat ating ing for r pa patro rons. ns. • Po Possi sibil bility ty of manuf nufact acture ure by lo y local small l scale e manufact facturers. rers. • Enhanced anced safety ety du due to ergono gonomi mics, cs, engineering eering and d de design n interventi rvention on as a c collabo aborati rative ve pr project ject.
Valley of Death (Bottlenecks at various stages in Innovation ) MOCK UP WORKING PILOT FINAL PROTOTYPE PRODUCTION PRODUCTION Product Development Design Prototyping Product Planning Manufacturer Mass Manufacturing User Testing User Testing Detail Design, Soft Tooling, 3d Printing, Design Thinking, Prototype Design Small Vendors, Small Manufacturers, Tooling, Jigs, Fixtures Large Scale Manufacturers
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