the cosmic microwave background as a backlight

The Cosmic Microwave Background as a Backlight David Spergel - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Cosmic Microwave Background as a Backlight David Spergel Princeton Marseilles July 2014 Planck vs. ACT Consitent Parameters P -217x217 WMAP9+ACT PLANCK+WP Spectral Index 0.97430.0087 0.973 0.011 0.96030.0073 Matter Density

  1. The Cosmic Microwave Background as a Backlight David Spergel Princeton Marseilles July 2014

  2. Planck vs. ACT

  3. Consitent Parameters P -217x217 WMAP9+ACT PLANCK+WP Spectral Index 0.9743±0.0087 0.973 ± 0.011 0.9603±0.0073 Matter Density 1.149±0.028 1.146±0.044 1.199±0.027 Baryon Density 2.231±0.033 2.260±0.040 2.205±0.028 Hubble Constant 69.5±1.4 69.7±2.0 67.3±1.2

  4. CMB as a Backlight We understand the CMB source plane well! Integrated Sachs-Wolfe Effect: INTEGRATED CHANGE IN GRAVITIONAL POTENTIAL Thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: INTEGRATED PRESSURE measures integrated gas pressure Kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect: INTEGRATED MOMENTUM measures integrated gas momentum trace electron distribution Gravitational Lensing of the CMB: INTEGRATED DENSITY traces matter distribution to z = 1100! cross-correlation with optical lensing!

  5. Thermal and Kinematic Sunyaev Zeldovich Effects Text

  6. Kinematic SZ Effect Hand et al. 1203.4219

  7. Future of KSZ Effect High l experiments can measure the KSZ signal from each galaxy with S/N of 0.1/galaxy Large scale structure surveys have millions of galaxies Because density-momentum field cross-correlations scales as P(k)/k - upcoming measurements should be able to measure the large-scale power and test whether the "missing power a" at l < 40 is a stastical fluctautions or the sign of new physics

  8. Galaxy Clusters: Different Wavelengths

  9. SZ Cluster Explosion Planck, ACT, and SPT have been discovering several hundred clusters through the SZ effect This is effectively a mass-limited sample that could potentially provide a powerful tool for measuring the growth rate of structure. Challenge is accurately connecting the measured SZ signal to cluster mass.

  10. SZ Amplitude Discrepancy Neutrino Mass or Cluster Physics?

  11. Using SZ+X-ray to Measure Fluctuation Amplitude Hajian, Battaglia, DNS, et al. arXiv:1309.3282 Low redshift - well understood sample

  12. tSZ x CMB Lensing

  13. Introduction to the ISW effect • Change is CMB temperature due to time variation of gravitational potential: • Gravitational in origin, and therefore frequency independent Poisson equation • Always produced when there is non-negligible stress component (radiation, Dark Energy…) • For a large cluster, expect Δ T ~ 2µK 16 Simone Ferraro (Princeton)

  14. Detection strategies Too small to detect from CMB power spectrum ANGULAR CORRELATION STACKING CROSS POWER SPECTRUM 17 Simone Ferraro (Princeton)

  15. Stacking on super-clusters/voids z ~ 0.5 – 0.7 Consider largest 50 superclusters 50 supervoids from SDSS LRG DR6 Expect | Δ T| ~ 2µK , but find 9.6 ± 2.2µK , and frequency independent. A 4 σ deviation from LCDM ?? Granett et al (2008) Hern´andez-Monteagudo et al (2012) 18 Planck XIX (2013) Simone Ferraro (Princeton)

  16. Stacking on super-clusters/voids Planck XIX on G08 sample • Confirmed by several later analyses on the same sample and aperture radius • Tension drops to ~2.2 σ if using many aperture radii • Tension also drops to ~ 2 σ if using larger sample (936 Planck XIX on larger sample voids), but note lower redshift / less uniform sample • Still some mystery 19 Simone Ferraro (Princeton)

  17. Cross correlations 20 Simone Ferraro (Princeton) arXiv:1404.5102

  18. Gravitational Lensing of the CMB Intervening large-scale potentials deflect CMB photons and distorts the CMB. The rms deflection is about 2.7 arcmins, but the deflections are coherent on degree scales.

  19. CMB Lensing is different... Measure deflection rather than shear (more signal on large-scale; less on small scale) Well understood source plane at known conformal distance Behind everything Single source plane- Very poor resolution

  20. CMB Lensing 2-pt Das et al. 2011 Lensing deflects photons and produce non-Gaussian signal: Non-trivial 4-pt function Lensing power spectrum is a measure of the amplitude of fluctuations along the line of sign 23

  21. CMB Lensing is Exploding! CMB Lensing cross-correlation (Smith et al. (2007) WMAP x NVSS; Hirata et al. (2008)) CMB Lensing-CMB Lensing (Das et al. (2011); van Englen et al. (2012), Planck) CMB Lensing-Optical Lensing (Hand et al. 2014) Lensing S/N has increased from ~5-10 to ~30 with SPT 100 100 75 70 50 50 25 4 6 7 20 0 ACT-I SPT-1 Planck ACTpol Large

  22. E + B modes Scalar fluctuations generate E-modes. They produce TT, TE and EE correlations Tensor fluctuations generate equal amounts of E and B modes. They produce TT, EE and BB correlations Gravitational lensing rotate polarization and converts E modes into B modes. Figure from Dodelson et al. NAS White Paper astro-ph/0902.3796

  23. E to B lensing Hanson et al. 2013

  24. ACTPOL: DESIGNED TO BE A POWERFUL CMB LENSING MACHINE Assuming no systematics other than instrumental noise, these plots show the signal and noise power spectra for the Deep and Wide configurations. Signal 10 o Optimal Noise ACTPOL-DEEP: ACTPOL-WIDE: 150 sq-deg @ 3 µ K-arcmin (temp) 4000 sq-deg @ 20 µ K-arcmin (temp) and 5 µ K-arcmin (pol) and 28 µ K-arcmin (pol)

  25. ACTPOL: DESIGNED TO BE A POWERFUL CMB LENSING MACHINE Assuming no systematics other than instrumental noise, these plots show the signal and noise power spectra for the Deep and Wide configurations. Signal Signal Optimal Noise Optimal Noise ACTPOL-DEEP: ACTPOL-WIDE: 150 sq-deg @ 3 µ K-arcmin (temp) 4000 sq-deg @ 20 µ K-arcmin (temp) and 5 µ K-arcmin (pol) and 28 µ K-arcmin (pol)

  26. HyperSuprime Camera 1.5 x 1.5 degree camera on Subaru (8.3 meter telescope) First light this summer Survey begins summer 2013 (~200-300 nights) grizY Wide survey 1500 sq deg i~25.8 Deep survey 30 sq deg i ~27 .2 (+Narrow Bands) Ultradeep survey 3 sq deg i~28 (+NB)

  27. HSC-HSC: Solid HSC-ACTPOL: Dashed 0.0001 c κκ z ~1.5 (black) z~0.8 (green) z~0.4 (cyan) 100 1000 l

  28. Future of CMB is as a Backlight Can measure projected electron density, electron momentum, electron pressure and total mass Cross-correlations with tracers can measure electron distribution around galaxies and bias of high redshift objects Cross-correlations with optical lensing and auto- correlations can be an important tool for cosmological tool Data is improving rapidly!

  29. Backup Slides

  30. Dust vs. CMB BICEP1 x BICEP2 • Can’t distinguish between the two BICEP2 x BICEP2 based on BICEP data alone • Level of polarization need typical for high galactic latitude (p ~0.1) • This is NOT a 5.9 sigma detection Flauger, Hill and DNS

  31. BICEP2 Dust Estimates

  32. Our Data Driven Models • Polarization direction from starlight measurements in region • Polarization fraction from Boulanger maps

  33. BICEP2 Cross-correlations

  34. Hopefully, future experiments will 
 detect Primordial Gravitational Waves

  35. S1-S2 Paper VI: 217-ds1 x 217-ds2 (shown) , 217-1x217-ds2 and 217-1x217-3 fail null test.


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