lunivore an example of an example

@lunivore An Example of an Example Given Fred has bought a - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Liz Keogh @lunivore An Example of an Example Given Fred has bought a microwave And the microwave cost 100 When we refund the microwave Then Fred should be refunded 100. Examples Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome

  1. Liz Keogh @lunivore

  2. An Example of an Example Given Fred has bought a microwave And the microwave cost £100 When we refund the microwave Then Fred should be refunded £100.

  3. Examples Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome should occur

  4. GROW Goal Reality Options Way forward

  5. GROW Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome should occur Goal

  6. GROW Reality Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome should occur

  7. GROW Options / Way Forward Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome should occur

  8. PDCA Plan Do Check Act

  9. Acceptance criteria vs. Scenarios Given Fred has bought a microwave And the microwave cost £100 And the microwave was on 10% discount When we refund the microwave Then Fred should be refunded £90.

  10. Acceptance criteria vs. Scenarios Given an item was sold with a discount When a customer gets a refund Then he should only be refunded the discounted price.

  11. Acceptance criteria vs. Scenarios Items should be refunded at the price at which they were sold.

  12. Well-formed outcomes Sensation Vision Hearing Smell Taste

  13. Examples Given Jane would like some tools for changing her life When she comes to my talk Then she should leave happy.

  14. “leave happy”

  15. Will it actually happen that way?

  16. Acceptance criteria vs. Scenarios I want people to have happier lives because of this talk.

  17. Outcome vs. Impact

  18. Cynefin Kuh-neh-vin Complicated Complex Simple Chaotic With thanks to David Snowden and Cognitive Edge

  19. Cynefin Disorder With thanks to David Snowden and Cognitive Edge

  20. Cynefin Simple Chaotic With thanks to David Snowden and Cognitive Edge

  21. Cynefin Breaking things down

  22. Cynefin Trying things out

  23. Talking through outcomes works really well… … hereish.

  24. Is there a context in which this event will create a different outcome?

  25. Examples Given Jane would like some tools for changing her life When she comes to my talk Then she should leave happy.

  26. Examples Given Steve thinks he can’t change his life And he can When he comes to my talk Then he should leave feeling troubled and uncertain.

  27. Examples Given I am a deep sleeper When I fly to Chicago Then I should still wake refreshed and ready to speak next day.

  28. Is this the only outcome that matters? If we could achieve it with pixies, would it be enough?

  29. Examples Given Steve thinks he can’t change his life And he can When he comes to my talk Then he should leave feeling troubled and uncertain And he should get in touch

  30. The language of uncertainty

  31. “Should”

  32. Examples Given Dan knows more about BDD than I do When he comes to my talk Then ...?

  33. Dan North’s “Three Ages” Stabilize: Explore: Optimize for Optimise for Repeatability Discovery Commoditize: Optimize for Efficiency

  34. Still learning… Panic: Optimise for Survival?

  35. Innovation Complicated Complex Simple Chaotic

  36. GROW Options / Way Forward Given a context When an event happens Then an outcome should occur

  37. Vision Makes money Saves money Protects money

  38. Goal Needed Incidental to go live Stake- holder

  39. Capability Users can achieve a business outcome

  40. Feature User interface component which enables a capability

  41. Story A slice through a feature to enable faster feedback

  42. Scenario An example of how the system might behave from a user perspective

  43. Code Ideas turning into reality Developer

  44. Vision Goal Capability Feature Story Scenario Code

  45. Hunt the value aka Why?

  46. Goal Needed Incidental to go live Stake- holder

  47. Fractal beauty Story Goal Feature Capability Scenario Vision Story Feature Scenario Goal Code Capability Story Code Code Feature Goal

  48. A Real Project Whoops, forgot Don’t need Can’t this… remember what this Story Goal Feature was for… Capability Scenario Vision Story Feature Scenario Goal Code Capability Story Code Code Feature Goal Oops, didn ’ t know about Look what I that… found!

  49. A Real Project Whoops, forgot Don’t need Can’t this… remember what this Um Story Goal Feature was for… Oh! Capability Hmm! Scenario Vision Story Ooh, look! Feature Scenario That’s Goal Code funny! Capability Story Code Er … Code Feature Dammit! Oops! Goal Oh F… Sh..! Interesting! Oops, didn’t know about Look what I that… found!

  50. We’re discovering how to build software by doing it Story Goal Feature Capability Scenario Vision Story Feature Scenario Goal Code Capability Story Code Code Feature Goal

  51. We’re discovering how to discover stuff by doing it Can’t remember Don’t need Whoops, what this this… forgot was for… Oh! Um… Hmm! Ooh, look! That’s funny! Er … Oops! Sh..! Dammit! Oh F… Interesting! Oops, didn’t know about Look what I that… found!

  52. Traditional Rework Developers Testers Deliberate discovery skillz

  53. Options have value. Options expire. Never commit early unless you know why.

  54. BDD Less Rework Testers Developers Testers Deliberate discovery skillz

  55. Life doesn’t have bugs, just apologies

  56. BDD Deliberate Discovery Context Event Outcome Test

  57. A Naïve Scenario CONTEXT EVENT OUTCOME Event which Reality. leads Well-formed It’s all good, to the outcome right? outcome

  58. Subgoals CONTEXT EVENT OUTCOME Event which Reality. Unwanted leads Well-formed Unwanted It’s all good, Context to the outcome Outcome! right? outcome

  59. Subgoals CONTEXT EVENT OUTCOME Event which Unwanted leads Well-formed Replacement Unwanted Context to the outcome context Outcome! outcome

  60. Given Scenario EVENT OUTCOME CONTEXT EVENT OUTCOME Event which Event which Unwanted leads Well-formed Replacement leads to Context to the outcome context replacement outcome

  61. Changing reality CONTEXT EVENT CONTEXT EVENT OUTCOME Event which Event which Unwanted leads Replacement leads Well-formed Context to the context to the outcome replacement outcome

  62. Creating options Is there any context which we could introduce in which more events would give us outcomes we want?

  63. flickr: urbandecay The Next Goal

  64. Liz Keogh @lunivore

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