The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals R. Tomás Thanks to P. Bambade, S. Bai, H. Braun, B. Dalena, S. Kuroda, A. Latina, D. Schulte, A. Seryi, Y. Renier, G. Rumolo, G. White, F. Zimmermann et al CLIC seminar, November 2008 Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.1/31
CLIC Final Focus System with L ∗ =3.5m FFS with L*=3.5m 300. 0.010 [*10**( 3)] x (m) β x β y D x 0.005 D 250. 0.0 -0.005 200. y (m) -0.010 x (m), β -0.015 150. -0.020 β -0.025 100. -0.030 -0.035 50. -0.040 0.0 -0.045 2300. 2450. 2600. 2750. s (m) Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.2/31
FFS problematics Problem Scales with E 3 Radiation Chromaticity ( ξ y ) L ∗ /β ∗ Imperfections, 1 /σ ∗ ? tuning time Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.3/31
Radiation in CLIC (B. Dalena, CLIC’08) • Radiation in dipoles: 14% luminosity loss • Radiation in final quad: 10% luminosity loss 12 ✱ β y of minimum Oide effect 10 8 y [nm] 6 ✱ σ 4 2 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 ✱ β y [ µ m] Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.4/31
ILC FFS 45 0.2 40 β x 0.15 β y D x 35 0.1 30 Dispersion [m] 0.05 Betas [km] 25 0 20 -0.05 15 -0.1 10 -0.15 5 0 -0.2 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Longitudinal location [m] Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.5/31
ATF2 - the ILC scaled test machine 14 0.6 β x β y 12 0.4 Dx 10 0.2 8 0 Dx[m] β [km] 6 -0.2 4 -0.4 2 -0.6 0 -0.8 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Longitudinal Location[m] Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.6/31
Chromaticity L ∗ [m] Project Status β ∗ y [mm] L ∗ / β ∗ ξ y y FFTB Measured 0.167 0.4 2400 10000 ATF2 Design 0.1 1.0 10000 19000 ATF2 ultra-low β Proposed 0.025 1.0 40000 76000 CLIC 3TeV Design 0.09 3.5 39000 63000 ILC Design 0.4 3.5 8750 15000 ILC pushed Design 0.2 3.5 17500 30000 Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.7/31
CLIC FFS, 3.5m versus 4.3m L* 1 Peak luminosity (relative) 0.8 0.6 0.4 L * =3.5m 0.2 L * =3.5m (opt.) L * =4.3m 0 -0.01 -0.005 0 0.005 0.01 dp/p → Larger peak-lumi-bandwidth for the 3.5m L* FFS Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.8/31
IP spot size: tuning Project Status σ ∗ y [nm] FFTB Measured 70 ATF2 Design 37 ATF2 ultra-low β Proposed 20 ILC Design 6 CLIC Design 2 Does tuning difficulty scale as σ ∗ − 1 ? y ATF2 offers the unique opportunity to study tuning versus σ ∗ y . Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.9/31
ATF2 ultra-low β proposal ��������������������������������������� ��������������������������� � � � � � � � � � � � � �� � ������ ����� ��� � �� ������� � � ��� ����� � ��������� � ��� � � ���� �� � ��� �� � � ������� � ��� �������� � ��� � ����������� � ������� � �� ������� ! ���������" � ��� ������� ���� ����� �� �� ����� �� �� �� � ! ���#��$%��� ! �� ��&����� � ������'� � ������'���)� � ���������� * ��#��#� �'�� ! ��&��#�� ��, ��������� �(� + " ��� ! �����/� � ��0��/��)� ��* ��0��/������ * ��1�/��2�� � ��3��2�� � � � ���-�� %� .� �� � ��� � �� � � � �4 � 56 &��76 ����8�8��$�"� ���3�� �'�� �4 � 7�9������:�����5���� � �4 � 59&6 ������;� ���.�)<���� ��� !4 � �9���#"�%��� ���� =� �� *4 � �8�5���)� �(�����-��� �4 � 5�'%'��()�7�")�)�)����� �� "������-�� � � � ��� ���� �� � ����� ��� �� �!�� ��� �" #���� �$�� ����� !%&�!� ��'� ��(�������� �(� �$�� ��)�� )%��#� )���!� *+!����(�����'���'��,������(����%��!�� ������(���������-��������'�.���#�-�%�!�'�!%/�0��$�� ��!�#�!�-%##�'����!�������$��(��!%�%#%�+��(��$��!+!����%�����$�����%�%�+���/%����(�%�����!��(��� �������'����0� � � � � � � 1 ������! ��'%�/����$��2���/�#%�0����!3����0�$ Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.10/31 � ������
ATF2 β ∗ scan (S. Bai) V a ria b le A T F 2 b e a m s iz e sig y (lo g s c a le ) 9 7 8 7 7 7 6 7 5 7 n o m in a l b e tx 4 7 h a lf b e tx 3 7 2 7 cacacacac •← MAPCLASS optimization s q rt(b e ty*e p sy ) cacacacac 1 7 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 2 0 .0 0 0 4 0 .0 0 0 6 0 .0 0 0 8 b e ty n o m in a l /4 b e ty So far the minimum ATF2 σ ∗ y =20nm Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.11/31
Tuning simulations • Realistic alignment and field errors are assigned to the ideal model • Tuning algorithm is the Simplex having: variables:x, y, roll and magnet strength observables:Luminosity (CLIC) or beam sizes (ATF2) • Other tuning algorithms use pre-computed knob scans • Ground motion is included in the simulation (not yer for CLIC) Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.12/31
ATF2 ultra-low β tuning example ATF2 ultra-low β y tuning example (Simplex) IP beam sizes [ µ m] 1 0.1 vert. Gauss vert. rms hor. Gauss hor. rms targets 0.01 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 Iteration number (1 iteration=1 minute) Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.13/31
CLIC tuning: 100 perturbed machines 9 8 7 6 Counts 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Initial σ y [ µ m] Initial CLIC beam sizes up to 4 µ m (to be tuned down to 1nm). Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.14/31
Luminosity after max of 18000 tuning iter 10 8 Bug in my PLACET-MAD converter 6 Counts 4 2 0 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Relative final luminosity [L 0 ] 80% of the seeds give more than 80% of the design luminosity → 20% fail. Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.15/31
Luminosity after tuning - No Bug 14 12 10 8 Counts 6 4 2 0 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 Relative final luminosity [L 0 ] Still 20% of the cases below 80% but not so much be- low! Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.16/31
How to fix this? • Reduce the complexity of the system by either reducing performance or increasing the length (P. Raimondi’s proposal) • Devise more clever algorithms than the Simplex • Test in ATF2 with the possibility of a wide range of β ∗ Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.17/31
ATF Initial σ y for 150 seeds 16 14 12 10 Counts 8 6 4 2 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Initial σ y [ µ m] Up to 4 µ m of initial σ y (same as CLIC!). Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.18/31
ATF2 β ∗ y =0.025mm 40 35 Gaussian σ y [nm] 30 25 20 15 10 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 RMS σ y [nm] Rising discrepancy between rms and Gaussian fit, what does the Shintake monitor do? Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.19/31
Final spot size for β y =0.025mm 35 30 25 20 Counts 15 10 5 0 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Final σ y [nm] Rogelio Tom´ as Garc´ ıa The CLIC FFS, ATF2 ultra-low betas and even more chromatic proposals – p.20/31
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