Introducing The City Energy Project Feb. 21, 2014 | E2 Laurie Kerr Laurie Kerr, AIA LEED AP , AIA LEED AP Director, City Energy Project Natural Resources Defense Counsel
About the City Ener About the City Energy Pr gy Project oject An ambitious national initiative to improve the energy efficiency of existing buildings in 10 major American cities. Working at this scale required us to aggregate significant resources: 3 major funders and a partnership of 2 organizations
Cities will lead because they ar Cities will lead because they are building dominated. e building dominated. Percentage ¡of ¡Total ¡Carbon ¡Emissions ¡ ¡ from ¡Building ¡Sector ¡ 75 ¡ 75 ¡ 74 ¡ 70 ¡ 65 ¡ 62 ¡ 51 ¡ 38 ¡ US ¡ Chicago ¡ Dallas ¡ Minneapolis ¡ New ¡York ¡City ¡ Philadelphia ¡ Salt ¡Lake ¡City ¡ Washington, ¡DC ¡
We need to start with the existing buildings e need to start with the existing buildings -- the lar -- the largest existing buildings. gest existing buildings. BY 2030, ROUGHLY 80% JUST 2% TO 5% OF THE BUILDINGS IN OUR OF THE BUILDINGS IN CITIES CITIES WILL BE BUILDINGS WE ACCOUNT FOR ROUGHLY ALREADY HAVE TODAY HALF THE SQUARE FOOTAGE
An astonishing amount of ener An astonishing amount of energy is wasted by the poor performers. gy is wasted by the poor performers. 4 TO 8 TIMES THE 18% TO 31% ENERGY IS USED BY THE POOR CITYWIDE ENERGY REDUCTIONS PERFORMING BUILDINGS, AS PER COULD BE ACHIEVED BY THE NYC BENCHMARKING IMPROVING THE POOR ANALYSIS PERFORMERS
But Energy Efficiency is not happening at scale
CEP’s policy toolkit can help over CEP’ policy toolkit can help overcome the barriers to ener come the barriers to energy ef gy efficiency ficiency Require benchmarking & disclosure, audits, INFORMA INFORMATION GAP TION GAP tenant sub-metering Provide financing; FINANCIAL BARRIERS FINANCIAL BARRIERS Align lease structures Require improved operation, cost effective INERTIA INER TIA upgrades, and code enforcement Lead by example by city government & COMPLEXITY COMPLEXITY challenge programs
And CEP will pr And CEP will provide assistance to cities ovide assistance to cities Local Assistance Local Assistance • Funding for 1 or 2 on-site technical advisers • Funding to engage local partners • Funding for analytical consulting services CEP Hub Assistance CEP Hub Assistance • Tool kit: model laws, communication packages, etc. • Hands-on technical expertise and guidance • Advancement of national level tools and standards • Facilitation of inter-city collaboration • Media support
These new policies ar These new policies are alr e already impacting a tr eady impacting a tremendous amount of emendous amount of squar square footage e footage 5.4 BILLION SF IS NOW ANNUALLY IMPACTED BY CITY BENCHMARKING POLICIES NATIONWIDE
And they ar And they are cr e creating skilled, local jobs…the NYC story eating skilled, local jobs…the NYC story • 80% of the benchmarking was done by consultants; BENCHMARKING BENCHMARKING 68% of that was done by 30 firms • FS Energy will be retrofitting 40 buildings this year • Steven Winter Associates has added 10 – 15 employees • Approx. 260 million sf required to audit & RCx annually AUDITS & RCx AUDITS & RCx • 1000 properties submitted audit & RCx reports in 2013 • Almost one billion sf of lighting upgrades by 2025 RETROFITS RETROFITS • 260 million sf being upgraded by the city • >100 million sf being upgraded in challenge programs
For mor For more information on jobs, see r e information on jobs, see report issued by IMT eport issued by IMT resources/files/ Energy_Disclosure_New_Fro ntier.pdf
The ten CEP cities have now been selected. The ten CEP cities have now been selected. Boston Salt Lake City Chicago Philadelphia Denver Kansas City Los Angeles Atlanta Houston Orlando
You’r ou’re going to hear fr e going to hear from two of them today – Chicago & Los Angeles om two of them today – Chicago & Los Angeles Chicago: Jamie Ponce Chicago: Jamie Ponce • Chicago City Director for C40 • Helped spearhead Chicago’s benchmarking ordinance • Consultant at ATKearney for ten years • Masters in Business and Public Administration from Harvard University Los Angeles: T Los Angeles: Ted ed Bar Bardacke dacke • Deputy Director for Sustainability, LA • Senior Associate at Global Green for ten years • Correspondent for Financial Times for seven years • Masters in Planning from Columbia University
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