the blockchain and

The Blockchain and Cryptoeconomy Current Status and What Should We - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Blockchain and Cryptoeconomy Current Status and What Should We Do Moving Forward PD Dr. Snke Bartling (@soenkeba) Founder Blockchain For Science, Associated research Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society First: What is

  1. The Blockchain and Cryptoeconomy – Current Status and What Should We Do Moving Forward PD Dr. Sönke Bartling (@soenkeba) Founder Blockchain For Science, Associated research Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society

  2. First: What is Blockchain? Some viewpoints & thoughts….

  3. A chain of blocks... Compare: “Internet”

  4. A chain of blocks... • A new way to organize online services – Distributed – Decentralized – Immutable (append only) – Transparent / provable

  5. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A socio-techno-economic-legalo-cultural (r)evolution • A fascination in the triangle of game theory, strong cryptography, tech and @fortyfoxes money • A hype

  6. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A new way to look at user identity/ autonomy Web 2.0 Blockchain

  7. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A new way to look at computer security IT s ec urity today Database Ports Info Service Another Firewall VPN island Content Buisiness logic d l r o w e d i s t u o l i v E BLOCKCHAIN

  8. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A new way to look at computer security IT s ec urity in B loc kc hainworld IT s ec urity today Database Blockchain Ports Info Service IPFS Another Firewall IPDB VPN island Content Content Buisiness logic Smart contracts d l r o w e d i s t Wallets u o l i v E BLOCKCHAIN BLOCKCHAIN

  9. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A detachment of control over hardware from control over content T oday B lockchaine d

  10. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • Unnecessary …

  11. Let ´ s have a 3 rd PARTY! First international conference on Blockchain for Science and Knowledge creation 5 th – 6 th of November, Berlin

  12. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • Unnecessary #2 …

  13. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? We should think about including… • novel P2P technologies, like DAT ? IPFS? @lambo • Novel data processing concepts based on cryptography • Trusted hardware concepts? • Decentralized data market places? • ….

  14. TALK “DECENTRALIZATION” ? • Not really technical decentralization • Lack of an intransparent central point of failure • Independency of service provider and control over the service • Lack of artificially constraining business models • Openness • Power

  15. WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN? • A new economy …

  16. CRYPTOECONOMY • BC creats bullet proof variables=tokens=coins=... • with provable behavior (max. amount, smart contracts, ...) • at near zero costs • without a traditional trusted third party (paper contract, lawyer, notary, banks, stock exchanges ...)

  17. CRYPTOECONOMY • BC creats bullet proof variables=tokens=coins=... • with provable behavior (max. amount, smart contracts, ...) • at near zero costs • without a traditional trusted third party (paper contract, lawyer, notary, banks, stock exchanges ...)

  18. TOKENEVOLUTION… • Protocol level tokens (Bitcoin…) ... • Completely independent token ... • Security token, utility token … • … future: more legal structures….


  20. Tokenevolution … • Protocol level tokens ... • Completely independent token ... • Security token, utility token … • … future: more legal structures…. But: Will there be really novel value propositions?

  21. CRYPTOECONOMY • A more onboarding, open economy? • No more “a few become really rich”? • Integrating economy that really supports cooperation?

  22. Second: What is Blockchain in Science?

  23. Science structure today? • Legacy structures • Centrality (data repositories, service providers) • Unlimited media breaches • Walled gardens/silos around business models • Admin efforts, artificial competions (grants…) • Lots of overhead • Only parts of the research process open • Control in hands of obscuring third parties

  24. W e are doing s c ienc e! We are doing science! • Grown cultures • Grown cultures • Science culture deeply intervened with society and • Science culture deeply intervened with society and individual ´ s lifes individual ´ s lifes • Science is important & fun • Science is important & fun • We want to build something great and not just • We want to build something great and not just destroy destroy stuff! stuff! BLOCKCHAIN for Science


  26. What is different? • Open Science • Science 2.0 • Open Access • … This time science funding is affected!


  28. ACQUISITION • Research data in Blockchain database • Time stamped • Immutable • Blockchain / Real-world interface problem



  31. PROCESSING • Processing through smart contracts • Unchangeable • Provable processing trail

  32. ANALYSIS • Smart evidence


  34. RESEARCH DATA STORAGE • Decentralized cloud • 100% cryptography • Storage forever?


  36. PUBLICATION • Dynamic publications • Micro contributions • Standard peer- review “on the blockchain ” • Incentivation for peer-review

  37. SCIENCE FUNDING • Decentralized research marketplaces

  38. FUNDING – first ICO in Science!

  39. FUNDING • Create token for an idea • Continuous coin offerings • Grow with the project, share with your peers • Todays Crowdfunding <=> Tokens can be sold • The project should be ‘blockchain open’ • Value proposition ? Patent application ? …

  40. Youth of ideas today... Sharing Publication with peers Patent Commercializatio n/ application Grants

  41. Youth of ideas blockchain world... Sharing Publication with peers Patent Commercializatio n/ application Grants

  42. SCIENCE FUNDING • Expertise systems … • Reputation systems… • Value flow … #COMPLE X

  43. OPEN SCIENCE ECOSYSTEM • Expertise systems … • Reputation systems… • Value flow … #COMPLE X


  45. PAIN POINTS • Identity – Soverin ID – ORCID? – Can ORCID withstand economic pressure? – Traditional trusted third parties? – Social network for scientists?

  46. PAIN POINTS • Technical setup ? – We have trusted third parties – No mining necessary – We already have the best mining BFS: Bitcoin – Combine different blockchains – Ongoing development – How much technical decentralization does science really need?

  47. BUT: Brewer triangle / CAP - THEOREM Consistency Availability Decentralization

  48. BUT: Brewer triangle / CAP - THEOREM Consistency Availability Decentralization

  49. BUT: Brewer triangle / CAP - THEOREM Consistency Availability Decentralization

  50. Supernodes Something at stake

  51. “Trusted channels” e.g. through smart contracts that put something at stake, Negotiated, e.g. Ripples “State channels” Availability limited through how much they trust

  52. PAIN POINTS • Technical setup – Combine many setups – Centralized, non blockchain services will co- exist, for ‘worthless’/minor transactions – Legal issues @vldgunter @sherminvo – Delegate proof-of-stake – Permissioned BC does not mean …

  53. PAIN POINTS • System gamers • Trust in reserch results??? • UI challenges • Governance • Communication, wording, …


  55. And all the rest.. Collectively address the real issue of control and governance of public research. @protohedgehog

  56. And all the rest.. Collectively address the real issue of control and governance of public research. @protohedgehog

  57. Let ´ s unslice the pie!

  58. List of Blockchain for Science projects First international conference on Blockchain for Science and Knowledge creation 5 th – 6 th of November, Berlin Open Science Ecosystem Telegram

  59. Ideas? • Ideas • Concepts • Observations • New sparks • New interpretations • Serendipities • ...


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