the big picture

The BIG Picture John Pike What is Agritourism? Any business - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing Agritourism as a Marketing Tool: The BIG Picture John Pike What is Agritourism? Any business activity that brings the public to a farm/rural setting in an effort to market farm raised or produced products or the enjoyment of

  1. Developing Agritourism as a Marketing Tool: The BIG Picture John Pike

  2. What is Agritourism? • Any business activity that brings the public to a farm/rural setting in an effort to market farm raised or produced products or the enjoyment of related outdoor activities. • Many more • Basically, a marketing tool used to bring customers to the farm rather than taking the product to the customer • An Economic Development Tool?

  3. Agritourism Ideas • Wineries • Bed & Breakfasts • Hunting Clubs • Farm Markets • Corn Mazes • Pumpkin farms • School tours • Festivals • Shrimp, wine & horseradish • Heritage tours • Nature based

  4. Differing Opinions on Opportunity

  5. IL Agritourism Highlights

  6. Merging Agriculture and Tourism “2 years ago I couldn’t Spell agritourism destination, Now I are one!

  7. Agriculture and Tourism The Odd Couple of Economic Development?

  8. How do we get everyone on the same page when we are reading from different books?

  9. Our Tables of Content • Agriculture • Tourism • A way of life • An industry • Commodity driven • Customer driven • Individualistic • Crowds = $$$$$ • Hard work solves • Customer service and problems packaging sells • Difficulty in placing a • Selling the Experience value on assets not related to production

  10. Agritourism “Ownership” • Being a blend of 2 industries leadership varies. • Department of Ag • Bureau of Tourism • Commerce • Extension/University • Independent Association


  12. The Purpose of ATPI • To promote and stimulate agritourism in rural IL through the support of existing businesses and development of new businesses. ATPI shall provide informational , educational and advocacy activities that foster and stimulate its purposes

  13. ATPI Priorities • Education • Producer • Agency • Public • Networking • Collaboration

  14. Challenges for an Independent Organization • Funding • Leadership • Promoting producer involvement • Promoting statewide participation • More?


  16. Conclusions • At the farm level agritourism is primarily seen as a marketing tool • It is critical for involved farmers to realize that they are in the tourism business too. • Tourism professionals should be utilized to create maximum benefits for farms, communities, regions, etc. • Coordination is critical regardless if it is led by state agencies, university or association

  17. Thank You!


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