
and Emma Fautley & Sophie Lynch Linking to the big picture O - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Maths Mastery and Emma Fautley & Sophie Lynch Linking to the big picture O Bringing the picture alive O Characterisation O Puppets O Role play O Story telling Consider O Where can characters or themes be used in order to bring the big

  1. Maths Mastery and Emma Fautley & Sophie Lynch

  2. Linking to the big picture O Bringing the picture alive O Characterisation O Puppets O Role play O Story telling

  3. Consider… O Where can characters or themes be used in order to bring the big picture alive? O How or where can puppets be used to engage pupils? O Where can enjoyment and engagement through role play and practical problem solving be added? O Is there an opportunity to make links to situations or people, real or imagined?

  4. Goldilocks

  5. Unit 1: Numbers and number bonds to 10, lesson 7 O Develop lop learning rning SEQUEN EQUENCING CING Use the Goldiloc dilocks ks puppet t to count t and sequen ence e the plastic stic bowls s and spoons. ons. Will l she be be na naug ught hty and nd comple plete e the seque uenc nce e and eat the bears s porridge? ridge? Can she work rk out how many Should uld go in n the gap ?

  6. Estimating Elsie Elephant helped the children check and count with her ‘nodding trunk’.

  7. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves

  8. Unit 2: Adding and subtracting within 10, lesson 11 O Addit ition ion and subtraction btraction equat ations. ions. O 5+2=7, 2+5=7, 7-2=5, 7-5=2 5=2 O Princ incess ess costumes tumes and Dwarf f headbands ands Develop lop learning rning O Fun with dressing up! O Creating fact families through story telling and role play. O Worded problems and equations. LEARNING CLIP P

  9. Consolidation and Plenary O Children ldren use images ges from m the stor ory y of Snow Whit ite to o build d equation ations, s, using g pictures tures to suppor port t the abstr tract ct repres resent ntat ation. ion. O Word Problem oblems s – writt itten en & r & role e play y 7 D Dwarves es Wicked ed Queens ns potions ions Poison isonou ous s apples es Learning clip

  10. Hansel and Gretel during Healthy week

  11. Unit 3: Shapes and Patterns, lesson 9 O Patterns small medium big O Planning a healthy picnic for the 100 Acre Wood charact acter ers. O PROBLEM POSED: Can the class help create a pattern party for OWL using Rabbits healthy food from his allotment for the party.

  12. Rabbit wants to know, “What has stayed the same in this pattern? What has changed?” O Different size tea party plates O Different sized and coloured O tomatoes in shades of red, orange and yellow. O Different characters in varying sizes.

  13. Unit 4: Numbers to 20 Lesson 4: Order and patterns Adapt pted ed New learning rning More e / less s Sk Skipping ping ro rope e with th number bers 0 – 20 o on . Jack k puppet t needs eds help p to help count unt forwar ards and d backw kwar ards. . Jack makes towers with cubes and compares them, looking at the pattern i n c r e a s i n g or d e c r e a s i n g . Learning clip

  14. That was our turn, now it’s your turn … Before you start…..

  15. UNITS 7 & 8 Red d Riding ing Ja Jack k and the e Hood od Beansta nstalk lk O Story books O Story books O Finger puppets O Costume O Masks O Basket O Magic beans / flower pots O Finger puppets O money sacks/ coins O Indoor / outdoor O Indoor / outdoor O Visiting character O Hall space

  16. Number ers to Time Unit 7 Red Riding Hood Jack and the Beanstalk

  17. Collecting ideas TIME E TO SHA HARE RE

  18. Unit 7 ideas O Puppets throughout O Big book with clock faces stuck in to match the big picture. (lesson 1) O Role play costumes and props, re-enactment of the scenes in big picture and on task sheets. (task 2) O What’s the time Mr Wolf. (plenary) O The time is ??? Will the time be ??? An hour or later, earlier – hall game like NSEW, run to the word or time (lesson 2) O Game play – make a spinner game (lesson 2 task sheet 3) O ICT diaries, children record/ photograph events at familiar times of day , use as a stimulus (task sheet 4b)

  19. Unit 7 ideas O Granny's Day interview – Visitor in role/costume (lesson 3) O A day in the life of Mr Wolf – visitor in role O Large scale activities – game play, match times, verb sentences and pictures . (hall / playground) (lesson 4) O Large calendar for children to stand on the correct day of the month. (lucky dip a question and stand on the correct spot. O Jigsaw or domino games for task sheets (task sheet 5) O Panto style, HOTSEATING : I eat my evening meal at half past 2 in the afternoon? Oh yes you would, Oh no you wouldn’t. Big thumb – up or down. (lesson 4) O Game show – True or false. We eat dinner in the evening. (task 6) O Which is the correct time on the clock face – stand in line. O Red Riding Hoods birthday party – theme day

  20. Unit 8 ideas O Counting beans into flower pots or money into money bags (lesson 1) O Egg shakers or toy eggs, large egg trays (task 3a) O Children with number sacks O Child with chicken mask, laying eggs to generate numbers , whole / part (Lesson 2) egg shakers in arrays (lesson 6 ) O Use images and objects from story to make equations. O Make a bean stalk using tube and leaves (lesson 3) O Large scale beanstalk in hall or playground. Pairs find leaves, identify the number, saying how many tens and ones. Compare to another pairs number is it more /less. Children place number on the stalk in the correct position via questioning and clues. (lesson 3)

  21. Unit 8 ideas O 0 – 40 Washing line. Choose a number between 15 and 20 - Child wearing a character mask stands with an arrow at that point. 2 nd child stand between 35 and 40 (arrow/marker). Children with jack puppet count between the markers. Alternative use playground chalk and cones. (lesson 3) O Hop scotch , chalk on the playground or number tiles. (task 8a) O Have numbers stuck around the hall , teacher shows the sign, one more than 15 is … children run to the number (lesson 3) O Children wearing masks hold the numbers. Ask questions, such as which number is greatest. The child with that number makes a sound / action . (lesson 4) O Numbers inside Jacks sack (task 10)


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