the big picture

The Big Picture Thierry Sans Goals of this lecture Define what an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Big Picture Thierry Sans Goals of this lecture Define what an Operating System is Explain how an OS works in a nutshell Bridge the gap between hardware (CSCB58) and systems programming (CSCB09) Give an overview of the course

  1. The Big Picture Thierry Sans

  2. Goals of this lecture • Define what an Operating System is • Explain how an OS works in a nutshell • Bridge the gap between hardware (CSCB58) and systems programming (CSCB09) • Give an overview of the course content and projects

  3. The big picture in 5 pieces The need for bootstrapping project 0 and system calls The need for concurrency project 1 The need for user spaces project 2 The need for virtual memory project 3 The need for a filesystem project 4

  4. 0x FF FF FF FF Simple Computer Architecture I/O Memory + CPU RAM Boot for a more accurate and detailed map of the x86 memory BIOS look at 0x 00 00 00 00

  5. Each processor has its Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Processor executes instructions stored in memory ➡ Each instruction is a bit string that the processor understands as an operation • arithmetic • read/write bit strings • bit logic • jumps ✓ ~2000 instructions on modern x86-64 processors

  6. 0x FF FF FF FF Running one program I/O stack stack pointer (esp) heap heap code (text) instruction pointer (eip) Boot

  7. The need for bootstrapping and system calls

  8. 0x FF FF FF FF Bootstrapping I/O Step 5: using the terminal, users can execute programs stack (e.g Bash terminal) ... and repeat heap Step 4: the kernel starts the user-interface program (e.g Bash terminal) whoami Terminal Step 3: the bootloader loads the OS kernel in RAM Kernel Step 2: the BIOS loads the bootloader from a device Bootloader (hard-drive, USB, network ...) based on the configuration Step 1: Power -on! The CPU starts executing code BIOS BIOS contained in the BIOS (basic input/output system) 0x 00 00 00 00

  9. The need for abstraction for user programs How to write a user program like the Bash shell that reads keyboard inputs from the user? ➡ Read input data from the I/O device directly? But which one? • The one connected to the PS2 port? • The one connected to the USB? • The one connected to the bluetooth? • The remote one connected to the network? ๏ User programs do not operate I/O devices directly ✓ The OS abstracts those functionalities and provide them as system calls

  10. System Calls user program ➡ Provide user programs with an API to use the Shell services of operating system kernel There are 5 categories of system calls system call • Process control read • File management • Device management • Information/maintenance (system configuration) memory • Communication (IPC) I/O • Protection ✓ There are 393 system calls on Linux 3.7

  11. user program Shell In reality, many (many) level of c std lib abstraction and modularity scanf system lib scanf kernel system call read kernel module ➡ This is what makes developing OS interface very challenging (CSCB07) get device driver load memory I/O

  12. The need for concurrency

  13. Running multiple programs one after the other I/O Problem : the CPU is waiting for I/O (polling) stack cpu prog A prog B heap running heap idle prog B time prog A Problem: the programs must co-exists in memory (coming next with virtual memory)

  14. I/O with interrupts I/O Interrupt stack esp heap heap code (text) eip Boot

  15. Running multiple programs concurrently Problem : concurrent access to I/O devices must be synchronized I/O Problem : what if the program does not do any stack B IO and use the CPU for a long time cpu (a.k.a starvation problem) heap B prog B running stack A idle heap A prog B time prog A prog A Problem : the programs and their stacks must co- exists in memory (coming next with virtual memory)

  16. Using the clock I/O to trigger an interrupt Interrupt stack esp heap heap code (text) eip Boot

  17. Process States created waiting running blocked terminated

  18. With concurrency ✓ From the system perspective better CPU usage resulting in a faster execution overall (but not individually) ✓ From the user perspective programs are executed in parallel ➡ But it requires scheduling, synchronization and some protection mechanisms

  19. Achieving parallelism with I/O multi-core processors Interrupt stack esp heap core1 core2 core3 core4 heap code (text) eip Boot

  20. Other problems that we are going to address during the semester • Scheduling Decide which process to execute when severals are ready to be run • Synchronization Manage concurrent access to resources using semaphores, locks, monitors • Communication Exchange messages between processes using IPC (sockets & signals) • Threads Lightweight concurrency within a process

  21. The need for user spaces

  22. An old problem from older constraints stack B One computer and many users heap B prog B Problem : what prevents Alice's stack A from reading Bob's data? heap A • or start/stop any programs? prog A • or access any file on the filesystem • or use any I/O device? • or change the system configuration? • or reboot the machine?

  23. Definition of the user space principle 1 : user have full privileges stack B with their own user space heap B principle 2 : every access to another prog B user space must go through the kernel stack A via system calls (complete mediation) heap A prog A principle 3 : system calls can be user mode kernel mode allowed or denied based on the system security policy (access control) read

  24. Is multi-user paradigm obsolete? ➡ Most servers, personal computers, mobile and embedded systems have a single physical user ๏ But not all programs are reliable nor trustworthy ✓ It is still a good model to provide reliability and security

  25. The need for virtual memory

  26. The problem of managing the memory How to make programs and execution contexts co- stack B exists in memory? heap B ✓ Placing multiple execution contexts (stack and heap) prog B at random locations in memory is not a problem ... stack A ... well, as long as your have enough memory heap A ๏ However having programs placed at random prog A locations is problematic

  27. Let's look at some C code and its binary Since function addresses and others are hard-encoded in the binary, the program cannot be placed at random locations in memory

  28. 0x FF FF FF FF 0x FF FF FF FF stack B heap B prog A heap B stack B prog B physical memory 0x 00 00 00 00 heap A virtual memory stack A for program B prog B 0x FF FF FF FF 0x 00 00 00 00 stack A Virtual Memory heap A prog A The OS keeps track of the virtual memory 0x 00 00 00 00 mapping table for each process and translates virtual memory the addresses dynamically for program A

  29. Another problem What if we run out of memory because of too many concurrent programs? ✓ Swap memory move some data to the disk ➡ Managing memory becomes very complex but necessary

  30. 0x FF FF FF FF 0x FF FF FF FF Swap stack B prog A heap B stack B prog B physical memory 0x 00 00 00 00 virtual memory stack A for program B prog B 0x FF FF FF FF 0x 00 00 00 00 stack A heap A heap A prog A hard drive 0x 00 00 00 00 heap B virtual memory for program A

  31. The need for a file system

  32. Files and Directories versus Reality

  33. So, what is an operating system ?

  34. Operating System ➡ In a nutshell, an OS manages hardware and runs programs • creates and manages processes • manages access to the memory (including RAM and I/O) • manages files and directories of the filesystem on disk(s) • enforces protection mechanisms for reliability and security • enables inter-process communication

  35. For next week • Read the book • Read Pintos documentations (0-Introduction and A-Reference Guide) • Work on Project 0 (to be finalized in the next couple of days)


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